Academic Catalog

Electrical Engineering (BSE)

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

The Electrical Engineering major requires a total of 126 credits. Electrical Engineering majors are required to complete the following:

Course Title Credits
Select one of the following:3
Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design
Foundations of Engineering
CSE 2301Principles and Practice of Digital Logic Design4
ECE 1401Programming for Electrical Engineers3
or CSE 3100 Systems Programming
ECE 2001Electrical Circuits4
ECE 3001Electromagnetic Fields and Waves3
ECE 3101Signals and Systems3
ECE 3111Systems Analysis and Design4
ECE 3201Electronic Circuit Design and Analysis4
ECE 4900WCommunicating Engineering Solutions in a Societal Context1
ECE 4901Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I2
ECE 4902Electrical and Computer Engineering Design II3
MATH 2110QMultivariable Calculus4
MATH 2210QApplied Linear Algebra3
MATH 2410QElementary Differential Equations3
STAT 3345QProbability Models for Engineers3
or MATH 3160 Probability
Elective courses7

Further details and course sequences are given in the Electrical Engineering Guide to Course Selection.

Restricted Electives

A student must take at least one course from each of the four groups:

Course Title Credits
Group 1. Power and Energy
Select one of the following:
Power Electronics
Electric Machines and Drives
Introduction to Modern Power Systems
Group 2. Circuits and Electronics
ECE 3221Digital Integrated Circuits3
or ECE 4201 Electronic Circuits and Applications
Group 3. Communications
ECE 4111Communication Systems3
or ECE 4112 Digital Communications and Networks
Group 4. Semiconductor and Nanotechnology
Select one of the following:
Semiconductor Devices and Nanostructures
Semiconductor Devices and Models
Fundamentals of Electron Device Design and Characterization
Electron Device Design and Characterization

Professional Requirements (PR)

A student must take at least 12 credits of technical Professional Requirements (defined as engineering, mathematics, statistics, physical and life sciences, when appropriate) courses numbered 3000 or higher. At least two courses (for a total of six credits or above) of the Professional Requirement coursework must be chosen from Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) courses and only three credits can be from ECE 3096 Directed Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering, ECE 4096 Independent Research in Electrical and Computer Engineering, ECE 4079 Independent Design Laboratory, ECE 4097 Thesis in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and ECE 4099 Independent Study in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Non-technical courses (including ENGR 3021 Engineering Ambassadors: Technical Communication and Presentation, ENGR 3022 Intro - Building our Sistas Strength (BOSS) Leveraging Adversity, Diversity and Intellect (LADI), ENGR 3024 Adv - Building our Sistas Strength (BOSS) Leveraging Adversity, Diversity and Intellect (LADI), and ENGR 3025 Engineering for Impact - Advanced Leaders), laboratory courses, and non-ECE independent study courses cannot be used for PR's, unless approved by the Department in writing before the course is taken. Neither STAT 3345Q Probability Models for Engineers nor MATH 3160 Probability can be counted as Professional Requirement. Any non-ECE professional requirement courses must be approved by the advisor and Department UG Director.

Design Laboratory

Course Title Credits
A student must take at least six credits of Design Laboratory courses from the following list:
ECE 3225Optical Engineering Laboratory3
ECE 3411Microprocessor Applications Laboratory3
ECE 3421Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) Design and Simulation4
ECE 4079Independent Design Laboratory 11-3
ECE 41133
ECE 4114Software-Defined Radio Design Laboratory3
ECE 4122Systems Laboratory3
ECE 4132Image Processing Systems Laboratory3
ECE 4225Fundamentals of Electron Device Design and Characterization3
ECE 4242Micro/Opto-electronic Devices and Circuits Fabrication Laboratory3
ECE 4244Nanotechnology II3
ECE 4401Digital Design Laboratory3
ECE 44023
ECE 5242Micro-Optoelectronic Devices and IC Fabrication3
ECE 6244Nanotechnology - II (Laboratory Course)3

Only one design lab (up to three credits) may be ECE 4079 Independent Design Laboratory.

Note that a course can only count as a restricted elective or as a professional requirement or as a design lab. In other words, the same course cannot satisfy multiple requirements.


Any student in Electrical Engineering can choose from the following five concentrations: Computer Engineering, Electronics and Optics, Power and Energy, Robotics, and Systems and Controls. If a student does not choose a concentration, there is no change in the current requirements for the Electrical Engineering degree.

