German (BA or BS)


Students majoring in German are required to take the following courses:

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
GERM 3233Building Language Skills Through Culture I3
GERM 3234Building Language Skills Through Culture II3
GERM 4246The Finishing Touch: A Capstone in German Studies3
GERM 3251German Culture Across Time3
or GERM 3258 Germans in Africa, Blacks in German-Speaking Countries, Colonial and Post-Colonial Perspectives
Select one of the following options:9
Option 1
Select three of the following:9
The Environment in German Culture
Intensive Language Practice
German for Professional Use I
German for Professional Use II
German Grammar and Etymology
German Film and Culture
German Cinema in Cross-Cultural Perspective
Topics in German Culture
German Language Practicum
Foreign Study (on a non-literary topic)
GERM 3294
(on a non- literary topic)
Special Topics (on a non-literary topic)
Option 2
Two courses of the above
German Recitation in Applied Mechanics
Introduction to the Sciences in German
Fields of Technology
Literature Course
Select one of the following:3
Studies in 19th Century German Literature
Studies in 20th Century German Literature
Foreign Study (on a literary topic)
GERM 3294
(on a literary topic)
Special Topics (on a literary topic)
Total Credits33

Only two courses taught in English are allowable toward the German major.

Information Literacy

To satisfy the Information Literacy Competency requirement, the following courses are required:

Course Title Credits
GERM 3233Building Language Skills Through Culture I3
or GERM 3234 Building Language Skills Through Culture II
Select one of the following:3
Studies in 19th Century German Literature
Studies in 20th Century German Literature
German Film and Culture
German Cinema in Cross-Cultural Perspective
GERM 4246The Finishing Touch: A Capstone in German Studies3

Writing in the Major

To satisfy the writing in the major requirement, all majors must take one of the following courses:

Course Title Credits
GERM 3254WStudies in 19th Century German Literature3
GERM 3255WStudies in 20th Century German Literature3
GERM 3261WGerman Film and Culture3
GERM 3264WGerman Cinema in Cross-Cultural Perspective3


In collaboration with the College of Engineering, the German Section offers Eurotech, a carefully structured five-year, double-degree program enabling students who have been admitted to the College of Engineering to earn both a B.A. in German and a B.S. in Engineering. The program includes German language courses specially designed to include engineering content, engineering courses partly taught in German, and a six-month internship in a German-speaking company. There is a special emphasis on environmental engineering and pollution prevention. Eurotech students may substitute a combination of all three one-credit courses GERM 3220 German Recitation in Applied Mechanics, GERM 3221 Introduction to the Sciences in German, and GERM 3222 Fields of Technology for one of the three-credit courses in category three.


The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the School of Business offer a four to five‐year, dual‐degree EUROBIZ program leading to degrees in Business Administration in any business major and a B.A. in German. The program includes language courses specially designed to include business content, business courses taught partly in German, a study abroad semester in Germany, and a four- to six‐month internship in a company in Germany.

Education Abroad Germany

The University of Connecticut sponsors a variety of programs at a number of universities in the State of Baden-Württemberg, Connecticut’s sister state in Germany. Study abroad in Germany allows students to follow their own concentration and interests. Students also have the possibility of work-study programs and internships.

A minor in German is described in the “Minors” section.

Literatures, Cultures and Languages

The Department of Literatures, Cultures and Languages offers courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Classical Languages (Ancient Greek, Latin, and Biblical Hebrew) and selected critical languages. Students may major in Chinese Studies, Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, French and Francophone Studies, German Studies, Italian Literary and Cultural Studies, Judaic Studies, and Spanish Studies. A student may double major in two of the above majors. Students will gain knowledge of the Literature, Culture, and applied Language skills that are required for teaching, business, diplomatic or governmental work, and research in graduate or undergraduate study of the culture and literature that is associated with these languages.

Education Abroad is required (or strongly encouraged, please see descriptions) for the majors in modern languages for at least one semester or approved equivalents. The department sponsors University of Connecticut programs in France; Italy; Spain; Germany; and Tianjin, China. Many other programs are available in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe through Education Abroad. Such coursework is normally most valuable during the junior year, but qualified sophomores and seniors are also eligible Students interested in Education Abroad should consult with their advisors.

Courses numbered at the 2000 level or above are open to first-year students and sophomores if they meet the course prerequisites. In the modern languages, coursework is conducted in the foreign language unless otherwise indicated.

University General Education Requirements

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Requirements

Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.