Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
WGSS 1105. Gender and Sexuality in Everyday Life. (3 Credits)
How gender, sex, and sexuality are woven into systems of difference and stratification that shape everyday life. Examines these processes in the family, education, work, and politics with sensitivity to the diversity of individual experiences across class, racial ethnic groups, cultures, and regions. Provides experience in introductory research methods to analyze the social construction and structural organization of gender and sexuality. CA 2. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 1121. Women in History. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 1203.) The historical roots of challenges faced by contemporary women as revealed in the Western and/or non-Western experience: the political, economic, legal, religious, intellectual and family life of women. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 1170. Women's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ARIS 1170.) An exploration of feminist texts, literary texts, and popular fiction. Topics may include: the role of women’s writing from the nineteenth century to the present in public life; women’s writing in social and political movements such as the Arab Spring; the intersectionality of class, race, gender, and nation in Arabic literature; and the unique challenges faced by Arab women writers. Taught in English. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 1170W. Women's Contemporary Writing in the Arab World. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ARIS 1170W.) An exploration of feminist texts, literary texts, and popular fiction. Topics may include: the role of women’s writing from the nineteenth century to the present in public life; women’s writing in social and political movements such as the Arab Spring; the intersectionality of class, race, gender, and nation in Arabic literature; and the unique challenges faced by Arab women writers. Taught in English. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 1193. International Study. (1-6 Credits)
Consent of program director required, normally before the student's departure.
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits
WGSS 2105W. Gender and Science. (3 Credits)
The historical, sociological, economic, and political processes that shape the ways that gender, race, class, sexuality and nation intersect with science, medicine and technology. CA 4-INT.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
WGSS 2124. Gender and Globalization. (3 Credits)
Construction and reproduction of gender inequality and the gendered nature of global structures and processes. Key topics include women's rights as human rights; women's work; gender, development, and the global economy; migration; religious fundamentalism; reproduction, health, and HIV/AIDS; education; violence against women; and gender, war, and peace advocacy. CA 2. CA 4-INT.
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science, CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 2204. Feminisms and the Arts. (3 Credits)
Interdisciplinary exploration of drama, the visual arts, music, literature, social action art, and/or film through feminist, queer, and trans theory and criticism. Formerly offered as WGSS 1104. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI1: Creativity: Des,Expr,Inn, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 2217. Women, Gender and Film. (3 Credits)
Examines intersectional identities of gender, race, and sexuality depicted in film through feminist analysis. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI1: Creativity: Des,Expr,Inn, TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp
WGSS 2217W. Women, Gender and Film. (3 Credits)
Examines intersectional identities of gender, race, and sexuality depicted in film through feminist analysis. CA 1. CA 4.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI1: Creativity: Des,Expr,Inn, TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp
WGSS 2250. Critical Approaches to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. (3 Credits)
Theories, practice, and methodologies of the Women's, Gender, and Sexualities Studies interdiscipline.
WGSS 2255. LGBTQ Sexualities, Activism, and Globalization. (3 Credits)
Globalization of LGBTQ identities, cultures and social movement activism, and cultures from a transnational perspective; use, role, and impact of digital media. CA 4-INT.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher.
Content Areas: CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 2255W. LGBTQ Sexualities, Activism, and Globalization. (3 Credits)
Globalization of LGBTQ identities, cultures and social movement activism, and cultures from a transnational perspective; use, role, and impact of digital media. CA 4-INT.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 2263. Women, Gender, and Violence. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HRTS 2263.) Discussion of various forms of gendered violence in the United States and in a global context. Physical, sexual, emotional and structural violence; social, political and personal meanings of gendered violence; special emphasis on women.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher. Recommended preparation: Any 1000 or 2000 level WGSS course.
WGSS 2267. Women and Poverty. (3 Credits)
Exploration of poverty and gender inequality within the frameworks of the global political economy in select countries. Impact of race, class, and gender differences on policy.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores and higher. Recommended preparation: Any 1000-level WGSS course.
WGSS 2525. LGBTQ+ History in the United States. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 2525.) This course traces the history of LGBTQ+ identities, relationships, and politics in the United States from the late 18th century to the present, with a focus on changing forms of romantic and sexual relationships; the growth of LGBTQ+ communities; and the history of LGBTQ+ activism.
WGSS 2622. History of Gender and Sexuality in Latin America and the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 2622.) Topics may include: empire and colonialism/anti-colonialism; slavery, science, and the state; cultural practices and institutions; feminisms and masculinities; law and public policies; immigration; forms of labor and political mobilization; sex and reproduction; and human rights from historical perspective. Formerly offered as AFRA/HIST/LLAS/WGSS 3622.
