Athletic Training (MS)

The Master of Science in Athletic Training (M.S.A.T.) is a professional master’s degree program leading to certification as an athletic trainer and clinical practice in a variety of settings including professional, collegiate, and youth athletics, as well as centers supporting the health and well-being of tactical athletes. It is a two year, six semester, post-bachelor program. The first year consists of coursework related to the prevention, evaluation, and treatment of sport-related injuries and conditions, as well as focused clinical education experiences. During the second year, student’s complete coursework to advance their knowledge in evidence-based athletic training clinical practice while completing three full-time, immersive clinical education experiences. Successful applicants to the M.S.A.T. meet or exceed the Graduate School admission standards and have completed generally “B” average or better prerequisite coursework prior to matriculation. The required courses include: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Human Physiology and Anatomy I and II, Psychology, Exercise Physiology/Exercise Science, Nutrition, and Statistics. Submission of Graduate Record Examination scores is required.