Diversity Studies in American Culture Minor

Courses for Preparation

Students should consider taking appropriate 1000-level courses in preparation for junior-senior level coursework in Diversity Studies. These might include:

Course Title Credits
SOCI 1501/1501WRace, Class, and Gender3
ENGL 1601WRace, Gender, and the Culture Industry3
HIST 1203Women in History3
PHIL 1107Philosophy and Gender3
PSYC 1100General Psychology I3
PSYC 1101/1103General Psychology II3
WGSS 2204Feminisms and the Arts3
WGSS 1105Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life3


15 credit hours. No more than one course in Diversity Studies can be counted towards both the student’s major and the Diversity Studies in American Culture minor. No more than two courses may be taken within a single subject area. Classes not listed below, such as three-credit “Special Topics” courses, may be used to fulfill Diversity Studies requirements with the approval of the Director of Diversity Studies in American Culture. (If possible, students should seek such permission before taking the course).

Course Title Credits
Required Course
INTD 2245Introduction to Diversity Studies in American Culture3
Remaining Courses
Students must take four courses which must include at least one from each of the following categories to fulfill the remaining twelve credits 112
Total Credits15

Please note that some of these courses have prerequisites.

Gender, Physicality, and Sexual Identities

Course Title Credits
AAAS/SOCI 2210Sociological Perspectives on Asian American Women3
DRAM 3130Women in Theatre: Gender Identity and Expression on the Stage3
ENGL 3609Women's Literature3
ENGL 3613LGBTQ+ Literature3
HDFS 2001Diversity Issues in Human Development and Family Sciences3
HDFS 3261Men and Masculinities3
POLS 3652/WGSS 3052Black Feminist Politics3
LLAS 3231/WGSS 32593
LLAS 3251/HDFS 32683
PSYC/WGSS 3102/PSYC 3102W/WGSS 3102WPsychology of Women3
SOCI 2680/2680W/WGSS 2680/2680WSociology of Sexualities3
SOCI 3453Women, Gender and Health3
SOCI 3601/3601WSociology of Gender3
WGSS 2267Women and Poverty3
WGSS 3252Genders and Sexualities3
WGSS 3269Gender, Sexuality, and Social Movements3

Ethnicity, Culture, and Race

Course Title Credits
AAAS 2201Introduction to Asian American Studies3
AAAS/ENGL 3212Asian American Literature3
AFRA/DRAM 3131/3131WAfrican-American Theatre3
AFRA/SOCI 2510Ethnicity and Race3
ENGL 3605/LLAS 3232Latina/o Literature3
ENGL 3607/LLAS 3233Studies in Latina/o Literature3
ENGL 3210Native American Literature3
ENGL 2214African American Literature3
ENGL 3218WEthnic Literatures of the United States3
LLAS 3210Contemporary Issues in Latino Studies3
LLAS 3230/WGSS 3258Latina Narrative3
PSYC 3106/3106W/AFRA 3106/3106WBlack Psychology3
PSYC 2101Introduction to Multicultural Psychology3
PSYC 2701Social Psychology of Multiculturalism3
SOCI 2510WEthnicity and Race3
SOCI/AFRA/HRTS 2520White Racism3
SOCI/AFRA/HRTS 2530African Americans and Social Protest3
SOCI 2503/2503WPrejudice and Discrimination3

History and Politics

Course Title Credits
HIST/AAAS 2530Asian American Experience Since 18503
HIST 2570American Indian History3
HIST/WGSS 3562History of Women and Gender in the United States, 1850-Present3
HIST/AFRA/HRTS 3563African American History to 18653
HIST/AFRA 3564African American History Since 18653
HIST/AAAS 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
HIST 3674/LLAS 3220History of Latinos/as in the United States3
HIST 3575/LLAS 3221/HRTS 3221Latinos/as and Human Rights3
POLS/AFRA/WGSS 3652Black Feminist Politics3
POLS/AFRA 3642African-American Politics3
POLS 3662/LLAS 3270Latino Political Behavior3
SOCI 2830/2830W/HRTS 2830/2830WClass, Power, and Inequality3

The minor is offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. For more information, contact Katharine Capshaw at capshaw@uconn.edu.