Academic Catalog

Agricultural and Resource Economics (RH) (SARE)

SARE 450.  Principles of Applied and Resource Economics.  (3 Credits)  
An introduction to microeconomic analysis with applications to food, nutrition, health, natural resources, and the environment. Topics include consumer and firm behavior, supply, demand, markets, and economic policy. Taught with ARE 1150.
SARE 460.  Fundamentals of Accounting and Management for the Agribusiness Firm.  (3 Credits)  
An analysis of basic business principles, fundamentals and concepts for business entrepreneurs.
SARE 495.  Special Topics.  (1-3 Credits)  
(Also offered as SANR 495.) Total credits allowed toward graduation requirements are restricted as outlined in Ratcliffe Hicks section.
May be repeated for credit  
SARE 699.  Independent Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
(Also offered as SANR 699.) An independent study project is mutually arranged between a student and an instructor. Total credits allowed toward graduation requirements are restricted as outlined in Ratcliffe Hicks section.
May be repeated for credit