English (BA)


To satisfy the English major, the student must present for the degree 30 credits of English courses numbered 2000 or above. These credits shall be distributed as follows:

Core Curriculum: 18 credits
Electives of Optional Concentration: 12 credits

Core Curriculum

Each of these core requirements must be satisfied by a unique course. A single course may not be applied to two different requirements within the core curriculum.

Course Title Credits
Methods for the Major
ENGL 2600Introduction to Literary Studies3
Early Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic History
Select six credits from the following:6
British Literature I
The British Empire, Slavery, and Resistance
Literature and Culture of North America before 1800
American Literature to 1880
American Literature to 1880
Literary Approaches to the Bible
Medieval English Literature
Medieval English Literature
Renaissance English Literature
Renaissance English Literature
ENGL 3115
Literature of Enlightenment, Empire, and Revolution: 1660-1800
Romantic British Literature
Romantic British Literature
Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
or ENGL 3213W
Celtic and Norse Myth and Legend
Studies in Early Literature in English
Shakespeare I
Shakespeare I
ENGL 3505
ENGL 3603
Maritime Literature to 1800
Antiracism, Globality and Embodiment
Students take one course from group 1, and a second course from either group 1 or 26
Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian/American Literary and Cultural Traditions
African American Literature
African American Literature
Anglophone Literatures
Anglophone Literatures
Modern Japanese Literature
Environmental Justice Writing
Native American Literature
Asian American Literature
Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
or ENGL 3213W
Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
Studies in African American Literature and Culture
or ENGL 3217W
Ethnic Literature of United States
Ethnic Literatures of the United States
Race and the Scientific Imagination
Literature and Culture of the Third World
Topics in Postcolonial Studies
Literature and Culture of India
Latina/o Literature
Studies in Latina/o Literature
Difference and Diaspora
Disability in American Literature and Culture
Writing Across Cultures
Irish Literature in English to 1939
Irish Literature in English since 1939
Irish Literature in English since 1939
Jewish American Literature and Culture
Women's Literature
Women's Literature 1900 to the Present
LGBTQ+ Literature
Holocaust Memoir
Advanced Study: Writing in the Major
Writing in the Major3

Electives or Optional Tracks

(12 credits)

Courses used to satisfy credits in the core curriculum may also be applied toward one or more of the tracks below, as long as the student completes the 30 unique credits for the major. Students may forego tracks and opt to take 12 credits of electives instead.

The following courses may be counted toward a specific track if approved by the Associate Head of English:

Course Title Credits
ENGL 2627Topics in Literary Studies3
ENGL 2640Studies in Film3
or ENGL 2640W Studies in Film
ENGL 3319Topics in Postcolonial Studies3
ENGL 3509Studies in Individual Writers3
or ENGL 3509W Studies in Individual Writers
ENGL 3619Topics in Literature and Human Rights3
ENGL 3621Literature and Other Disciplines3
ENGL 3623Studies in Literature and Culture3
ENGL 3627Studies in Literature3
ENGL 3693Foreign Study1-6
ENGL 3695Special Topics1-6
ENGL 3698Variable Topics3
ENGL 3699Independent Study1-6

ENGL 4897 Honors VIII: Honors Thesis may be applied to a specific track if approved by the Honors English Advisor.

Track: Creative Writing

Twelve credits distributed as follows:

Course Title Credits
ENGL 2701Creative Writing I3
Select two 3000-level Creative Writing Workshops from the following:6
Creative Writing II
Writing Workshop
Film Writing
Creative Writing for Child and Young Adult Readers
Nature Writing Workshop
Literary Genres or Methods
Select one elective focused on Literary Genres or Methods from the following:3
The Short Story
Modern Drama
Modern Drama
The Modern Novel
Popular Literature
Popular Literature
The Graphic Novel
The Graphic Novel
Introduction to Digital Humanities
Digital Literary Studies
Writing with Algorithms
Literature and the Environment
Studies in Film
Studies in Film
Travel Writing
Topics in Writing Studies
Books and Book Publishing
ENGL 3013
Media Publishing
American Nature Writing
Modern and Contemporary Poetry in English
Children's Literature
Young Adult Literature
British Film
or ENGL 3640W
Literary Magazine Editing
Total Credits12

Track: English Teaching

Twelve credits distributed as follows:

