University (UNIV)

UNIV 1730.  Holster Research Proposal Development.  (1 Credit)  
Developing research ideas into fundable, discipline-appropriate research applications. Topics may include drafting and revision of statements; meeting compliance requirements; budgeting; completing a literature review; creating a timeline; and practicing interview skills. Culminates in proposal for Holster Scholars Program. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
UNIV 1784.  First-Year Honors Seminar.  (1 Credit)  
An overview of some aspects of university education. Designed to help students set learning goals to be achieved during the baccalaureate experience.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Honors students. Must be a First-year student.  
Grading Basis: Honors Credit  
UNIV 1800.  FYE University Learning Skills.  (1 Credit)  
An overview of the university experience with a focus on acquiring learning skills and understanding resources available for academic success.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to First-Year or Sophomore students only.  
UNIV 1810.  FYE Learning Community Seminar.  (1 Credit)  
An overview of topics relevant to the theme of the Learning Community.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to First-Year or Sophomore students only.  
May be repeated for a total of 3 credits  
UNIV 1820.  First Year Seminar.  (1 Credit)  
Guided research or reading, discussion, and writing on topics of professional interest to the instructor. Course materials promote independent learning and active engagement in the academic life of the university. May be repeated for credit with a change in content.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to First-Year or Sophomore students only.  
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 1840.  Learning Community Service-Learning.  (1 Credit)  
Activities, discussions, and critical reflections related to service-learning, community engagement, and/or experiential learning activities specific to the theme of a learning community. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory). This course may be repeated for a total of four semesters with change of activity and/or skill level.
May be repeated for a total of 4 credits  
UNIV 1881.  Supervised Internship Experience.  (1 Credit)  
Supervised fieldwork of six to eight hours per week (for a minimum of 80 hours) for 8-10 weeks, relevant to major and/or career goals. Mid semester and final evaluations are prepared by the field supervisor and the course instructor. This course does not fill any general education or major requirements. Formerly offered as UNIV 1991.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to matriculated undergraduates only, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must secure a satisfactory internship position prior to the end of the second week of the semester of enrollment in this course. May be repeated one time, with permission. Open to matriculated undergraduates only, students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must secure a satisfactory internship position prior to the end of the second week of the semester of enrollment in this course.  
May be repeated for a total of 2 credits  
UNIV 1981.  Documented Internship Experience.  (0 Credits)  
Supervised fieldwork of 8-10 hours per week for 8-12 weeks for a minimum of 80 hours at the internship site. Evaluations by the field supervisor and the course instructor. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0. Students must secure a satisfactory internship position prior to the end of the second week of the semester. May be repeated one time, with permission. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for a total of 0 credits  
UNIV 1983.  International Study.  (1-17 Credits)  
Course work undertaken within approved Education Abroad programs. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for a total of 17 credits  
UNIV 1985.  Special Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 1993.  International Study.  (1-17 Credits)  
Course work undertaken within approved Study Abroad programs. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 17 credits.
May be repeated for a total of 17 credits  
UNIV 1995.  Special Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
May be repeated with a change in topic.
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 1999.  Independent Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
Enrollment Requirements: Open to First-Year or Sophomore students only.  
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 2100.  Preparation for STEM Academic Research.  (1 Credit)  
Preparation for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) undergraduate research projects and academic research assignments to prepare for graduate school.
UNIV 2230.  The BLACC Program, Black Leadership and Community Cultivation.  (1 Credit)  
Successful mentoring strategies and strategies for effective communication and discourse. Students will learn about and recognize the consequences of stereotype threat and will develop proficiency in mentoring African American college students to become lifelong learners.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher.  
May be repeated for a total of 4 credits  
UNIV 2300.  Tutoring Principles for Quantitative Learning.  (1 Credit)  
An interdisciplinary introduction to peer-to-peer tutoring in quantitative courses. Readings on individualized learning assistance and adapting instruction to different learning styles. Training in techniques to guide peers towards becoming independent learners with higher levels of reasoning and assessment of knowledge in quantitative disciplines. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
UNIV 2500.  Gender, Sexuality and Community.  (3 Credits)  
Weekly lecture and discussion series with guest scholars, community activists, and educators from assorted disciplines. Critical investigation and exploration of interrelationships of gender, sexuality and community.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher.  
UNIV 2600.  Individualized Study Across Academic Disciplines.  (1 Credit)  
Introduction to disciplinarity, multidisciplinarity, and interdisciplinarity. Recommended for students exploring an application to the Individualized Major Program.
