Chinese (BA)


The Chinese major requires a minimum of 36 credits in courses at the 2000 level or above, including 24 credits in Chinese and 12 credits of related courses from programs other than Chinese. A minimum of 12 major credits must consist of Chinese courses taken in residence. Only six may be transfer credits. AP credits may not be used toward the major.

Chinese majors must complete a minimum of twelve courses:

Course Title Credits
Language Courses
Select four of the following:12
Chinese for Engineers
Chinese Composition and Conversation
Chinese Composition and Conversation II
Business Chinese
Language and Identity in Greater China
Contemporary Chinese Film
Advanced Chinese
Contemporary Chinese Culture
Networking in China
Special Topics
Content Courses
Select four of the following:12
Chinese Calligraphy
Chinese for Engineers
Business Chinese
Language and Identity in Greater China
Advanced Chinese
Contemporary Chinese Culture
Chinese Film
Topics in Chinese Literature
Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
Women in Chinese Literature and Film
Related Courses
Select four courses at 2000 level or above from a program other than Chinese with the advisor's consent.12
Total Credits36

Enrollment in an Education Abroad program in a Chinese-speaking country is required for all Chinese majors. With the advisor’s consent, any of the above courses may be replaced by an appropriate CHIN 3293 Foreign Study course from study abroad programs.

Up to12 credits taken in study abroad programs may count toward the major. Students can enroll in either UConn-sponsored or non-UConn-sponsored programs. In either case, students must consult with the advisor to determine which courses will receive credits.

To satisfy the Information Literacy Competency and Writing in the major requirements, all students must take CHIN 3250W Advanced Chinese.

A minor in Chinese is described in the “Minors” section.

Literatures, Cultures and Languages

The Department of Literatures, Cultures and Languages offers courses in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish, Classical Languages (Ancient Greek, Latin, and Biblical Hebrew) and selected critical languages. Students may major in Chinese Studies, Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, French and Francophone Studies, German Studies, Italian Literary and Cultural Studies, Judaic Studies, and Spanish Studies. A student may double major in two of the above majors. Students will gain knowledge of the Literature, Culture, and applied Language skills that are required for teaching, business, diplomatic or governmental work, and research in graduate or undergraduate study of the culture and literature that is associated with these languages.

Education Abroad is required (or strongly encouraged, please see descriptions) for the majors in modern languages for at least one semester or approved equivalents. The department sponsors University of Connecticut programs in France; Italy; Spain; Germany; and Tianjin, China. Many other programs are available in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Europe through Education Abroad. Such coursework is normally most valuable during the junior year, but qualified sophomores and seniors are also eligible Students interested in Education Abroad should consult with their advisors.

Courses numbered at the 2000 level or above are open to first-year students and sophomores if they meet the course prerequisites. In the modern languages, coursework is conducted in the foreign language unless otherwise indicated.

University General Education Requirements

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Requirements

Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.