Theatre Studies (BA)
The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies offers study of theatre within a liberal arts curriculum.
SlideRoom and interview. Please consult Dramatic Arts website for current admission details.
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Studies Requirements
All students in the department are required to take at least one course within the major that contributes to the advancing of diverse perspectives. Courses that count toward this requirement include:
Course | Title | Credits |
DRAM 1501 | Introduction to World Puppetry | 3 |
DRAM 2135 | History of Popular Theatre and Live Entertainment | 3 |
DRAM 2136/2136W | Asian Theatre and Performance | 3 |
DRAM 3130 | Women in Theatre: Gender Identity and Expression on the Stage | 3 |
DRAM 3131 | African-American Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3132 | African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present | 3 |
DRAM 3133 | Latina/o Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3139 | Theatre and Human Rights | 3 |
When applicable, courses taken to fulfill this requirement may also be counted toward the department history and literature-based course requirement.
To fulfill their departmental writing in the major requirement, students in all three B.F.A. programs must complete one of the following courses:
Course | Title | Credits |
DRAM 2136W | Asian Theatre and Performance | 3 |
DRAM 3141W | Playwriting | 3 |
DRAM 4135W | Advanced Topics in Theatre and Performance | 3 |
DRAM 4711W | The Director in the Theatre | 3 |
All upper-level courses in Design and Technology, Puppet Arts, and Theatre Studies build upon the basic information literacy competencies introduced in:
Course | Title | Credits |
ENGL 1007 | Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition | 4 |
ENGL 1010 | Seminar in Academic Writing | 4 |
ENGL 1011 | Seminar in Writing through Literature | 4 |
Students are expected to develop an understanding of how information is created, disseminated, and organized in the performing arts, and develop abilities in accessing, evaluating, synthesizing and incorporating information into written, oral, or media presentations.
Common Curriculum
Course | Title | Credits |
Select at least seven credits from the following: | 7 | |
Theatre Production: Lighting And Sound | ||
Theatre Production: Costumes And Makeup | ||
Theatre Production: Stagecraft | ||
Practicum in Dramatic Arts | ||
DRAM 1710 | Exploration of Acting | 3 |
DRAM 2130 | Histories of Drama and Performance I | 3 |
DRAM 2131 | Histories of Drama and Performance II | 3 |
DRAM 2141 | Script and Performance Analysis | 3 |
DRAM 4711W | The Director in the Theatre | 3 |
Nine credits of literature and history-based courses | 9 | |
Select one of the following: | 1-3 | |
Senior Project (2.0 or better required for graduation) | ||
Internship (satisfactory report) | ||
Total Credits | 32-34 |
Related Group
2000/3000/4000-level courses. These courses should be related (if applicable) to the student’s Theatre Studies concentration, yet these courses do not need to be from a single department or program. Competency areas might include History, Creative Writing, Journalism, Communications, Business, etc.
Only three of the 12 credits may be at the 2000 level.
These same courses may be used to satisfy other University requirements if appropriate.
Areas of Concentration
2000/3000/4000-level courses including all necessary prerequisites within area of Theatre Studies concentration. Concentrations are not mandatory for the B.A. degree in Theatre Studies, but majors may opt to choose one of the concentrations listed below. If a concentration is not chosen, then students will take 18 Dramatic Arts credits at the 2000-4000 level with advisor consultation.
Stage Management
A minimum of 18 credits of DRAM 2000-level or higher courses including:
Course | Title | Credits |
DRAM 2711 | Introduction to Directing | 3 |
DRAM 3103 | Stage Management for the Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3199 | Independent Study | 3 |
DRAM 3301 | Scene Design | 3 |
DRAM 3302 | Scene Design | 3 |
DRAM 3402 | Costume Design | 3 |
DRAM 4122 | Theatre Management | 3 |
Or others as approved by the advisor |
A minimum of 18 credits of DRAM 2000-level or higher courses including:
Course | Title | Credits |
DRAM 3130 | Women in Theatre: Gender Identity and Expression on the Stage | 3 |
DRAM 3131 | African-American Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3132 | African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present | 3 |
DRAM 3133 | Latina/o Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3139 | Theatre and Human Rights | 3 |
DRAM 3141/3141W | Playwriting | 3 |
DRAM 3142 | Dramaturgy I | 3 |
DRAM 3199 | Independent Study | 3 |
Or others as approved by the advisor |
A minimum of 18 credits of DRAM 2000-level or higher courses including:
Course | Title | Credits |
DRAM 3141/3141W | Playwriting | 3 |
DRAM 3142 | Dramaturgy I | 3 |
DRAM 3145 | Film Writing | 3 |
DRAM 3199 | Independent Study | 3 |
DRAM 3301 | Scene Design | 3 |
DRAM 3302 | Scene Design | 3 |
DRAM 4151 | The American Film | 3 |
DRAM 4152 | 3 | |
Or others as approved by the advisor |
Theatre Administration
A minimum of 18 credits of DRAM 2000-level or higher courses including:
Course | Title | Credits |
DRAM 2711 | Introduction to Directing | 3 |
DRAM 3103 | Stage Management for the Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3121 | Advertising, Publicity, and Promotion in the Dramatic Arts | 3 |
DRAM 3199 | Independent Study | 3 |
DRAM 4122 | Theatre Management | 3 |
Or others as approved by the advisor |
Theatre Directing
A minimum of 18 credits of DRAM 2000-level or higher courses including:
Course | Title | Credits |
DRAM 2711 | Introduction to Directing | 3 |
DRAM 2712 | 3 | |
DRAM 3141/3141W | Playwriting | 3 |
DRAM 3199 | Independent Study | 3 |
DRAM 3301/3302 | Scene Design | 3 |
Or others as approved by the advisor |
Independent Study
(DRAM 3199 Independent Study)
Open to students with a minimum departmental grade point average of 2.25 GPA and no outstanding incompletes for any other independent study courses.
A minor in Dramatic Arts and a minor in Puppet Arts are described in the “Minors” section of this Catalog.
University General Education Requirements
Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.
School of Fine Arts Degree Requirements
Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the School of Fine Arts section of this catalog.