UNIV 2820.  TYE: Transition Year Experience.  (1 Credit)  
Designed to support regional students who must transition to Storrs to finish their degree, to be taken the semester before their first semester at Storrs. Students will be paired with Campus Change Peer Mentors who will help them prepare the skills and develop the community that will allow them to thrive at Storrs.
UNIV 2983.  International Study.  (1-17 Credits)  
Course work undertaken within approved Education Abroad programs. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for a total of 17 credits  
UNIV 2993.  International Study.  (1-17 Credits)  
Course work undertaken within approved Education Abroad programs.
May be repeated for a total of 17 credits  
UNIV 3080.  Peer Mentor Leadership Development Course.  (3 Credits)  
Focus on personal growth and leadership development to foster empowerment of self and others through peer mentoring. Students will explore social, cultural, personal, and academic issues that affect first-year students, in particular first-generation college students from underrepresented populations. Some topics covered are empathy, MBTI, effective communications, the transition to college, growth mindset, cultural diversity, and self-awareness.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only with consent of instructor, open to sophomores or higher.  
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
UNIV 3088.  Variable Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
Current and emerging local/global topics of general interest to the university community. Open to all students. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
UNIV 3098.  Variable Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
Current and emerging local/global topics of general interest to the university community. Open to all students.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
UNIV 3294.  Entrepreneurial Approaches to Community-Centered Innovation.  (2 Credits)  
Foundational knowledge necessary for involvement in multi-semester experiential learning programs on current/emerging topics of general interest to the University community. Open to all students following a successful application. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic, up to a total of six credits.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent; enrollment in this course is through application and is open to undergraduate students of any major at UConn.  
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
UNIV 3784.  Interdisciplinary Honors Seminar.  (3 Credits)  
An interdisciplinary seminar designed for honors students and open to other qualified students. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated for credit with change of topic. Sponsored by the Honors Program.
May be repeated for credit  
Grading Basis: Honors Credit  
UNIV 3820.  Learning Community Advanced Seminar.  (1 Credit)  
A variable topics course designed to help students engage with the advanced academic and enrichment opportunities unique to their learning community. This course is only open to sophomores, juniors, or seniors in learning communities.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores, juniors, or seniors in learning communities.  
May be repeated for a total of 3 credits  
UNIV 3985.  Special Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 3991.  Interdisciplinary Internship Field Experience.  (1-6 Credits)  
Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 3993.  International Study.  (1-17 Credits)  
Course work undertaken within approved Study Abroad programs. May be repeated for credit (to a maximum of 17).
May be repeated for a total of 17 credits  
UNIV 3995.  Special Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
With a change in topic; may be repeated for credit.
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 3999.  Independent Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
May be repeated for credit.
May be repeated for credit  
UNIV 4600W.  Capstone Course.  (3 Credits)  
All students with an approved individualized major plan of study who are not earning a double major nor have another capstone course on their plan of study must register for this course during their last academic year. Students will integrate their interdisciplinary major through a capstone paper.
Enrollment Requirements: Consent required by instructor and the Individualized Major Program Director; ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; senior standing with an approved individualized major plan of study; and an approved placement, research or project.  
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency  
UNIV 4697W.  Senior Thesis.  (3-6 Credits)  
All honors students writing a thesis for their individualized major plan of study must register for this course during their last academic year. Students must present their thesis to the Individualized Major Program. Students must have obtained a thesis advisor and have an approved thesis topic before registration.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; senior standing with an approved individualized major plan of study; consent required by instructor and the Individualized Major Program director.  
Grading Basis: Honors Credit  
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency  
UNIV 4800.  Senior Year Experience.  (1 Credit)  
An overview of the transition to life beyond the University with a focus on life skill awareness and development including financial literacy, career readiness, and reflection on the meaning and value of the undergraduate experience. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
Enrollment Requirements: Open to seniors only.  
UNIV 4820.  SYE Seminars.  (1 Credit)  
An overview of the transition to life beyond the University with a focus on life skill awareness and development including financial literacy, career readiness, and reflection on the meaning and value of the undergraduate experience. Each section will be open to select populations based on major or other affiliation and will have unique elements within assignments or in-class activities that are related to the specific entity. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to seniors; instructor consent required.  
UNIV 4840.  Senior Year Experience.  (1 Credit)  
An overview of the transition to life beyond the University with a focus on life skill awareness and development including financial literacy, career readiness, and reflection on the meaning and value of the undergraduate experience. Each section will be open to select populations based on major or other affiliation and will have unique elements within assignments or in-class activities that are related to the specific entity. Assignments will be graded with a rubric for a letter grade.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to seniors.