WGSS 2680. Sociology of Sexualities. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SOCI 2680.) Explores the social organization, construction, and politics of sexualities, particular focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer experiences and the intersection of sexualities, gender, race, and class. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
WGSS 2680W. Sociology of Sexualities. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SOCI 2680W.) Explores the social organization, construction, and politics of sexualities, particular focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer experiences and the intersection of sexualities, gender, race, and class.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
WGSS 2807. Women and the Law. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 2807.) The development of constitutional and statutory standards for treatment of women under the law in the United States.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open for credit to students who have passed POLS 2998/W when offered as “Women and the Law.”
WGSS 2807W. Women and the Law. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 2807W.) The development of constitutional and statutory standards for treatment of women under the law in the United States.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011. Not open for credit to students who have passed POLS 2998/W when offered as Women and the Law.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
WGSS 3020W. Professional and Technical Writing for Social Justice. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENGL 3020W.) Critical analysis of and engaged practice in technical and professional communication and writing for both specialist and non-specialist audiences about complex topics. Attention to questions of rhetoric, representation, social justice, and ethics in contexts including, but not limited to, class, disability, gender, race, and sexuality.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
WGSS 3027W. Historical Women Political Thinkers. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3027W.) Critical study of the writings of several historical women political thinkers.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011, open to juniors or higher. Recommended preparation: POLS 1002. Not open to students who have passed POLS 2998W when offered as "Historical Women Political Thinkers."
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
WGSS 3052. Women and Politics. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3672.) An introduction to feminist thought, the study of women as political actors, the feminist movement and several public policy issues affecting women.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
WGSS 3102. Psychology of Women. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as PSYC 3102.) Gender roles, socialization, women and work, women's relationships, violence against women, and other topics. Theory and research. CA 4.
Enrollment Requirements: Three credits of 2000 or 3000 level psychology.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
WGSS 3105. The Politics of Reproduction. (3 Credits)
National and transnational politics of reproduction including: contraception, sexuality education, abortion, childbirth, surrogacy, adoption, health care policy and funding.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher; sophomores by consent of instructor. Recommended preparation: any 1000 or 2000-level WGSS course.
WGSS 3105W. The Politics of Reproduction. (3 Credits)
National and transnational politics of reproduction including: contraception, sexuality education, abortion, childbirth, surrogacy, adoption, health care policy and funding.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open to juniors or higher; sophomores by consent of instructor. Recommended preparation: any 1000 or 2000-level WGSS course.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
WGSS 3125. Art Books, Book Arts, and Publishing as Radical Practice. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ART 3125.) A hands-on studio exploration of book arts and independent publishing. Topics include various layout methods, printing technologies, bookbinding structures, and distribution channels, contextualized by an introduction to historical and contemporary artistic, literary, feminist, queer, and BIPOC radical publishing models that challenge conventions.
WGSS 3210. Gender and Communication. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as COMM 3210.) Differences in male/female communication, and an examination of cultural assumptions regarding gender in the communication process. Critically analyze the theory, politics and practice of communication and gender.
WGSS 3216. Women in Political Development. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3216.) How women and gender circumscribe political life and generate relationships of inequality and justice on a global scale. Topics may include conflict and security, development, human rights and legal systems, labor and migration, nation building, political economy, and transnational justice.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher, others by consent.
WGSS 3218. Feminist Theory. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as PHIL 3218.) Philosophical issues in feminist theory. Topics may include the nature of gender difference, the injustice of male domination and its relation to other forms of domination, the social and political theory of women's equality in the home, in the workplace, and in politics.
Enrollment Requirements: One three-credit course in Philosophy at the 1100-level or any three-credit 1000 or 2000-level WGSS course.
WGSS 3247. Gender and War. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3247.) Gender aspects of war. Masculinities and militaries; gender-based war violence; laws of war and post-war conditions for male and female soldiers and civilians.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
WGSS 3249. Gender Politics and Islam. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3249.) Construction of gender in Islamic texts and history, the religion's interaction with other patriarchal cultures and systems, western interventions and their impact, male leaders' reform efforts, women's movements.
WGSS 3252. Genders and Sexualities. (3 Credits)
Intersectional examination of diverse constructions of gender and sexuality. Focused exploration of selected topics.
WGSS 3253. Gender Representations in U.S. Popular Culture. (3 Credits)
Forces in the U.S. that shape and reshape gender in popular culture. CA 2.
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 3253W. Gender Representations in U.S. Popular Culture. (3 Credits)
Forces in the U.S. that shape and reshape gender in popular culture. CA 2.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 3254. Women and Gender in the Deaf World. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ASLN 3254.) The roles of women inside and outside the Deaf world. How language and cultural barriers perpetuate the roles defined for and by d/Deaf women within Deaf and hearing societies.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to students who passed ENGL 3698 when offered as "Women and Gender in the Deaf World." Recommended Preparation: Any 1000 or 2000-level WGSS course.
WGSS 3255. Sexual Citizenship. (3 Credits)
Sexuality as a significant axis of citizenship. How sexual citizenship differs in national, historical, and international contexts. How its different constructions influence such issues as welfare, adoption, marriage, and immigration. CA 4-INT.
Content Areas: CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 3255W. Sexual Citizenship. (3 Credits)
Sexuality as a significant axis of citizenship. How sexual citizenship differs in national, historical, and international contexts. How its different constructions influence such issues as welfare, adoption, marriage, and immigration. CA 4-INT.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA4INT: Div & Multi Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
WGSS 3256. Feminist, Queer, and Trans Theories. (3 Credits)
Exploration of foundational and current critical theory in feminist, queer, and trans studies. Emphasis on the shared historical development of, transnational and intersectional approaches in, as well as controversies within and between these theoretical perspectives. Among diverse approaches to be considered are major feminist, queer, and trans revisions of critical race, psychoanalytic, Marxist, Foucauldian, indigenous and postcolonial theories.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: WGSS 2250. Not open to students who have passed WGSS 3995 when offered as "Introduction to Queer Studies."
WGSS 3257. Feminist Disability Studies. (3 Credits)
Social, historical, cultural, and political constructions of the intersecting categories of gender and disability. Through a wide variety of texts and cultural examples, exploration of how disability is gendered, gender is disabled, and both are interwoven by race, ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, and subcultures.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher; sophomores by consent of instructor. Recommended preparation: Any 1000 or 2000-level WGSS course.
WGSS 3257W. Feminist Disability Studies. (3 Credits)
Social, historical, cultural, and political constructions of the intersecting categories of gender and disability. Through a wide variety of texts and cultural examples, exploration of how disability is gendered, gender is disabled, and both are interwoven by race, ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, and subcultures.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open to juniors or higher; sophomores by consent of instructor. Recommended preparation: any 1000 or 2000-level WGSS course.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
WGSS 3258. Latina Narrative. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as LLAS 3230.) Feminist topics in contemporary Latina literature and cultural studies.
WGSS 3264. Gender in the Workplace. (3 Credits)
Examination of the gendered dimensions of migration and labor in the global economy and its impact on workers in the US and select other countries.
Enrollment Requirements: Any 1000 or 2000 level WGSS course.
WGSS 3265W. Producing Critical Feminist Scholarship. (3 Credits)
Exploration of the theoretical underpinnings of diverse critical scholarship used by WGSS researchers and the significance of praxis for fostering knowledge production in this interdisciplinary and transnational field. Ethical dilemmas faced by feminist, critical race, queer and trans scholars and other critical scholars, activists, artists, and policy makers. Experiential opportunities in designing and producing WGSS scholarship.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
WGSS 3269. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Movements. (3 Credits)
Examination of social movements as related to intersections of gender, race, sexuality, disability, class, nationality, ethnicity. May include related topics such as capitalism, democracy, globalization, economic justice, the environment, health, sexual freedom.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: Any 1000 or 2000 level WGSS course.
WGSS 3269W. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Movements. (3 Credits)
Examination of social movements as related to intersections of gender, race, sexuality, disability, class, nationality, ethnicity. May include related topics such as capitalism, democracy, globalization, economic justice, the environment, health, sexual freedom.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011. Recommended preparation: Any 1000 or 2000 level WGSS course.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
WGSS 3270. Masculinities. (3 Credits)
Social construction of masculinity and how maleness is gendered. Examination of the multiple forms of masculinity as influenced by differences in social and cultural expressions of gender, race, ethnicity, class, nationality, sexuality, disability and subcultures.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher; sophomores by consent of instructor. Recommended preparation: Any 1000-level or 2000-level WGSS course.
WGSS 3271. Seminar on Rape Education and Awareness I. (1 Credit)
Explores issues of sexual violence and trains those enrolled to facilitate rape awareness workshops for the campus community. Students are required to attend an intensive two-day training program and participate in weekly seminars.
WGSS 3277. Issues in Human Sexuality. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HDFS 3277.) Contemporary issues concerning human sexuality; impact upon individuals and family units.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
WGSS 3321. Latinas and Media. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as LLAS 3321.) The role of ethnicity and race in women's lives. Special attention to communication research on ethnic and racial minority women. CA 4. Formerly offered as LLAS 3264/ WGSS 3260.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
WGSS 3350. Anthropological Perspectives on Women. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ANTH 3350.) Major conceptual and historical problems in the study of gender in anthropology. Women's roles in different historical and contemporary settings, and new understandings of family, kinship, power, and cultural ideologies.
WGSS 3369. Gender, Justice, and Hashtags. (3 Credits)
Examination of gender and social media activism across digital platforms and historical and geographic contexts with a focus on race and gender equality, social justice, and human rights. Topics may include the creation of publics and feminist counterpublics, disinformation, globalization, trolling, gender-based violence, and gender/racial bias in artificial intelligence.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended Preparation: Any 1000 or 2000-level WGSS course.
