History (HIST)
HIST 5101. Introduction to Historical Research. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the sources and methods of professional historians. Finding primary sources (qualitative and quantitative), evaluating them for accuracy and usefulness, organizing data, and writing exercises based on the sources. Students must produce a proposal (fully annotated) for a major research paper to be written in the subsequent semester.
HIST 5102. Historical Research and Writing. (3 Credits)
A research seminar for students in the M.A. and Ph.D. programs in history.
Enrollment Requirements: History students in M.A. and Ph.D. programs.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5103. Teaching History. (3 Credits)
A survey of the pedagogy and practice of history teaching, designed to prepare advanced graduate students for careers in colleges and universities, museums, and other educational settings. Seminar will explore the contemporary landscape of higher education; debates over the liberal arts and the place of history in the curriculum; diversity in the classroom; and challenges of designing syllabi, preparing and delivering lectures, leading discussions, advising and evaluating.
HIST 5195. Special Topics in History. (3 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 15 credits
HIST 5198. Variable Topics in History. (3 Credits)
Detailed study of a specific historical theme or topic with an emphasis on developing skills in research. Topics vary from semester to semester.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5199. Independent Study in History. (3 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 18 credits
HIST 5235. The Making of the African Diaspora. (3 Credits)
Theory and practice of African Diaspora history. Recent theoretical debates and cases of African Diaspora studies and history including: politics, culture, resistance; community formation; slavery; pan-africanism; transnationalism; black internationalism; African and black consciousness; Diaspora theory; gender, race, and class analyses.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
HIST 5250. Topics in Transnational Jewish History. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CLCS 5250.) Topics in Jewish history, both transnational in space (European, American, global) and diachronic in time (Early Modern to Late Modern). May be repeated with a change of topic to a maximum of six credits.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
HIST 5270. History of Human Rights. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HRTS 5270.) Covers the field's classic texts, controversies, and recent topics. Incorporates political, social, intellectual, and cultural history.
HIST 5316. Topics in Medieval History. (3 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5370. Western Europe in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries. (3 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5423. State and Society in Europe since 1800. (3 Credits)
Relationship between social change and state formation in Western Europe from c. 1800 to the mid-20th century; industrialization, class, social identities, nationalism, and imperialism.
HIST 5475. Histories of the Body: European Perspectives since 1500. (3 Credits)
Historical and interdisciplinary approaches to the study of the body and the European imagination since 1500. Topics include: representations of health and illness; the body as a site of law and sovereign power; sexed bodies; the body in social and political theory; the government of life and death; race and ethnicity.
HIST 5505. Gender in the Early Modern West. (3 Credits)
Discussion of key works on gender, women, and sexuality, spanning the 1400's-1700's with a geographical focus mostly on Britain, continental Europe, and the Americas.
HIST 5510. Topics in Colonial American History. (3 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5525. Society and Culture in the Civil War Era, 1830-1880. (3 Credits)
The social, economic, political and cultural forces, including gender, race, and class, that shaped the Civil War and its aftermath.
HIST 5555. Topics in the History of American Women. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as WGSS 5333.)
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5565. Topics in the History of Urban America. (3 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5575. American Maritime History. (3 Credits)
A study of the development of American mercantile enterprise from colonial times and its relationship to American political, economic, and cultural history. The course includes lectures, readings, and extensive use of the facilities at Mystic Seaport. It is given at Mystic Seaport under the joint auspices of the University of Connecticut and the Frank C. Munson Institute of American Maritime Studies.
HIST 5610. Comparative Transnational Latin(o) American History. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as LLAS 5100.) Critical issues in diverse U.S. Latina/o histories and forces that contributed to the arrival of people of Latin American and Caribbean heritage to the United States. Topics include: the epistemological origins and historiographical traditions of the field; U.S. empire; labor, migration, and diaspora; border formations; constructions of gender and sexuality; and comparative racialization.
HIST 5621. Topics in Latin American History. (3 Credits)
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5622. The Historical Literature of Latin America. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as LLAS 5622.) The history and historiography of postcolonial Latin America, with particular attention to shifting notions of race, nation, and citizenship, and the emergence of new spatial configurations and social groups pressing for political inclusion and economic rights.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
HIST 5630. The Historical Development of the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
Theories and case studies of Caribbean history. Recent theoretical debates and cases of Caribbean history including: economy, politics, culture, community formation; political mobilization; slavery and emancipation; nation and state formation; law; immigration and emigration; intellectual traditions; gender, race, and class analyses.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
HIST 6000. American Studies: Methods and Major Texts. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as AMST 6000.) Introduction to the methodologies and topics of American Studies through a survey of major texts in the field, past and present. Course also provides a history of the field.
HIST 6850. American Studies: Keywords. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as AMST 6850.) Detailed study of a specific topic in American cultural studies with an emphasis on developing skills in interdisciplinary research. Topics vary from semester to semester.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to graduate students in English, History, and Political Science; open to others with consent.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits