Academic Catalog

Environmental Engineering (BSE)

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

The Environmental Engineering major requires a total of 128 credits. Environmental Engineering majors are required to complete the following:

Course Title Credits
CE 2110Applied Mechanics I3
CE 2211Engineering Economics I1
CE 2251Probability and Statistics in Civil and Environmental Engineering3
CHEM 1128QGeneral Chemistry II4
or CHEM 1148Q Honors General Chemistry II
CHEG 2111Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I3
ENGR 1166Foundations of Engineering3
MATH 2110Q
MATH 2410Q
Multivariable Calculus
and Elementary Differential Equations
ENVE 1000EEnvironmental Sustainability3
ENVE 2310EEnvironmental Engineering Fundamentals3
CE/ENVE 2411Introduction to Computer Aided Design1
ENVE 3120Fluid Mechanics4
or CHEG 3123 Fluid Mechanics
ENVE 3201Environmental Engineering Laboratory I1
ENVE 3202Environmental Engineering Laboratory II1
ENVE 3220Water Quality Engineering3
ENVE 3230Air Pollution Control3
ENVE 4210Environmental Engineering Chemistry3
ENVE 4310Environmental Modeling3
ENVE 4320Ecological Principles and Engineering3
ENVE 4530Geoenvironmental Engineering3
or ENVE 4540 Design of Groundwater Systems
ENVE 4810Engineering Hydrology3
ENVE 4910WEnvironmental Engineering Design I2
ENVE 4920WEnvironmental Engineering Design II2
Biological Science requirement19
Earth Science requirement19
Professional Requirements courses 12
Elective Courses (as needed to reach 128 credits)13
Total Credits125

Earth Science Requirement

The Earth Science requirement may be fulfilled by:

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following:3
Earth's Dynamic Environment (Lecture)
Engineering and Environmental Geology
MARN 1002EIntroduction to Oceanography3
NRE 3145Meteorology3
NRE 3146Climatology3
or NRE 4135 Introduction to Ground Water Hydrology
SPSS 2120Environmental Soil Science3
SPSS 3420Soil Chemistry Components4
or SPSS 4420
Or other appropriate courses by petition
Total Credits19

Biological Science Requirement

The Biological Science requirement may be fulfilled by:

Course Title Credits
BIOL 1108Principles of Biology II4
EEB 2100EGlobal Change Ecology3
ENVE 3270Environmental Microbiology3
NRE 3105Wetlands Biology and Conservation3
NRE 3265Sustainable Urban Ecosystems3
NRE 4205Stream Ecology3
NRE 4340Ecotoxicology3
Or other appropriate courses by petition
Total Credits22

Professional Requirements

Professional Requirements include:

Course Title Credits
Select at least three credits in the area of Management and Policy from the following:3
Environmental and Resource Policy
Environmental and Resource Economics
Current Issues in Environmental Science
Climate Resilience and Adaptation: Municipal Policy and Planning
ENVE 4850
Environmental Evaluation and Assessment
Environmental Planning and Management
Sustainable Environmental Planning and Landscape Design
MEM 2221
Environmental Law
Project Management and Planning
Select at least three credits from any CE 3000 level (or higher) or ENVE courses3
Select at least six credits from the following:6
Any 3000 level or higher courses in engineering or science (BIOL, CHEM, EEB, GEOG, ERTH, LAND, MARN, MATH, MCB, NRE, PHYS, SOIL, TURF)
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Total Credits12

No course that was used to meet another requirement for the Environmental Engineering Program may double count as a Professional Requirement. This includes university general education requirements and requirements for the College of Engineering. Environmental Engineering Honors students are required to take three credits of ENVE 4886 Thesis I and/or ENVE 4897 Thesis in Environmental Engineering in place of three credits of Professional Requirements.

Additional Notes

The Environmental Engineering undergraduate program educational objectives are to impart our alumni/ae with the knowledge and skills needed to: actively contribute to the practice and profession of engineering, including management and administration, in the public, private or academic sectors in the technical area of environmental engineering; follow a path towards leadership in the profession that can include becoming licensed professional engineers, assessing the impact of human activities on the environment, designing and constructing solutions to minimize and mitigate such impacts, and tending to the natural environment as our life support system; and practice lifelong learning through post-graduate and professional education.

The Environmental Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

University General Education Requirements

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.

College of Engineering Degree Requirements

Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the College of Engineering section of this catalog.