Students can complete a concentration by taking nine credits from a list of courses associated with each track. Special topics courses (ECE 4095 Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering/ECE 6095 Special Topics in Electrical and Systems Engineering) may be substituted with the approval of the ECE Undergraduate Programs Director. Up to four concentration credits may be also used as a restricted elective (see above). The courses in each concentration are as follows:

Computer Engineering

Course Title Credits
ECE 3221Digital Integrated Circuits3
ECE 3401Digital Systems Design3
or ECE 5401 Advanced Digital Systems Design
ECE 3411Microprocessor Applications Laboratory3
ECE 3421Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) Design and Simulation4
or ECE 6421 Advanced VLSI Design
ECE 3431Numerical Methods in Scientific Computation3
ECE 4401Digital Design Laboratory3
ECE 5402Computer Architecture3

Electronics and Optics

Course Title Credits
ECE 3211Power Electronics4
ECE 3221Digital Integrated Circuits3
ECE 3223Optical Engineering3
ECE 3225Optical Engineering Laboratory3
ECE 3243Introduction to Nanotechnology3
ECE 4201Electronic Circuits and Applications3
ECE 4211Semiconductor Devices and Nanostructures3
ECE 4223Nanophotonics3
ECE 4225Fundamentals of Electron Device Design and Characterization3
or ECE 5225 Electron Device Design and Characterization
ECE 4242Micro/Opto-electronic Devices and Circuits Fabrication Laboratory3
or ECE 5242 Micro-Optoelectronic Devices and IC Fabrication
ECE 4243Nanoscience and Nanotechnology I3
or ECE 6243 Nanotechnology
ECE 4244Nanotechnology II3
or ECE 6244 Nanotechnology - II (Laboratory Course)
ECE 4261Introduction to Memory Device Technologies3
or ECE 5261 Memory Device Technologies

Power and Energy

Course Title Credits
ECE 3211Power Electronics4
ECE 3212Electric Machines and Drives4
ECE 3231Introduction to Modern Power Systems3
ECE 4211Semiconductor Devices and Nanostructures3
ECE 4225Fundamentals of Electron Device Design and Characterization3
or ECE 5225 Electron Device Design and Characterization
ECE 4550Microgrids3
or ECE 5550 Microgrids
ECE 5510Power System Analysis3
ECE 5520Advanced Power Electronics3
ECE 5530Modeling and Control of Electric Drives3
ECE 5540Electrical System Protection and Switchgear3
ECE 5552Communication Systems in Smart Grids3
ECE 5554Distribution Management Systems3


Course Title Credits
ECE 3161Introduction to Robotics3
ECE 3162Robot Motion Planning3
ECE 3163Robot Control and Dynamics3
ECE 4161Robotics Systems Laboratory3
ECE 6171Mobile Robotics3

Systems and Controls

Course Title Credits
ECE 4111Communication Systems3
ECE 4112Digital Communications and Networks3
ECE 4114Software-Defined Radio Design Laboratory3
ECE 4121Digital Control Systems3
ECE 4122Systems Laboratory3
ECE 4131Introduction to Digital Signal Processing3
or ECE 6122 Digital Signal Processing
ECE 4132Image Processing Systems Laboratory3
ECE 4141Introduction to RF/Microwave Wireless Systems3
ECE 5101Introduction to System Theory3
ECE 6103
ECE 6111Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes3
ECE 6121Information Theory3
ECE 6141Neural Networks for Classification and Optimization3
ECE 6151Communication Theory3
ECE 6152
ECE 6437Computational Methods for Optimization3
ECE 6439Estimation Theory and Comp Algorithms3

Concentration in Naval Science and Technology

The concentration in Naval Science and Technology is designed to expose students to engineering concepts and topics of importance to the Navy and industries that support naval science and technology. It is focused on facilitating interactions between students and naval professionals as well as hands-on and experiential activities related to senior design projects or independent study projects that have naval science and technology connections.

To complete this concentration, students must complete nine credits of Naval Science and Technology Coursework topics, distributed as follows:

Course Title Credits
ENGR 3109Navy STEM Professional Development Seminar (at least three credits)3
Select six credits from the following courses (or five if using Senior Design):6
Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Communicating Engineering Solutions in a Societal Context
Electrical and Computer Engineering Design I
Electrical and Computer Engineering Design II
Total Credits9

Students electing to complete the concentration must do so in their primary major, and as such select elective coursework from their primary discipline. Students electing to use their Senior Design course sequence must have their project topic approved by both their departmental senior design coordinator and either the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.

Students electing to use Special Topics courses or Independent Study/Research courses must have the course or research topic approved by both their department and either the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. Other courses relevant to naval science and technology may be considered for the concentration by petition to the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education. Students may not apply courses used in this concentration to fulfill requirements for other concentrations or minors.

The concentration in Naval Science and Technology is restricted to U.S. citizens.

The Electrical Engineering program educational objectives are that our alumni/ae: make technical contributions to design, development, and manufacturing in their practice of electrical engineering; advance in their professional career; and engage in professional development or post-graduate education to pursue flexible career paths amid future technological changes.

The Electrical Engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

University General Education Requirements

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.

College of Engineering Degree Requirements

Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the College of Engineering section of this catalog.