Course Title Credits
Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies
Select three credits of Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies from the following:3
American Utopias and Dystopias
American Utopias and Dystopias
The Short Story
Modern Drama
The Modern Novel
Popular Literature
Popular Literature
The Graphic Novel
The Graphic Novel
Capitalism, Literature, and Culture
Capitalism, Literature, and Culture
Fascism and its Opponents
Introduction to Digital Humanities
Digital Literary Studies
Literature and the Environment
Studies in Film
Studies in Film
ENGL 3235W
American Nature Writing
American Studies Methods
Topics in Literature and Human Rights
Studies in Literature and Culture
ENGL 3625
Literature, Culture, and Humanitarianism
The Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society
British Film
Maritime Literature to 1800
Maritime Literature Since 1800
Nature Writing Workshop
Advanced Composition
Select one of the following Advanced Composition courses:3
Introduction to Writing Studies
Writing through Research
Writing, Rhetoric, and Environment
Topics in Writing Studies
Advanced Composition for Prospective Teachers
Creative Writing II 1
The English Language
or ENGL 3603
Children’s or Young Adult Literature
Children's Literature
Young Adult Literature
Total Credits6

Sections of this course may be applied to the track only if approved by the Coordinator of the Teaching Concentration.

Track: Irish Literature

Course Title Credits
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Irish Literature in English to 1939
Irish Literature in English since 1939
Celtic and Norse Myth and Legend
Studies in Individual Writers 1
Studies in Literature and Culture 1
Studies in Literature 1
Total Credits12

Sections of these courses may be applied to the track only if approved by the Coordinator of the Irish Literature program.

Track: Literature, Antiracism, and Social Justice

Course Title Credits
Select 12 credits from the following:12
The British Empire, Slavery, and Resistance
Empire and U.S. Culture
African American Literature
Disability in American Literature and Culture
Anglophone Literatures
Anglophone Literatures
Capitalism, Literature, and Culture
Capitalism, Literature, and Culture
Fascism and its Opponents
Literature and the Environment
Irish Literature in English to 1939
Irish Literature in English since 1939
Irish Literature in English since 1939
Native American Literature
Asian American Literature
Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
or ENGL 3213W
Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
Studies in African American Literature and Culture
or ENGL 3217W
Ethnic Literature of United States
Ethnic Literatures of the United States
Jewish American Literature and Culture
Literature and Culture of the Third World
Topics in Postcolonial Studies
Latina/o Literature
Studies in Latina/o Literature
Women's Literature
Women's Literature 1900 to the Present
LGBTQ+ Literature
Topics in Literature and Human Rights
Holocaust Memoir
Literature, Culture, and Humanitarianism
The Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society
Total Credits12

Track: Literary Histories and Legacies

Course Title Credits
Select 12 credits from the following:12
British Literature I
British Literature II
Literature and Culture of North America before 1800
American Literature to 1880
American Literature to 1880
American Literature Since 1880
American Literature Since 1880
African American Literature
African American Literature
Anglophone Literatures
Anglophone Literatures
Literary Approaches to the Bible
Medieval English Literature
Medieval English Literature
Renaissance English Literature
Renaissance English Literature
ENGL 3115
Literature of Enlightenment, Empire, and Revolution: 1660-1800
Romantic British Literature
Romantic British Literature
ENGL 3118
Victorian British Literature
Irish Literature in English to 1939
Irish Literature in English since 1939
Irish Literature in English since 1939
ENGL 3123
British Literature from 1890 to the Mid-Twentieth Century
ENGL 3124
or ENGL 3124W
American Literature since the Mid-Twentieth Century
or ENGL 3207W
Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
or ENGL 3213W
Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
Celtic and Norse Myth and Legend
Studies in Early Literature in English
Shakespeare I
Shakespeare I
ENGL 3505
Studies in Individual Writers
ENGL 3603
Maritime Literature to 1800
Total Credits12

Track: Literature of Place and Environment

Course Title Credits
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Writing, Rhetoric, and Environment
American Utopias and Dystopias
American Utopias and Dystopias
Literature and the Environment
Environmental Justice Writing
Travel Writing
American Nature Writing
ENGL 3235W
Maritime Literature to 1800
Maritime Literature Since 1800
Nature Writing Workshop
Total Credits12

Track: Writing and Composition Studies

Course Title Credits
Select 12 credits from the following:12
Introduction to Grant Proposal Writing
Technical Writing and Design
Introduction to Writing Studies
Writing through Research
Writing, Rhetoric, and Environment
Travel Writing
Topics in Writing Studies
Advanced Composition for Prospective Teachers
Books and Book Publishing
Media Publishing
Writing Across Cultures
Writing Center Practicum
Writing Internship 1
The Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society
ENGL 3692
Literary Magazine Editing
Nature Writing Workshop
Total Credits12

A maximum of six credits may be counted towards the Writing and Composition Studies concentration.

A minor in English is described in the “Minors” section.

University General Education Requirements

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Requirements

Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.