Academic Catalog

Computer Science (BS)

Bachelor of Science

The Computer Science major requires a total of 120 credits.

Course Title Credits
Required Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Courses
CSE 1010Introduction to Computing for Engineers3
CSE 2050Data Structures and Object-Oriented Design3
CSE 2500Introduction to Discrete Systems3
CSE 3000Contemporary Issues in Computer Science and Engineering1
CSE 3100Systems Programming3
CSE 3140Cybersecurity Lab2
CSE 3150C++ Essentials3
or CSE 3160 Functional Programming Fundamentals
CSE 3500Algorithms and Complexity3
CSE 3666Introduction to Computer Architecture3
CSE 4939WComputer Science and Engineering Design Project I3
CSE 4940Computer Science and Engineering Design Project II3
Computer Science majors must complete one of the following concentrations:9-12
Additional Required Courses
MATH 2110QMultivariable Calculus4
MATH 2210QApplied Linear Algebra3
Select one of the following:3
Statistical Methods
Probability Models for Engineers
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics I
Additional Laboratory Course Sequence
Select one two-semester laboratory course sequence from either:8
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry II
CHEM 1137Q
& CHEM 1138Q

Honors General Chemistry I
and Honors General Chemistry II
General Physics with Calculus I
and General Physics with Calculus II
Physics for Engineers I
and Physics for Engineers II
Fundamentals of Physics I
and Fundamentals of Physics II
Additional Science Course
Select one additional science course from the following list (but not in the same department as the two semester sequence):4
Principles of Biology I
Principles of Biology II
Introduction to Botany
General Chemistry I
General Chemistry II
General Physics with Calculus I
General Physics with Calculus II
Physics for Engineers II
Fundamentals of Physics I
Fundamentals of Physics II
Earth's Dynamic Environment
Earth's Dynamic Environment (Lecture)
Earth's Dynamic Environment (Laboratory)
Additional CSE Courses and Electives
Additional CSE courses as required to reach 43 credits in CSE courses
Elective courses to reach a minimum of 120 credits

Further details and course sequences are given in the Computer Science Guide to Course Selection.

The Computer Science program combines a rigorous education in computer science with added coursework in an area outside of computing, in the sciences, business or humanities. With a background that combines computer science and a non-computing discipline, our graduates have the breadth of understanding to apply computer science to other disciplines, which is particularly valuable as computing has become a key aspect of nearly all endeavors.

The Computer Science undergraduate program educational objectives are that our alumni/ae: practice and grow as computing professionals, conducting research and/or leading, designing, developing or maintaining projects in various technical areas of computer science; utilize knowledge and skills in Computer Science effectively for improving the society; and use new technical advancements of Computer Science to produce tangible contributions in the profession.

The Computer Science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,


Algorithms and Theory

Course Title Credits
CSE 3502Theory of Computation3
or CSE 5503 Theory of Computation
Select three of the following:9
Numerical Methods in Scientific Computation
Programming Language Translation
Introduction to Quantum Computing, Cryptography, and Networking
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Introduction to Modern Cryptography
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
CSE 5506
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Machine Learning
Modern Cryptography: Primitives and Protocols
Randomization in Computing
Total Credits12

Systems and Networks

Course Title Credits
CSE 3000Contemporary Issues in Computer Science and Engineering3
or CSE 5299 Computer Networks and Data Communication
Select three of the following:9
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Introduction to Computer and Network Security
Introduction to Cyber-Security
Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Computer Organization and Architecture
Computer Architecture
Introduction to Quantum Computing, Cryptography, and Networking
Networked Embedded Systems
Networked Embedded Systems
Advanced Computer Networks
CSE 5306
Architecture of Internet of Things
Total Credits12


Course Title Credits
CSE 3400Introduction to Computer and Network Security3
or CSE 5850 Introduction to Cyber-Security
Select three of the following:9
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Theory of Computation
Theory of Computation
Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Blockchain Technology
Computer Security
Computer Security
Network Security
Network Security
Introduction to Quantum Computing, Cryptography, and Networking
Introduction to Quantum Computing
Introduction to Modern Cryptography
Modern Cryptography: Foundations
Modern Cryptography: Primitives and Protocols
Information Ecosystem Threats
Total Credits12


Course Title Credits
CSE 3800Bioinformatics3
or CSE 5800 Bioinformatics
Select three of the following:9
Computational Genomics
Computational Genomics
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Image Analysis
Introduction to Biomedical Informatics
CSE 5815
CSE 5820Machine Learning3
Bayesian Machine Learning
Probabilistic Graphical Models
String Algorithms and Applications in Bioinformatics
CSE 5860
Total Credits15

Software Design and Development

Course Title Credits
CSE 2102Introduction to Software Engineering3
Select three of the following:9
C++ Essentials 1
Functional Programming Fundamentals
Mobile Application Development
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Programming Language Translation
Programming Languages
Advanced Programming Languages
Operating Systems
Principles of Databases
Operating Systems
Special Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (as Social Media Mining and Analysis)
Performance Engineering
Total Credits12

That was not used to meet core requirements.

Software Design for Mobile Computing

Course Title Credits
Mobile Application Development
Select three of the following:9
Introduction to Software Engineering
C++ Essentials 1
Functional Programming Fundamentals
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Introduction to Computer and Network Security
Introduction to Cyber-Security
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Principles of Databases
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Total Credits9

That was not used to meet core requirements.

Computational Data Analytics

Course Title Credits
CSE 4502Big Data Analytics3
or CSE 5717 Big Data Analytics
Select three of the following:9
Data Visualization and Communication
Data Visualization
Principles of Databases
Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction to Machine Learning
Computer Vision and Machine Learning for Image Analysis
Special Topics in Computer Science and Engineering (as Social Media Mining and Analysis)
Machine Learning
Bayesian Machine Learning
Probabilistic Graphical Models
Machine Learning for Physical Sciences and Systems
Discrete Optimization
Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Analysis
Data Mining
or BADM 3203
Information Ecosystem Threats
Total Credits12

Naval Science and Technology

The concentration in Naval Science and Technology is designed to expose students to engineering concepts and topics of importance to the Navy and industries that support naval science and technology. It is focused on facilitating interactions between students and naval professionals as well as hands-on and experiential activities related to senior design projects or independent study projects that have naval science and technology connections.

All Computer Science majors must also complete nine credits of Naval Science and Technology Coursework topics, distributed as follows:

Course Title Credits
ENGR 3109Navy STEM Professional Development Seminar (at least three credits)3
Select two of the following: 16
Special Topics in Computer Science and Engineering
Independent Study in Computer Science and Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering Design Project I
Computer Science and Engineering Design Project II
Total Credits9

With at least one course outside the senior design sequence.

Students electing to complete the concentration must do so in their primary major, and as such select elective coursework from their primary discipline. Students electing to use their Senior Design course sequence must have their project topic approved by both their departmental senior design coordinator and either the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education.

Students electing to use Special Topics courses or Independent Study/Research courses must have the course or research topic approved by both their department and either the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. Other courses relevant to naval science and technology may be considered for the concentration by petition to the director of the Navy STEM Program or the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education. Students may not apply courses used in this concentration to fulfill requirements for other concentrations or minors. The concentration in Naval Science and Technology is restricted to U.S. citizens.


Course Title Credits
Select three of the following:9
Introduction to Software Engineering
Mobile Application Development
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Computer Networks and Data Communication
Introduction to Computer and Network Security
Introduction to Cyber-Security
Theory of Computation
Theory of Computation
Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics
Any other 2000-level or higher CSE course not used to fulfill another major requirement3
Total Credits12

Individually Designed

Students may propose an individually designed concentration to fit their academic or career interests. This will be a minimum of 12 credits at the 2000 level or above, proposed by the student and approved by the student's advisor and the CSE Department Undergraduate Committee. The expectation is that such a concentration will have a strong unifying theme. This may include non-CSE courses, but the student will still be subject to the required 43 CSE credits.

University General Education Requirements

Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.

College of Engineering Degree Requirements

Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the College of Engineering section of this catalog.