Academic Catalog

Multidisciplinary Engineering (BSE)

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

The Multidisciplinary Engineering major requires a total of 128 credits. Multidisciplinary Engineering majors are required to complete the following:

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
CHEG 2103Introduction to Chemical Engineering3
CHEM 1128QGeneral Chemistry II4
or CHEM 1148Q Honors General Chemistry II
CE 2110Applied Mechanics I3
CE 3110Mechanics of Materials3
CE 3120Fluid Mechanics4
ECE 2001Electrical Circuits4
ENGR 1166Foundations of Engineering3
ENGR 4001Multidisciplinary Engineering Design I3
ENGR 4002WMultidisciplinary Engineering Design II3
MATH 2110Q
MATH 2410Q
Multivariable Calculus
and Elementary Differential Equations
MSE 2001Introduction to Structure, Properties, and Processing of Materials I3
or MSE 2101 Materials Science and Engineering I
MSE 2002Introduction to Structure, Properties, and Processing of Materials II3
or MSE 2102 Materials Science and Engineering II
STAT 3025QStatistical Methods 13
Thermal Science Elective
Select one of the following:3-4
Applied Thermodynamics of Materials
Thermodynamic Principles
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
Engineering Electives
Engineering Electives9
Area Elective Credits
Area Elective Credits24
Total Credits82-83

Or an equivalent approved statistics course (advisor approval required).

All multidisciplinary engineering students are required to have at least nine credits of work in engineering beyond those courses specifically required in the program. Three credits may be met by courses offered in the College of Engineering at the 2000 level or higher, and six credits must be met by courses in the College of Engineering at the 3000 level or higher.

Area Elective Credits can be used to pair the Multidisciplinary Engineering degree with other partner programs at the university. For students not seeking a paired program, consult with your academic advisor and the Guide for Multidisciplinary Engineering Majors for guidance on selecting courses based on your interests.

The Multidisciplinary Engineering Degree is overseen by faculty from the College of Engineering as well as the Engineering Undergraduate Programs Office, who strive to continuously improve our undergraduate program in Multidisciplinary Engineering. The program’s educational objectives (PEOs) are that our graduates: will be gainfully employed in Engineering or related career paths including industrial, academic, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and will continue their professional development by engaging in professional activities and/or training to enhance their careers and/or pursue post-graduate studies.

Multidisciplinary Engineering with a Specialization in Entertainment Engineering

Students choosing the Entertainment Engineering specialization will take coursework in the School of Fine Arts focused on stagecraft and technical theater, with a focus on hands-on and experiential learning in SFA dramatic productions. Students with this specialization will be well positioned to work in the theater and entertainment industries with a strong engineering background that intersects with the performing arts.

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
DRAM 12193
DRAM 3201Scene Construction3
DRAM 3202Rigging3
DRAM 32033
DRAM 32043
DRAM 3199Independent Study (three credits each, six credits total)6
Any three credit DRAM 3000 level course not used in fulfillment of another requirement3
Total Credits24

Suggested Content Area/General Education Courses

The specialization in Entertainment Engineering will require the 24 credits of required courses as described above. In addition, students pursuing this specialization are encouraged to choose at least one of their content area or General Education courses from the curated list below to provide additional depth in the Dramatic Arts according to their interests.

Course Title Credits
AFRA/DRAM 3131African-American Theatre (CA 4)3
AAAS 2136WAsian Theatre and Performance (CA 1/CA 4-INT)3
DRAM 1101Introduction to the Theatre (CA 1)3
DRAM 1501Introduction to World Puppetry (CA 1/CA 4-INT)3
DMD 2620Human Development, Digital Media, and Technology (CA 2)3
DRAM 3133Latina/o Theatre (CA 4)3

Multidisciplinary Engineering with a Specialization in Human Rights and Sustainability

The specialization in Human Rights and Sustainability is a joint program between the College of Engineering, the Human Rights Institute, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The Multidisciplinary Engineering (MDE) major with Specialization in Human Rights and Sustainability requires a student to be enrolled in the College of Engineering. In addition to providing students with a broad background in numerous engineering fields, this specialization aims to emphasize a human rights-based approach to engineering. Students will complete a minimum of 24 Human Rights credits, chosen from the courses outlined below, and will design a capstone project that follows a human-rights based approach to engineering.

