Biology (BA or BS)

The biological sciences are organized into three departments: the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB), the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB), and the Department of Physiology and Neurobiology (PNB). Introductory level courses are listed under General Biology (BIOL).

The Bachelor of Science degree is generally recommended for students planning a scientific career in biology, but the Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences allows a richer liberal arts program and provides good preparation for many careers, including subsequent graduate study.

Credit restriction: In no case may students receive more than 12 credits for courses in biology at the 1000 level.

Biological Sciences Major

The Biological Sciences major gives students a broad training in all aspects of biological sciences and prepares students interested in graduate programs in science, biotechnology, or health (M.D., D.D.S., P.A.), science education, and other related fields. The major can be tailored for a student's interest in any area of biology. Students can obtain a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree. The Biological Sciences B.A. degree does not require students to also take chemistry, physics and calculus and focuses solely on classes related to biology.