Dramatic Arts Minor
Students wishing to complete this minor must fulfill the following requirements:
- Students must complete a minimum of 18 credits in DRAM courses, at least 12 of which must be at the 3000 or 4000 level.
- Students must complete work on at least one production crew (costume, sound, lighting or set-running) by completing one semester of either DRAM 1216 Theatre Production: Lighting And Sound, DRAM 1217 Theatre Production: Costumes And Makeup, DRAM 1218 Theatre Production: Stagecraft, or DRAM 1282 Practicum in Dramatic Arts.
- The remainder of the minor must be selected from:
Course List Course Title Credits DRAM 1201 Drafting for the Theatre 3 DRAM 1202 Computer Drafting for the Theatre 3 DRAM 1216 Theatre Production: Lighting And Sound 1 3 DRAM 1217 Theatre Production: Costumes And Makeup 1 3 DRAM 1218 Theatre Production: Stagecraft 1 3 DRAM 1710 Exploration of Acting 3 DRAM 2130 Histories of Drama and Performance I 3 DRAM 2131 Histories of Drama and Performance II 3 DRAM 2134 Honors Core: Sports as Performance 3 DRAM 2141 Script and Performance Analysis 3 DRAM 2711 Introduction to Directing 3 DRAM 2712 3 DRAM 2800 3 DRAM 2902 Vocal Performance Techniques 3 DRAM 3103 Stage Management for the Theatre 3 DRAM 3121 Advertising, Publicity, and Promotion in the Dramatic Arts 3 DRAM 3130 Women in Theatre: Gender Identity and Expression on the Stage 3 DRAM 3131 African-American Theatre 3 DRAM 3132 African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present 3 DRAM 3133 Latina/o Theatre 3 DRAM 3137 3 DRAM 3138 Trends in Contemporary Theatre 3 DRAM 3139 Theatre and Human Rights 3 DRAM 3141 Playwriting 3 DRAM 3142 Dramaturgy I 3 DRAM 3199 Independent Study (only with written pre-approval of the minor coordinator) 1-6 DRAM 3201 Scene Construction 3 DRAM 3202 Rigging 3 DRAM 3220 Sound for the Theatre 3 DRAM 3301 Scene Design 3 DRAM 3302 Scene Design 3 DRAM 3401 Costume History 3 DRAM 3402 Costume Design 3 DRAM 3501 Lighting for the Theatre 3 DRAM 3502 Lighting for the Theatre 3 DRAM 3601 Mask Theatre 3 DRAM 3602 Paper Sculpture 3 DRAM 3603 Rod Puppetry 3 DRAM 3604 Puppetry in Television 3 DRAM 3605 Shadow Theatre 3 DRAM 3607 Materials Techniques 3 DRAM 3608 Hand Puppetry 3 DRAM 3609 UV/Czech Black Theatre 3 DRAM 3611 Trends in the Contemporary Puppet Theatre 3 DRAM 3721 Performance Techniques 1-6 DRAM 4122 Theatre Management 3 DRAM 4135/4135W Advanced Topics in Theatre and Performance 3 DRAM 4711W The Director in the Theatre 3 - 1
If DRAM 1282 Practicum in Dramatic Arts fulfills the production crew requirement.
The minor is offered by the Dramatic Arts Department.