Academic Catalog

Music Minor


This minor requires a minimum of 18 credits in Music:

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following sequences:6
Music Fundamentals and Ear Training I
and Music Fundamentals and Ear Training II
Harmony I
and Harmony II (if student qualifies)
Select two of the following:6
Popular Music and Diversity in American Society
Non-Western Music
MUSI 1021
MUSI 1022
MUSI 3401
Music History from 1750 to the New Millennium
Independent Study
Six additional credits in Music 16
Total Credits18

Selected from courses for which the student has the necessary prerequisites or instructor consent, except MUSI 1001 Music Appreciation, which may not be applied toward the minor. The courses selected may be in performance or academic studies.

Music minors may register for one-credit applied study, MUSI 1221 Secondary Applied Music, with the permission of the instructor and the Head of the Music Department. May be repeated for credit.

The minor is offered by the Music Department.