Arabic and Islamic Studies Minor


The Arabic and Islamic Studies minor requires 18 credits at the 2000 level or above in Arabic and Islamic Studies (ARAB and ARIS subject areas). AP credits may not be used toward the minor.

Prerequisite: Two semesters of formal Arabic, or equivalent proficiency. Proficiency must be approved by the minor advisor.

Arabic and Islamic Studies minors courses comprise three main groups:

Course Title Credits
Group 1 (Literature)
ARAB 3550WClassical Arabic Literature3
ARAB 3551Arabic Travel Narratives3
ARAB 3559Arabic Poetry and Poetics3
ARAB 3570Modern Arabic Literature3
Group 2 (Culture)
ARAB 2751Arabic Folk Tales and Mirrors for Princes3
ARAB 3102Media Arabic3
ARAB 3751Al-Andalus: Music, Literature, and Science in Muslim Spain3
ARAB 3771Cinema in the Middle East and North Africa3
ARAB 3772Stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims3
Group 3 (Language)
ARAB 2170Levantine Arabic3
ARAB 3102Media Arabic3
ARAB 3212Arabic Composition and Conversation3
ARIS 3000Classical Arabic3

Note: Special Topics, Foreign Study and Independent Study courses may fit, depending on topic, any of the above groups, with advisor approval.

In addition, the following rules apply:

  • A minimum of 12 of the major credits must consist of Arabic courses taken in residence. Only six may be transfer credits.
  • A single course cannot satisfy more than one requirement.

Enrollment in a study abroad program in an Arabic-speaking country is not mandatory for Arabic and Islamic Studies minors. With advisor’s prior consent, any of the above courses may be replaced by an appropriate ARAB 3293 Foreign Study or ARIS 3293 Foreign Study course from study abroad programs. Up to six credits taken in study abroad programs may count toward the minor. Students can enroll in either University of Connecticut sponsored or non-University of Connecticut sponsored programs.

The minor is offered by the Literatures, Cultures, and Languages Department.