Robotics Engineering (BSE)

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

The Robotics Engineering major requires a total of 126 credits. Robotics Engineering majors are required to complete the following:

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
ENGR 1166Foundations of Engineering3
CSE 2050Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design3
CSE 2500Introduction to Discrete Systems3
or MATH 2710 Transition to Advanced Mathematics
CSE 3500Algorithms and Complexity3
CSE 4820Introduction to Machine Learning3
ECE 1401Programming for Electrical Engineers3
ECE 2001Electrical Circuits4
ECE 3101Signals and Systems3
ECE 3411Microprocessor Applications Laboratory3
ECE 3111Systems Analysis and Design4
or ME 3253 Linear Systems Theory
or ME 3254 Linear Systems Theory
ECE/ME 3161Introduction to Robotics3
ECE/ME 3162Robot Motion Planning3
ECE/ME 3163Robot Control and Dynamics3
ECE/ME 4161Robotics Systems Laboratory3
MATH 2110QMultivariable Calculus4
MATH 2210QApplied Linear Algebra3
MATH 2410QElementary Differential Equations3
STAT 3345QProbability Models for Engineers3
or MATH 3160 Probability
Senior Design and In-Major Writing
Complete one of the senior design sequences below:
Sequence 1
Communicating Engineering Solutions in a Societal Context
and Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I
and Electrical and Computer Engineering Design II
Sequence 2
Select one of the following:
Senior Design Project I
and Senior Design Project II
Senior Design Project I
and Ethics for Engineers
and Senior Design Project II
Sequence 3
Computer Science and Engineering Design Project I
and Computer Science and Engineering Design Project II
Track Electives
Select three courses; taken from designated list of courses for each track:9
Robotics Electives
Two additional courses; taken from designated list of courses from any of the track lists6
Elective Courses
Select one of the following:2-3
Systems Analysis and Design (two credits)
Linear Systems Theory (three credits)
Linear Systems Theory (three credits)
Total Credits74-75


Electronics Track

Course Title Credits
CSE 2301Principles and Practice of Digital Logic Design4
ECE 3201Electronic Circuit Design and Analysis4
ECE 3211Power Electronics4
ECE 3212Electric Machines and Drives4

Systems Track

Course Title Credits
CSE 3100Systems Programming3
CSE 4705Artificial Intelligence3
CSE 4709Networked Embedded Systems3
ECE 4131Introduction to Digital Signal Processing3
ECE 4132Image Processing Systems Laboratory3

Mechanical Track

Course Title Credits
CE 2110Applied Mechanics I3
CE 3110Mechanics of Materials3
ME 2120Applied Mechanics II3
ME 3220Mechanical Vibrations3
ME 3221Manufacturing Automation3
ME 3227Design of Machine Elements3
ME 3256WData-Driven Decisions and Technical Communications3
ME 3262Applied Measurements and Data Analysis3

Biomedical Track

Course Title Credits
BME 3500Biomedical Engineering Measurements4
BME 3600Biomechanics4
BME 4120Neural Information Processing and Sensory Coding3
BME 4130Neural Prostheses3
BME 4300Physiological Control Systems3
BME 4500Bioinstrumentation3

Additional Notes

Robotics is a multidisciplinary field that draws on aspects from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and computer engineering. The proposed curriculum is built around fundamental core courses in each of these areas that are then brought together with specific robotics engineering courses. The Robotics Engineering program educational objectives are that our alumni/ae:

  • make technical contributions to design, development, and manufacturing in their practice of robotics engineering.
  • advance in their professional career.
  • engage in professional development or post-graduate education to pursue flexible career paths amid future technological changes.