Physics (BA or BS)

Physics, a fundamental and quantitative science, involves the study of matter and energy, and interactions between them. The subject is generally divided into mechanics, electricity and magnetism, statistical and thermal physics, and quantum physics. These form the foundation for present-day research areas, which include astrophysics, atomic, molecular and optical physics, condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, and the physics of particles and fields. In addition to a knowledge of physics, students gain a rigorous training in logical thinking and quantitative problem solving. An education in physics can also provide an entry into many other fields such as biophysics, geophysics, medical physics, and engineering, as well as into less technical fields such as secondary education, technical sales, and science writing. Many students have also found that physics is an excellent preparation for the study of medicine, dentistry, or law.

The preferred introductory sequence for a major in physics, common to all physics degree programs, consists of PHYS 1600Q Introduction to Modern Physics, PHYS 1601Q Fundamentals of Physics I, and PHYS 1602Q Fundamentals of Physics II. There are two options for the Bachelor of Science degree in physics:

  1. the general option for students seeking to further their physics studies in graduate school and/or a career in research, and
  2. the applied option, for students seeking graduate study in another field, medicine or dentistry, or a technical career in industry.

The Bachelor of Arts degree in physics is ideal for pre-medical, pre-dental, or pre-veterinary students, students seeking double majors, or students seeking a middle or high school teaching career. There is also a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics offered jointly with the College of Engineering with possible emphases on Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Materials Science and Engineering. There is also a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics-Physics that is offered jointly with the Department of Mathematics.

Students satisfy the information literacy competency exit requirements in both the Physics B.S. and B.A. degrees by passing PHYS 2300 The Development of Quantum Physics and PHYS 2501W Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory. The University’s writing in the major requirement is achieved by passing PHYS 2501W Advanced Undergraduate Laboratory. PHYS 4096W Research Thesis in Physics may be taken as well.