WGSS 3402. Women in the Bible. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ANTH 3402.) An introduction to Biblical interpretation from a feminist perspective, examining how women are represented in the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. Issues of authorship, translation, point of view, cultural context and language.
WGSS 3403. Women and Religion. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ANTH 3403.) Gender issues in the world's religions. Survey of women's theological standing, ritual activities and participation in a cross-cultural sample of religions, both monotheistic and polytheistic.
WGSS 3416. Gender and Sexuality in Modern Europe. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3416.) The construction of gender difference and ideas about sexuality in western Europe since 1789. Masculinity and femininity; sexuality, identity and the state; European power and personhood in global context.
WGSS 3445. Economic Foundations of Gender Inequality. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HRTS 3445.) Economic approaches to gender inequality in political representation, economic opportunities, access to education, and health.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to students who have passed or are taking ECON 2445.
WGSS 3453. Women and Health. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SOCI 3453.) Social factors shaping women's health, health care, and their roles as health-care providers.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher.
WGSS 3560. Constructions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in U.S. History. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3560.) Examination of historical development, interconnections, and complexities of conceptions of race, gender, and sexuality in U.S. from European conquest to the present.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open for credit to students who have passed HIST 3095 when taught as Constructions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in U.S. History.
WGSS 3561. History of Women and Gender in the U.S. to 1850. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3561.) Gender ideologies of indigenous and settler cultures, changing conditions of women's and men's lives as the U.S. became a nation, while emphasizing intersections with ethnicity, race, class, religion, and region.
WGSS 3562. History of Women and Gender in the United States, 1850-Present. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3562.) History of gender and the lives and cultural representations of women in the U.S., emphasizing intersections with race, sexuality, class, region, and nation.
WGSS 3565. African American Women's History. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as AFRA 3565.) African American women's history in the United States, including black women's activism and leadership; roles within the larger African Diaspora; engagement in local, national, and international freedom struggles; and redefinitions of identities as wives, mothers, leaders, citizens, and workers. Special attention given to the diversity of black women’s experiences, and to the dominant images of black women in America from Mumbet (the first enslaved woman to sue for her freedom and win) to contemporary issues of race, sex, and class.
WGSS 3609. Women's Literature. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENGL 3609.) Works written by women from different countries and centuries. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 3611. Women's Literature 1900 to the Present. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENGL 3611.) Modern and contemporary works written by women from different countries. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 3613. LGBTQ+ Literature. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENGL 3613.) Literature focusing on gender and sexual diversity across cultural contexts. Experiences of, for example, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, hijra, and two-spirit people. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 3652. Black Feminist Politics. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3652.) An introduction to major philosophical and theoretical debates at the core of black feminist thought, emphasizing the ways in which interlocking systems of oppression uphold and sustain each other.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
WGSS 3675. Latina History and Biography. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3675.) Examination of the history of Latinas in the US with a focus on women, gender, and sexuality. Students will consider how historians use oral histories, life histories, memoirs, biographies, and testimonials as sources to restore Latinas to histories from which they were previously omitted. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
WGSS 3718W. Feminism and Science Fiction. (3 Credits)
Feminist approaches to science fiction. Human and non-human embodiments - humans, aliens, and cyborgs - and the social issues their interactions raise: reproduction and colonization; racial, sexual, and gender apartheid; "human" rights and the rule of law. CA 4.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
WGSS 3891. Internship Program. (1-9 Credits)
A field placement in an organization related to the student's major field of study. Work is overseen by the field work supervisor and the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Internship Coordinator.
Enrollment Requirements: One WGSS course.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
WGSS 3993. International Study. (1-6 Credits)
Consent of program director required, normally before the student's departure. May count toward the major with consent of the director.
May be repeated for credit
WGSS 3995. Special Topics. (1-6 Credits)
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary.
May be repeated for credit
WGSS 3998. Variable Topics. (3 Credits)
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary.
May be repeated for credit
WGSS 4100. Experiential/Service Learning Seminar. (4 Credits)
(Also offered as AAAS 4100.) Interdisciplinary examination of the history of social justice organizing in the U.S.; theories, strategies, and practice of community organizing movements such as those for immigration, environmental, reproductive, and racial justice. Includes practice in community organizing and political advocacy.
WGSS 4994W. Capstone Seminar. (3 Credits)
Synthesis of studies in the discipline, including discussion of major concerns and topics in WGSS research and praxis. Exploration of post-graduate pathways intersecting with students’ interests and goals and application of feminist research methods and theories to a research project.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; WGSS 2250; Open to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies majors only. Open to seniors; juniors by consent of instructor. Recommended preparation: WGSS 3265W.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency