Student Resources

Certain University policies and regulations affecting most students are included in this Catalog. Other regulations are set forth in various materials provided to all new students. In general, students are expected to meet the University’s academic requirements, attend classes regularly, conduct themselves as responsible members of the community, and meet their financial obligations to the University and to the residence groups to which they are assigned.

Support for Academic Success

The University provides many services to support the academic success of its students. Several of those programs are described below.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is rooted in UConn’s mission of teaching, learning, and student success. Advising is a series of collaborative and purposeful interactions that teach and empower undergraduates to be independent decision makers and self-advocates as they pursue their unique educational, professional, and personal goals.  

Through relationships with both students and campus partners, UConn’s advisors equip students with equitable and inclusive access to knowledge, resources, and opportunities; teach students the skills requisite for navigating the university environment; reduce barriers to academic success and persistence; and facilitate the growth and development of today’s leaders and global citizens. 

Contact on an individual basis with an academic advisor is an important means of identifying the needs of individual students. The advising program is essentially consultative and designed to assist students in making intelligent decisions. Although students are assigned to advisors, it is the responsibility of the student to know and to follow the regulations of the University (published in the Undergraduate Catalog) and to plan and carry out a program of study consistent with their academic and career goals and the degree requirements of the University. 

With leadership and support from the Office of Undergraduate Advising, undergraduate advising programs are administered by advising centers directors in schools and colleges in Storrs as well as by student and academic services directors at the regional campuses.   

Undergraduate Advisory Centers

School/College/Center Contact Person Location Website Email
Office of Undergraduate Advising Erin Ciarimboli John W. Rowe Center, Room 424
Academic Center for Exploratory Students Julie Lynch John W. Rowe Center, Room 111
Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Meagan Ridder W. B. Young Building, Room 206
Business Brandy Nelson School of Business, Room 248
BGS/Non-Degree James Hill John W. Rowe Center, Room 111
Education Ann Traynor C. B. Gentry Building, Room 340A
Engineering Whitney Losapio Engineering II Building, Room 304A
Fine Arts Amanda Wilde Fine Arts Building, Room 206B
Liberal Arts and Sciences Academic Services Center Rebecca Bacher John W. Rowe Center, Room 130
Nursing Lindsay Darcy Storrs Hall, Room 101D
Pharmacy Megan Delaney Pharmacy/ Biology Building, Room 327
Ratcliffe Hicks Meagan Ridder W. B. Young Building, Room 206
Social Work Carlton Jones Hartford School of Social Work Building

Academic Achievement Center

The Academic Achievement Center (AAC) assists students in attaining their academic and personal goals by providing a comprehensive, personalized array of programs, resources, and services that enhance skill development, effective decision-making, and personal transitions to and within the university setting. Students can visit by drop-in or appointment. Each student can work with a trained coach for a one-on-one session. Students are welcome to return and meet with a coach as often as they want. Professional staff are available by appointment. Please call or email Leo Lachut to schedule an appointment. Website: Email: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 217. Phone: (860) 486-4889.

Academic Center for Exploratory Students

ACES is committed to assisting all students through an equitable and inclusive individualized approach to academic advising. We provide students with accurate and reliable information, help them to explore and identify their educational interests, and equip them with the appropriate tools to choose their major(s) with confidence. We engage students in the process of personal and professional growth, equipping them with transferable skills that will serve them beyond their time in ACES and at the university. We empower students to make their own decisions and provide support by connecting them with the resources, information and guidance needed to be successful. Home to The Major Experience (see The Major Experience below). Website: Contact Julie Lynch at Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 111. Phone: (860) 486-1788.

Center for Academic Programs

The Center for Academic Programs (CAP) increases access to higher education for high-potential high school and university students who are first-generation to college and/or from underserved populations. Website: Contact Tadarrayl Starke at Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 231. Phone: (860) 486-4040.

Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills

We serve as a university-wide career readiness resource that prepares students for post-graduation success. Our mission is to deliver comprehensive, innovative, and inclusive programs and services for all students. We cultivate connections to campus and community partners promoting opportunities for students to become contributing members of the state, national and world communities. The office serves as the clearinghouse for internships and cooperative education, which are an important part of the educational and career development process. Website: Contact Beth Settje at: Location: Wilbur Cross Building, Room 202. Phone: (860) 486-3013.

Center for Students with Disabilities

The Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) is vested by the University with the authority to engage in an interactive process with each student and determine appropriate accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case, class-by-class basis. This practice is in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as amended (2008), which provides that no qualified person will be denied access to, participation in, or the benefits of, any program or activity operated by the University because of a disability. Website: Contact Jennifer Lucia at Location: Wilbur Cross Building, Room 204. Phone: (860) 486-2020.

Dean of Students Office

The primary function of the Dean of Students Office is to provide a place where students come to work with staff to identify possible solutions to challenges they face as they navigate campus life. They provide support without judgment and recognize that every student experience is unique. Website: Email Fany Hannon at Location: Wilbur Cross Building, Room 203. Phone: (860) 486-3426.

Experiential Global Learning

Experiential Global Learning (EGL) programs are accessible, integral components of life-transformative undergraduate and graduate curricula. Designed by faculty, practitioners, and community leaders, these programs provide students with collaborative opportunities to learn and practice knowledge and critical understanding, skills, values, and attitudes on intercultural competencies in a global context, whether they are delivered virtually, locally or internationally. Website: Contact Laura Hills at Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 117. Phone: (860) 486-5022.

International Student and Scholar Services

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) provides immigration and cross-cultural advising, services, and programs to help international students and exchange visitors accomplish their academic and professional goals at UConn. Website: Email: Location: Storrs: Arjona Building, Room 109. Stamford: Room 301F. Hartford: Graduate Business Learning Center, 100 Constitution Plaza, Room 415. Phone: (860) 486-3855.

Institute for Student Success

The Institute for Student Success (ISS), within Undergraduate Education and Instruction, provides students with the tools for success. ISS consists of four units: The Academic Center for Exploratory Students which oversees The Major Experience, and Bachelor of General Studies Program; First Year Programs, Learning Communities, and the Academic Achievement Center which oversees UConn Connects; the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation; and the Center for Academic Programs which oversees Student Support Services, McNair Scholars and Fellows, and High School Initiatives. Website: Location: 368 Fairfield Way, John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education. Contact Tadarrayl Starke at (860) 486-6709.

Language and Cultural Center

Students can find support for second language and culture. The Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages offers tutoring by graduate students who are heritage speakers of their respective languages. Website: Location: Oak Hall East SSHB, Room 207. Phone: (860) 486-3313.

Learning Community Program

Learning Communities provide cohorts of first- and second-year students with opportunities to investigate areas of interest through guided courses and co-curricular activities. With over 30 Learning Communities to choose from, such as EcoHouse, Global House, or Innovation House, students complete a first year experience (FYE) or sophomore seminar course as a cohort. Learn about Learning Community options and how to apply here: Contact David Ouimette at

Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

This program supports historically underrepresented students in the STEM fields. Enrollment in the program is reserved to a select and highly committed group of students with a declared major in a STEM field. Website: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 203. Contact Mike Petro at: (860) 486-0653.

McNair Scholars Program

The McNair Scholars Program prepares talented, highly motivated UConn undergraduate students for doctoral studies in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. McNair is open to low-income, first-generation college students or those from populations underrepresented in STEM graduate fields who are seeking to pursue a Ph.D. Scholars are paired with faculty mentors for academic enrichment, research, and internships. Website: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 204. Contact Renee Gilberti at (860) 486-5146.

Office of First Year Programs and Learning Communities

With courses, a personal support network, interactive online resources, and unique living/learning experiences, First Year Programs helps new students achieve success from the start. Website: Contact David Ouimette at Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, 2nd Floor. Phone: (860) 486-3378.

Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships

The Office of National Scholarships (ONSF) advises and mentors students at the University of Connecticut who are competing for prestigious, nationally-competitive scholarships and fellowships. ONSF is part of UConn Enrichment Programs and is open to all graduate and undergraduate students at the University, including students at the regional campuses. Website: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 419; Contact Caroline McGuire at (860) 486-4223.

Office of Undergraduate Research

The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) provides research-related opportunities and information to interested students. OUR is an enrichment opportunity for all undergraduates in all majors on all UConn campuses. Website: Contact Caroline McGuire at Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Fourth Floor. Phone: (860) 486-4223.

Pre-Law Advisement

The Pre-Law Advising Office is committed to working with students and alumni to prepare for law school and legal careers. Website: Email: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 419; Contact Krista Rogers at 860-486-4223.

Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Advisement

The Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Advising Office provides resources and advising to UConn students and alumni interested in pursuing professional careers as doctors of medicine and dental medicine. Website: Email: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 419.

Quantitative Learning Center Tutoring

The Q Center provides online and in-person tutoring services at all campuses, focusing on lower-division (but not exclusive to) Q courses in Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics. Website: Email: Central location: Homer Babbidge Library. Website: Phone: (860) 486-1961.

Student Health and Wellness

Housed in three sites around campus, Student Health and Wellness provides medical care, mental health services, a full pharmacy and programs, resources and services to support student health. Our services are fully accredited by the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory Health Care and the International Association of Counseling Services. Website: Email: Locations: Medical Care and Pharmacy, Hilda May Williams Building, 234 Glenbrook Road. Phone: (860) 486-4700; Mental Health, Arjona, 4th Floor, 337 Mansfield Road, Phone: (860) 486-4705; Health Promotion, Wilson Hall, 626A Gilbert Road, Phone: (860) 486-9431.

Student Support Services

Student Support Services (SSS) increases access to the University of Connecticut for first-generation, low-income and/or underserved students with the goal of their retention and graduation. Accepted students participate in a five-week summer program designed to introduce them to the rigors of university academics prior to the fall semester of their first year. Students are assigned to a Counselor or Regional Coordinator who provides them with advising, support, and advocacy during the summer program and throughout their tenure at the university. Website: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Suite 231. Contact Taddaryl Starke at (860) 486-4030.

The Major Experience, TME

TME is a student-centered program dedicated exclusively to major exploration. It is a university-wide collaboration which partners resources such as the Academic Center for Exploratory Students, Center for Career Development, and UConn's academic schools/colleges. TME is designed to encourage the intentional exploration of majors in a holistic and interactive manner. Using a personalized approach, students are given the appropriate tools and support to choose a major(s) with confidence and, once declared, make the most of their time in that program. TME helps students explore majors by facilitating peer-to-peer connections through TME Student Mentors, providing a Making Major Decision Course, encouraging networking with faculty and staff, offering personal guidance from Exploratory Advisors and Career Coaches, providing access to an assortment of valuable tools, and partnering with various University departments, programs, and resources. Website: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 111. Contact Julie Lynch at (860) 486-1788.

UConn American English Language Institute

UCAELI offers a full-service intensive English program for students of English as a second language. Website: Email: Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 218. Phone: (860) 486-2127.

UConn Compass

UConn Compass is an involvement program that promotes student engagement through co-curricular involvement. The program helps students to explore opportunities available at the University and helps them connect with campus life in a positive manner. Website: Email: Location: Wilbur Cross Building, Room 301. Phone: 860-486-8402.

UConn Connects

UConn Connects is the University’s largest volunteer mentoring program offered by the Academic Achievement Center (AAC). It is an academic intervention program, designed to provide students with skills and support needed for academic success. Student participants are provided with the opportunity to meet weekly with a faculty, staff, graduate or undergraduate peer mentor. Connects Mentors are knowledgeable about important university resources and are trained to assist students with developing effective strategies for success. Students at the University may participate in the UConn Connects program on a semester-by-semester basis. Website: Contact Leo Lachut at Location: John W. Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education, Room 217. Phone: (860) 486-4889.

Vergnano Institute for Inclusion (VII)

The (VII) is dedicated to increasing the number of underrepresented students in engineering and other STEM fields and runs a number of programs in an effort to work towards this goal. The programs are designed to facilitate the outreach, recruitment, retention, and overall success of all members of the College of Engineering community. Website: Contact Stephanie Santos at Location: College of Engineering, EII, 191 Auditorium Road, Unit 3187, Room 320. Phone: (860) 486-5536.

Veterans Resources

The Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs provides support for our veterans, guardsmen, reservists, active duty, and dependents as they adjust to the academic and social terrain at the University. Specific information regarding veterans’ financial aid is available through the Office of Veterans Affairs and Military Programs. Their office is located in Hawley Armory, Room 100B. Website: Contact Alyssa Kelleher at Phone: (860) 486-2442.

Writing Center

A faculty-led staff of tutors from disciplines across the university available to support students at all stages of the writing process. Services online and in-person. Website: Email: Central location: Homer Babbidge Library, Phone: (860) 486-4387.

Academic Records

Confidentiality of Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, protects the privacy of educational records, establishes the students’ rights to inspect their educational records, provides guidelines for correcting inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings, and permits students to file complaints with the Family Policy Compliance Office of the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the institution to comply with this Act. In compliance with this Act, the University of Connecticut publishes detailed FERPA information at and sends notification to students via email.

