Anthropology Minor


The requirements for this minor are at least 15 credits in Anthropology courses that include:

Course Title Credits
Select two of the following:6
Social Anthropology
Introduction to Archaeology
Human Evolution
Three additional courses at the 2000-level and above 19
Total Credits15

With the exception that not more than three credits of ANTH 3090 Directed Field Research in Anthropology, ANTH 3093 Foreign Study, ANTH 3095 Special Topics, ANTH 3098 Variable Topics, ANTH 3099 Independent Study, ANTH 3522W , or ANTH 3990 Field Work in Archaeology may be counted toward the minor.

Students are encouraged to consult with advisors in Anthropology and in their major field to design a plan of study appropriate to their long-term goals.

The minor is offered by the Anthropology Department.