The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design and Technical Theatre provides preparation for successful careers in performing arts, entertainment and cultural industries.
Portfolio review in person or via SlideRoom and interview. Please consult Dramatic Arts website for current admission details.
B.F.A. in Design and Technical Theatre Supplementary Scholastic Standards Policy
To be considered in good standing, B.F.A. in Design and Technical Theatre students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7 for all graded coursework as it appears on their university transcript. Design and Technical Theatre majors must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 based on all courses required within the major.
At the end of each semester all students are required to fully participate in the “Semester Review Exhibition Gallery” which affords faculty the opportunity to meaningfully assess each student’s progression and offer a recurring time to evaluate status. Through this, each student will be evaluated twice a year. Students with a grade point deficiency or who are found by their major advisor and/or faculty to have failed to maintain adequate progress and/or development will be placed on departmental scholastic probation.
Students on departmental scholastic probation are not eligible to be considered for leadership opportunities in departmental productions, nor are they eligible for funded field studies or conferences, or other special opportunities without an extenuating exception approved by the faculty.
During the subsequent semester, the student will have the opportunity to improve their standing. In the event that the student’s standing does not rise to the minimum level, they will be subject to dismissal from the B.F.A. in Design and Technical Theatre.
Semester Review Exhibition Policy
All Design and Technical Theatre students are required to participate in the “Semester Review Exhibition Gallery” when held each term. Participation is defined as meaningfully supporting the load in, presentation, and strike of the exhibition as assessed by the faculty.
The Semester Review Exhibition is a pedagogical cornerstone of our program with the following goals:
- Create an opportunity for students to practice the essential skills of public speaking/interviewing/presenting, which is prevalent especially in our “freelance” focused industry.
- Create real world connections and job prospects, network within the industry and with collaborators beyond any individual’s discipline, and scaffold career support beyond four years.
- Create an opportunity for students to practice the essential skill of self-assessment and self-evaluation in order to become participants in their own education.
- Assess individual progress and preparedness as students move through our program and in doing so equitably evaluate what the next steps are for each student’s path in the program.
Bachelor of Fine Arts Requirements
All students in the department are required to take at least one course within the major that contributes to the advancing of diverse perspectives. Courses that count toward this requirement include:
Course List
Course |
Title |
Credits |
DRAM 1501 | Introduction to World Puppetry | 3 |
DRAM 2136W | Asian Theatre and Performance | 3 |
DRAM 3130 | Women in Theatre: Gender Identity and Expression on the Stage | 3 |
DRAM 3131 | African-American Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3132 | African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present | 3 |
DRAM 3133 | Latina/o Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3139 | Theatre and Human Rights | 3 |
When applicable, courses taken to fulfill this requirement may also be counted toward the department history and literature-based course requirement.
To fulfill their departmental writing in the major requirement, students in all three B.F.A. programs must complete one of the following courses:
Course List
Course |
Title |
Credits |
DRAM 2136W | Asian Theatre and Performance | 3 |
DRAM 4135W | Advanced Topics in Theatre and Performance | 3 |
DRAM 4711W | The Director in the Theatre | 3 |
All upper-level courses in Design and Technology, Puppet Arts, and Theatre Studies build upon the basic information literacy competencies introduced in:
Course List
Course |
Title |
Credits |
ENGL 1007 | Seminar and Studio in Writing and Multimodal Composition | 4 |
ENGL 1010 | Seminar in Academic Writing | 4 |
ENGL 1011 | Seminar in Writing through Literature | 4 |
Students are expected to develop an understanding of how information is created, disseminated, and organized in the performing arts, and develop abilities in accessing, evaluating, synthesizing and incorporating information into written, oral, or media presentations.
All B.F.A. students in Dramatic Arts (Acting, Design and Technical, and Puppet Arts majors) must complete the following courses:
Course List
Course |
Title |
Credits |
DRAM 2130 | Histories of Drama and Performance I | 3 |
DRAM 2131 | Histories of Drama and Performance II | 3 |
| 6 |
| Asian Theatre and Performance | |
| Women in Theatre: Gender Identity and Expression on the Stage | |
| African-American Theatre | |
| African-American Women Playwrights, 1900 to the present | |
| Latina/o Theatre | |
| Trends in Contemporary Theatre | |
| Theatre and Human Rights | |
| Trends in the Contemporary Puppet Theatre | |
| Advanced Topics in Theatre and Performance | |
| The Director in the Theatre | |
Additional course requirements for the B.F.A. major programs include:
Design and Technical Majors
Design and Technical majors must also complete:
Course List
Course |
Title |
Credits |
DRAM 1201 | Drafting for the Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 1202 | Computer Drafting for the Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 1207 | Design Fundamentals | 3 |
DRAM 1209 | Drawing and Painting Techniques for the Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 1216 | Theatre Production: Lighting And Sound | 3 |
DRAM 1217 | Theatre Production: Costumes And Makeup | 3 |
DRAM 1218 | Theatre Production: Stagecraft | 3 |
DRAM 2141 | Script and Performance Analysis | 3 |
DRAM 3199 | Independent Study | 12 |
DRAM 3201 | Scene Construction | 3 |
DRAM 3220 | Sound for the Theatre | 3 |
DRAM 3301 | Scene Design | 3 |
DRAM 3401 | Costume History | 3 |
DRAM 3501 | Lighting for the Theatre | 3 |
| 9 |
| Stage Management for the Theatre | |
| Rigging | |
| Sound Technology and Production Audio | |
| Scene Design | |
| Scenic Painting Techniques | |
| Costume Design | |
| Wearable Electronics and Interactive Objects | |
| Lighting for the Theatre | |
| Paper Sculpture | |
| Rod Puppetry | |
| Puppetry in Television | |
Note: Each Bachelor of Fine Arts Student in the Design and Technical area, and any other student taking any of the digital design courses, must own a personal portable computer that meets or exceeds posted departmental performance standards. Students should expect to purchase an up-to-date version of Adobe’s Creative Cloud for Education and install it on their personal computer for most of their time in residence, either for design classes that require it or for production assignments as assistants and designers.
University General Education Requirements
Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.
School of Fine Arts Degree Requirements
Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the School of Fine Arts section of this catalog.