Management and Engineering for Manufacturing (BS)

Jointly offered by the College of Engineering and School of Business granting a single joint Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Engineering and School of Business.

Admission to the Management and Engineering for Manufacturing Major

Students who apply to the Management and Engineering for Manufacturing major with admission requirement coursework in transfer must apply through the College of Engineering at Admission to the Management and Engineering for Manufacturing (MEM) major is competitive. The following requirements must be met for consideration of admission into the MEM major. The following admission requirements must be complete at time of application to be considered for admission:

  1. Be in good academic standing (not on academic notice or eligible for dismissal).
  2. Have earned 24 credit hours.
  3. Have completed each of the following areas with no grades less than a C (no substitutions).
    Course Title Credits
    MATH 1131QCalculus I4
    Select one of the following:8
    MATH 1120Q
    & MATH 1121Q

    MATH 1125Q
    & MATH 1126Q

    Select one of the following:4
    General Chemistry I (Select one of the following:)
    Honors General Chemistry I
    Physics for Engineers I
    Other lab science
    Select one of the following:3-4
    Principles of Financial Accounting
    Principles of Economics (Intensive)
    Principles of Microeconomics
    Principles of Macroeconomics
    Introduction to Statistics I
    Elementary Concepts of Statistics
  4. To be admitted to the MEM Program, students must have demonstrated academic success and the potential to maintain a strong enough cumulative GPA to remain in the program.

Incoming first-year students may be admitted into the major by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at the time of enrollment at UConn, based on their credentials at the time of enrollment. Similarly, a first-semester student enrolled in the School of Business or the College of Engineering may freely transfer into the MEM program via, but only prior to the completion of the first semester. After the end of the first semester, all admissions to MEM are subject to the above restrictions.

Supplemental Academic Standards

After admission into the Management and Engineering for Manufacturing program, students must maintain a high standard of scholastic achievement to continue in the major program. Any student having completed 24 or more credit hours must maintain a minimum 2.79 cumulative grade point average. A student failing to meet this standard is subject to dismissal from the program.

The Management and Engineering for Manufacturing program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,