Graduation Rate

The Student Right to Know Act of 1990 requires each institution to make available the graduation rates, within six years, of entering first-year classes. For students who entered the University of Connecticut as first-year students in Fall 2017, the graduation rate by the summer of 2023 was 84% for those who entered at Storrs, and 60% for those who entered at a regional campus. Non-graduates may have completed degrees at other institutions.


Students needing certification of enrollment or academic status for loan deferments, job procurement, scholarships, insurance, international student I.D. cards, licensing exams, admission to graduate school or other purposes may obtain the necessary documentation from the Office of the Registrar or through the use of the Student Administration System via the internet.

Official Transcript Requests

Students at Storrs and the regional campuses who attended after 2002 can request official transcripts of their academic records via their Student Administration System account. Students who attended prior to 2002 can submit requests via an online portal; links are available at

Transcripts can be delivered via email or by paper mail. See for information about fees and additional delivery options.

Official transcripts may be withheld if financial or other obligations to the University remain unmet. The University cannot honor telephone or ordinary email requests for transcripts, and official transcripts cannot be faxed.

Unofficial Transcripts

Any student can obtain an unofficial transcript via a computer that has internet access by logging on to the Student Administration System using their unique NetID and password. Unofficial transcripts are also available at the Office of the Registrar at Storrs or at any of the regional campuses; however, students should call the regional campus registrar in advance to make arrangements for transcript pickup.

Financial Aid

The primary role of the Office of Student Financial Aid Services (OSFAS) is to reduce the financial barriers that limit access to a higher education at the University of Connecticut. This is accomplished through providing financial aid offers to eligible students that consist of scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment. While students and parents are primarily responsible for funding a UConn education, the OSFAS makes every effort to provide assistance in the event that income from family, wages, savings, and other financial resources are insufficient to cover the cost of a UConn education.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at UConn’s on-time deadline is February 15th and the Federal School Code is 001417 for all campuses. Students whose applications are received after the deadline may not be eligible for certain types of financial aid.

Submit Required Documentation

In the event that the U.S. Department of Education selects your FAFSA for verification, be prepared to submit documentation in order to substantiate the data reported on your FAFSA.

You will be notified, by Inceptia, UConn’s third-party servicer, via your email if additional documentation is required to continue processing your financial aid application. Follow the instructions in the communication to create and/or access your Verification Gateway account to complete verification.  Additional information about the verification process is available at

Accept your Aid Offer

Upon notification via your email account that your financial aid offer is ready for review/action, access the Student Administration System to accept/decline your financial aid offer and complete all steps, by choosing the Financial Aid tile on the homepage.

Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal Regulations require the OSFAS to review the academic progress of students who apply for and/or receive financial assistance. All aid recipients are required to maintain a designated grade point average (GPA) and satisfactorily complete a percentage of the number of credit hours attempted. A complete text of these requirements is available at

For more information about the financial aid process, eligibility requirements, important deadlines, and options for undocumented students, please visit

Student Identification

Net ID

HuskyCT and University email each require the use of a Net identification number and a password. The NetID and password become important tools to be used to register for classes, obtain grade transcripts and schedules, and change contact information. Questions regarding NetID and password should be referred to the ITS Help Center.

Student Administration System

Each student is assigned a randomly selected, unique USER ID number, which is used primarily by administrative offices as an identifier in the Student Administration System.

One Card

Each student is issued a photo identification card. The card is used to obtain services such as dining, residential life, and library. It is also the identifier used to gain entrance to some campus social events. The initial card is obtained at the One Card Office, as are replacements.

Social Security Number

The social security number (SSN) is collected to enable the University to comply with federal requirements mandated under IRS tax laws and the Title IV student aid legislation and for other administrative purposes. The University assigns each student a unique identifier that is not the SSN that is used for most administrative purposes. If the SSN appears incorrectly on any University document, the undergraduate student must present a social security card indicating the correct number to the Office of the Registrar.

Reporting Name and Address Changes

Undergraduate students must report any change of name and commuting or permanent address at the time such change occurs to the One Stop Student Services. Legal name changes require official documentation. Students may elect to use a chosen name that differs from their legal name. For information on how to submit this request please contact the One Stop Student Services and/or the ITS Help Center.

Changes to current mailing address and telephone number can be made through use of the Student Administration System.