Students will select 24 credits of specialization coursework according to the distribution below:

Course Title Credits
ENGR/HRTS 2300Engineering for Human Rights 13
Three Core Courses, one from each of the following areas:9
Institutions and Laws (Area A)
History, Philosophy, and Theory (Area B)
Applications and Methods (Area C)
Two Sustainability Courses (Area D)6
Two additional courses that may be taken from any of the Core or Elective courses (A-E) on the list below.6
Total Credits24

Ideally taken during the second semester of first year in the program.

Note: Courses solely or cross listed between ENGR and other disciplines listed below may be used to fulfill either ENGR elective credits or be counted as part of the 24 HRTS credits, but not both.

Students are encouraged, but not required, to take a W course in Human Rights as part of the 24 credits.

A capstone engineering design project (ENGR 4001 Multidisciplinary Engineering Design I and ENGR 4002W Multidisciplinary Engineering Design II) with strong Human Rights (HR) content as approved by the MDE faculty advisory board and Human Rights Institute Director, or Internship in HR (HRTS 4291 Service Learning Seminar/Internship) for students whose capstone design project does not have a significant HR theme. HRTS 4291 Service Learning Seminar/Internship would count as one for the two “additional courses” above.

  • Note: Students can elect to do both an HR-themed capstone and an HR internship if desired but must have at least one HR-themed experiential learning experience.

The MDE advising team will be responsible for ensuring that students successfully navigate the program requirements. The Human Rights undergraduate advising team will work with the students to identify experiential learning opportunities for students in the major.

Core Courses

A. Institutions and Laws
Course Title Credits
ANTH/HRTS 3230/ANTH 3230W/HRTS 3230WPropaganda, Disinformation, and Hate Speech3
HIST/HRTS 3202International Human Rights3
HRTS 3050Approaches to Human Rights Advocacy3
HRTS 3055Theory and Practice of International Criminal Justice3
HRTS 3200/3200W3
HRTS 3420Being International: Geopolitics and Human Rights3
POLS/HRTS 3212Comparative Perspectives on Human Rights3
POLS 3428The Politics of Torture3
SOCI/HRTS 2800Human Rights in the United States3
SOCI/HRTS 2845/SOCI 2845W/HRTS 2845WSociology of Global Human Rights3
B. History, Philosophy, and Theory
Course Title Credits
ANTH/HRTS 3326Global Health and Human Rights3
ANTH/HRTS/LLAS 3327Power and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean3
ENGL/HRTS 3631Literature, Culture, and Humanitarianism3
HIST/HRTS 3201The History of Human Rights3
HIST/HRTS 3207Genocide after the Second World War3
HIST/HRTS 3232History of Refugees, Migration, and Statelessness3
HRTS 2100WHuman Rights and Social Change3
HRTS 3460Human Rights and Armed Conflict3
HRTS 37103
HRTS/LLAS 2450Human Rights in Latin America3
HRTS/PHIL 3220/HRTS 3220W/PHIL 3220W3
HRTS/POLS 3042Theories of Human Rights3
C. Applications and Methods
Course Title Credits
DRAM/HRTS 3139Theatre and Human Rights3
HRTS 3149/3149WHuman Rights Through Film3
HRTS 3250/3250W3
HRTS 3475Economic Development and Human Rights3
HRTS 3540Topics in Human Rights Practice3
POLS/HRTS 3256/POLS 3256W/HRTS 3256WPolitics and Human Rights in Global Supply Chains3
POLS/HRTS 3430Evaluating Human Rights Practices of Countries3
SOCI/HRTS 3835/SOCI 3835W/HRTS 3835W3
D. Sustainability
Course Title Credits
ENGR/HRTS 3257Assessment for Human Rights and Sustainability 13
ENVE/ENVS/EVST 3100Climate Resilience and Adaptation: Municipal Policy and Planning 13
ENVE 3110EBrownfield Redevelopment 13
ENVE 4850 13
GEOG 2400EIntroduction to Sustainable Cities3
NRE 2600EGlobal Sustainable Natural Resources3
POLS/ENGR/HRTS 3209Sustainable Energy in the 21st Century 13
POLS 3203Environmental Policy and Institutions3

