Neuroscience Minor


The requirements for this minor are at least 15 credits of 2000-level or above courses, with a minimum of five credits coming from each department (PSYC and PNB), which are structured in the following manner:

Course Title Credits
Required Lecture Courses
PSYC 2200Physiological Psychology3
or PNB 3251 Biology of the Brain
Lab Requirement
Select at least one of the following:3
Laboratory in Animal Behavior and Learning
Laboratory in Physiological Psychology
Drugs and Behavior Laboratory
Sensory Neuroscience Laboratory
Investigations in Neurobiology
Molecular Principles of Physiology
Additional Courses
Select additional courses required to satisfy the 15-credit requirement (if not used as a required course or for the lab requirement) may include:9
Physiological Psychology
Drugs And Behavior
Sensory Systems Neuroscience
Learning and Memory: From Brain to Behavior
PSYC 3200
Animal Behavior
Laboratory in Animal Behavior and Learning
Laboratory in Physiological Psychology
Drugs and Behavior Laboratory
Sensory Neuroscience Laboratory
Current Topics in Behavioral Neuroscience
Sensation and Perception
Biology of the Brain
Physiological Model Systems
Human Neuroanatomy
Stem Cell Biology
PNB 3262
Investigations in Neurobiology
Molecular Principles of Physiology
Biology of Synaptic Transmission
Sensory Physiology
PNB 4162
Biology of Nervous System Diseases
Total Credits15

Graduate courses in PSYC or PNB may be counted with permission of the neuroscience minor advisor. The additional courses should be selected in consultation with a neuroscience advisor in psychology or physiology and neurobiology and may include a lab course that was not used to fulfill the lab requirement. Up to three credits of undergraduate research or independent study (PNB 3296 Undergraduate Research in Physiology and Neurobiology, PNB 3299 Independent Study, PNB 4296 Honors Undergraduate Research In Physiology and Neurobiology; PSYC 3889 Undergraduate Research, PSYC 3899 Independent Study; COGS 3589 Undergraduate Research) may be counted towards the minor with permission of the neuroscience minor advisor, provided that the research has a strong neuroscience component. A maximum of six credits may overlap with a major or another minor.

The minor is offered by the Department of Psychological Sciences and the Physiology and Neurobiology Department. Interested students should contact John Salamone at