Engineering Management Minor


To receive a minor in Engineering Management, a student must earn a “C” or better in each of four (4) three-credit courses. Students must complete the following courses:

Course Title Credits
Project Management
Select one of the following:3
Project Management for Business Data Analytics
Project Management and Planning
Introduction to Project Management
Operations and Production
Select one of the following:3
Operations Management
Operations Management
Production Engineering
Managerial and Operations Topics
Select two of the following:6
Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
Introduction to Products and Processes
International Business
Opportunity Generation, Assessment, and Promotion
Opportunity Generation, Assessment, and Promotion
Venture Planning, Management, and Growth
Venture Planning, Management, and Growth
Managerial Negotiations
Managing Human Capital
Leading Teams and Organizations
Managing a Diverse Workforce
Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship II
Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship II
Total Credits12

The minor is offered by the School of Business and College of Engineering. Management and Engineering for Manufacturing Majors cannot earn this minor. School of Business Majors cannot earn this minor.

For more information and to declare the minor, contact the Undergraduate Programs Office in the School of Business. Access to courses for this minor is on a space available basis, and the School of Business cannot guarantee completion of this minor. Students may require departmental permission to register for courses in the minor. Refer to the School of Business section of this catalog for restrictions on Business minors and limits on the number of Business courses available to non-Business students.