Courses that can also count as ENGR credits.

E. Elective Courses
Course Title Credits
Any HRTS course numbered 2000 level or above not already taken3
ANTH/HRTS 3028/ANTH 3028W/HRTS 3028WIndigenous Rights and Aboriginal Australia3
ANTH 3150WMigration3
ARTH/HRTS 3575Human Rights, Digital Media, Visual Culture3
ECON 3473/3473WEconomic Development3
ECON 2445/HRTS 3445/WGSS 3445Economic Foundations of Gender Inequality3
EDCI 2100Power, Privilege, and Public Education3
GEOG 4240Disaster Risk, Vulnerability, and Resilience3
HIST 2570American Indian History3
HIST 3418The Holocaust3
HIST/AAAS 3531Japanese Americans and World War II3
HRTS 3293International Study (with advisor approval)3
HRTS 3295Special Topics (with advisor approval)3
HRTS 3298Variable Topics (with advisor approval)3
HRTS 3299Independent Study (with advisor approval)3
PHIL/HRTS 2170WBioethics and Human Rights in Cross-Cultural Perspective3
PHIL 2215/2215WEthics3
POLS/HRTS 3418/POLS 3418WInternational Organizations and Law3
POLS/HRTS 3807Constitutional Rights and Liberties3
POLS 3240E3
AAAS/HRTS/SOCI 2220Asian Indian Women: Activism and Social Change in India and the United States3
SOCI/HRTS 2830/SOCI 2830W/HRTS 2830WClass, Power, and Inequality3
SOCI/HRTS 2898Topics in Sociology and Human Rights3
SOCI/HRTS/AFRA 2520White Racism3
SOCI/HRTS/AFRA 2530African Americans and Social Protest3
WGSS/HRTS 2263Women, Gender, and Violence3
WGSS 2255LGBTQ Sexualities, Activism, and Globalization3
WGSS 3105The Politics of Reproduction3
WGSS 3257Feminist Disability Studies3
WGSS 3269Gender, Sexuality, and Social Movements3

Capstone Course

HRTS 4291 Service Learning Seminar/Internship

This course is only required for students whose Senior Design sequence does not have a strong human rights component. Any student can complete an HRI internship and have it count for elective credit.

Multidisciplinary Engineering with a Specialization in Industrial Design

This specialization covers all the necessary classes to obtain a well-rounded education in engineering, such as chemistry, calculus, physics, and materials science, but leaves a significant number of courses for a solid framework in industrial design. This approach gives students a strong foundation of industrial design studio practices, and a unique understanding of fabrication methods, presentation skills, human factors, and concept development methods that will make them uniquely qualified to address new challenges in the field of engineering and design.

Course Title Credits
Required Courses
ART 3701Industrial Design: Materials and Techniques3
ART 3705Industrial Design: Form, Structure, and Space3
ART 3710Industrial Design: Drawing and Modeling for Design3
ART 3720Industrial Design: Process and Practice3
ART 37253
ART/ENGR 3735SolidWorks for Industrial Design3
Select two Industrial Design electives from the following: 16
Industrial Design: Digital Fabrication
Total Credits24

Taken during Fall and Spring; not all courses are available all semesters.