Religion Minor


Fifteen credits at the 2000 level or above are required, six credits from Group A, Foundational Courses, and nine additional credits from either Group A or B, Topical Courses. No more than six credits may be taken in any one department. A maximum of three credits toward the minor may be transfer credits of courses equivalent to University of Connecticut courses. Substitutions for required courses are possible only with the consent of the minor coordinator.

Group A. Foundational Courses

Course Title Credits
ANTH 3400Culture and Religion3
ANTH 3401World Religions3
ANTH 3405Religion and Mind3
INTD 32603
PHIL 3231Philosophy of Religion3
SOCI 2670/2670WSociology of Religion3

Group B. Topical Courses

Course Title Credits
AAAS/ART/INDS 3375Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present3
ANTH 24003
ANTH 3098Variable Topics 13
ANTH 3402Women in the Bible3
ANTH 3403Women and Religion3
ANTH 5331Cognitive Science of Religion3
ANTH/HEJS 3050Anthropology of Jews and Jewishness3
ARTH 2020Global Jerusalem3
ARTH 3140Greek Art3
ARTH 3150Roman Art3
ARTH 32103
ARTH 32203
ARTH 32303
ARTH 32403
ARTH 3260/3260W3
ARTH 3710/3710WIslamic Art History3
ARTH 3995Investigation of Special Topics 11-6
CAMS 3213Ovid and Mythology3
CAMS 3244Ancient Fictions3
CAMS 3245Ancient Mediterranean World in Cinema3
CAMS 3295Special Topics 11-6
CAMS 3298Variable Topics 13
CAMS/HIST 3301Ancient Near East3
CAMS 3320Ancient Greece: Troy to Sparta3
CAMS 3321Hellenistic World: Alexander to Cleopatra3
CAMS 3325Ancient Rome: Aeneas to Augustus3
CAMS 3326Ancient Rome: Emperors and Barbarians3
CAMS 3330/3330WPalestine Under the Greeks and Romans3
CAMS 3335The Early Christian Church3
CAMS 3340World of the Later Roman Empire3
ENGL 2603Literary Approaches to the Bible3
ENGL 36173
ENGL 3621Literature and Other Disciplines 13
ENGL 3623Studies in Literature and Culture 13
ENGL 3627Studies in Literature 13
ENGL 3629Holocaust Memoir3
HEJS 2104Modern Jewish Thought3
HEJS 3201Selected Books of the Hebrew Bible3
HEJS 3202Sects and Movements in Judaism3
HEJS 3241Jewish Magic: from Late Antiquity through the Early Modern Period3
HEJS 3295Special Topics 11-6
HEJS 3298Variable Topics 13
HEJS 3301The Jewish Middle Ages3
HEJS 3629Holocaust Memoir3
HDFS 3252Death, Dying, and Bereavement3
HIST 3095Special Topics 11-6
HIST 3098Variable Topics 13
HIST 3360Early Middle Ages3
HIST 3361The High and Later Middle Ages3
HIST 3371The Reformation3
HIST 3704Medieval Islamic Civilization to 17003
INDS 3293Foreign Study 11-15
INDS 3295Special Topics 13
INDS 3298Variable Topics 11-6
INDS 3299Independent Study 11-6
ILCS 3247Jewish Literature and Film in 20th Century Italy3
ILCS 3256The Literature of the Italian Renaissance3
ILCS 3255WDante's Divine Comedy in English Translation3
INTD 3999Independent Study 11-6
PHIL 3261/3261W3
PHIL 3263Asian Philosophy3
SOCI 2240/2240WSociology of Race and Religion3

Variable subject courses may be applied to the Minor depending on content and the approval of the Minor Coordinator.

The minor is offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. For more information, contact the Literatures, Cultures, and Languages Department by phone 860-486-3313 or e-mail