Communication (BA)

The Communication major leads to a bachelor of arts degree. The major examines communication at multiple levels of society and in different settings, including interpersonal, nonverbal, organizational, intercultural, and international communication, while also considering the roles of media and technology in communication processes. Training in the basic theories, principles, best practices, and current research methods of communication can qualify students for a variety of communications and media industry positions in business, advertising, public relations, marketing, digital media production, government/politics, and promotion.

The department of Communication offers courses that span the discipline, enabling students to acquire breadth and depth in their education and training. A variety of focal areas are identified in the COMM curriculum, and students may focus their coursework in one or more of these areas to further their academic and professional goals. Across the curriculum, courses are numbered to reflect these focal areas:

  • X100: Professional Communication (e.g. COMM 2100 Professional CommunicationCOMM 3110 Organizational Communication, COMM 3120W Small Group Communication)
  • X200: Interpersonal Communication (e.g. COMM 2200 Interpersonal Communication, COMM 3222 People of Color and Interpersonal Communication, COMM 4200 Advanced Interpersonal Communication)
  • X300: Media Effects and Audiences (e.g. COMM 2300 Effects of Mass Media, COMM 3310W Media Literacy and Criticism, COMM 4300 Advanced Media Effects)
  • X400: Communication in Context (e.g. COMM 3410 Political Communication, COMM 3420 Health Communication, COMM 3430 Science Communication)
  • X500: Persuasion and Promotion (e.g. COMM 2500 Persuasion, COMM 3510 Marketing Communication, COMM 4530W Public Relations Writing)
  • X600: Communication Technology (e.g. COMM 2600 Media in the Information Age, COMM 3600 New Communication Technologies, COMM 4640 Social Media: Research and Practice)
  • X700: Multimedia Production (e.g. COMM 2700 Fundamentals of Digital Production, COMM 3700 Visual Communications, COMM 4710 )