Nursing (BS)

Curricula in Nursing for the Traditional Undergraduate

University General Education Requirements

The University has adopted General Education requirements, which must be satisfied as part of every bachelor’s degree program. These requirements are listed in the “General Education Requirements” section of this Catalog.

School Requirements

Nursing students must complete the following courses (38 credits). Students should note that some of these courses may also fulfill University General Education requirements:

Course Title Credits
BIOL 1107Principles of Biology I4
CHEM 1122Chemical Principles and Applications4
Select one of the following:3
Problem Solving
Elementary Discrete Mathematics
MATH 1040Q
MCB 2400Human Genetics3
or MCB 2410 Genetics
PNB 2264
PNB 2265
Human Physiology and Anatomy
and Human Physiology and Anatomy
PSYC 1100General Psychology I3
STAT 1000QIntroduction to Statistics I4
or STAT 1100Q Elementary Concepts of Statistics
HDFS 1070Individual and Family Development3
Any other Content Area 1 or 2 course (for a total of six credits) in fulfillment of the general education requirements of the university6
Total Credits38

Writing in the Major

All students in the School of Nursing are required to pass NURS 4230W Quality Improvement and Evidence Based Practice in Nursing.

Information Literacy

All students in the School of Nursing fulfill this area of competency by the successful completion of NURS 3205 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice, NURS 4250E Public Health Nursing and NURS 4282 Nursing Leadership and Capstone Practicum.

Quantitative Competency

Students in the School of Nursing fulfill this area of competency with the following courses: MATH 1020Q Problem Solving or higher and STAT 1000Q Introduction to Statistics I or STAT 1100Q Elementary Concepts of Statistics. Quantitative competency is also met by successful completion of math competency exams in each clinical course.

Baccalaureate Student

Nursing students must complete the following nursing courses (75 credits):

Course Title Credits
NURS 1130Health Care Delivery System3
NURS 1131Introduction to the Discipline of Nursing3
NURS 3100Clinical Science I3
NURS 3110Clinical Science II3
NURS 3120Patient Centered Health Assessment Across the Lifespan3
NURS 3205Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice3
NURS 3220Clinical Science for Sub-Acute and Chronically Ill Adults3
NURS 3225Ethical Ways of Knowing3
NURS 3234Theory and Nursing Practice for Adults with Sub-Acute or Chronic Problems9
NURS 3334Theory and Nursing Practice for Perinatal and Women's Health6
NURS 3444Theory and Nursing Practice for Child Health6
NURS 3554Theory and Nursing Practice for Behavioral Health6
NURS 3664Theory and Nursing Practice for Acutely Ill Adults6
NURS 4230WQuality Improvement and Evidence Based Practice in Nursing3
NURS 4250EPublic Health Nursing3
NURS 4282Nursing Leadership and Capstone Practicum9
Total Credits72

Additional Requirements

To be eligible to enroll in NURS 3234 Theory and Nursing Practice for Adults with Sub-Acute or Chronic Problems (first clinical course) in the fall semester, students must have completed the coursework described in the “School Requirements” section above and the following courses by the end of the preceding spring semester:

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following:
Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition
Seminar in Academic Writing
Seminar in Writing through Literature
NURS 1130Health Care Delivery System3
NURS 1131Introduction to the Discipline of Nursing3
NURS 3100Clinical Science I3
NURS 3110Clinical Science II3
NURS 3120Patient Centered Health Assessment Across the Lifespan3
Total Credits15

If a grade of “C-” or less is earned in PNB 2265 Human Physiology and Anatomy, MCB 2400 Human Genetics or MCB 2410 Genetics, NURS 3110 Clinical Science II or NURS 3120 Patient Centered Health Assessment Across the Lifespan, the student may still be considered for NURS 3234 Theory and Nursing Practice for Adults with Sub-Acute or Chronic Problems enrollment in the fall if the course is retaken and a grade of “C” or better earned by the start of the fall semester.

Program Requirements

Supplementary Scholastic Standards

A student in the School of Nursing must have a grade of “C” or better in the courses listed in the “School Requirements” and “Additional Requirements” sections above. Students admitted to the School of Nursing must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 at the end of the semester in which they have completed 26 calculable credits of graded coursework at the University of Connecticut. To progress in the 3000-level nursing courses, students must complete all prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or better. To progress, a cumulative GPA of 2.7 is required prior to enrollment in NURS 3220 Clinical Science for Sub-Acute and Chronically Ill Adults, NURS 3234 Theory and Nursing Practice for Adults with Sub-Acute or Chronic Problems. Students lacking a 2.7 total grade point average at this point in the program will be dismissed from the School of Nursing.

Students must earn a “C” (2.0) or better in all nursing courses (those with NURS designation) to earn credit toward graduation. No student may take a course in the nursing curriculum without having completed prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or higher. No courses required for graduation as a nursing major may be taken more than twice before achieving a passing grade. Students may be dismissed if there is more than one semester in which they earn a semester grade point average below 2.5 in required nursing courses. A cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above in all required nursing courses is required for graduation.

Students are permitted to repeat only one required nursing course once throughout their nursing education and remain in the School of Nursing when all other standards are met.

Bachelor’s Degree Requirements

Upon the recommendation of the faculty the degree of Bachelor of Science is awarded by vote of the Board of Trustees to students who have met the following requirements:

  1. earned a total of 120 degree credits,
  2. earned at least a 2.5 grade point average for all calculable course work, and
  3. met all the requirements of the School of Nursing and University General Education Requirements. (See Scholastic Standing Requirement).

University General Education Requirements

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.

School of Nursing Degree Requirements

Students must meet a set of requirements established by the school in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the School of Nursing section of this catalog.