Animal Science (RH) (SAAS)
SAAS 101. Introduction to Animal Science. (3 Credits)
The biological, physical and social factors that influence animal production and utilization. Taught with ANSC 1001.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to students in an undergraduate program.
SAAS 111. Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals. (3 Credits)
A study of the anatomy and physiology of the animal body including characteristics that impact animal production systems. The physiology of reproduction and digestion will receive emphasis. Management practices and techniques used to maximize production efficiency will be included.
SAAS 112. Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals. (3 Credits)
A study of the anatomy and physiology of the animal body including characteristics that impact animal production systems. The physiology of reproduction and digestion will receive emphasis. Management practices and techniques used to maximize production efficiency will be included.
Enrollment Requirements: SAAS 111.
SAAS 113. Principles of Animal Nutrition and Feeding. (3 Credits)
Focuses on digestive anatomy of various species and the classes of nutrients including their digestion, metabolism and sources. Nutrient requirements and feeding standards for various classes of livestock for reproduction, lactation, growth, work and maintenance are included as well as companion animals, exotics and aquatics. Classes of feedstuffs, their characteristics and proper utilization will be discussed. Attention will also be given to characteristics of common feedstuffs and to formulating rations and nutritional programs for animal enterprise. Taught with ANSC 1111.
SAAS 121. Animal Breeding and Genetics. (3 Credits)
The principles of genetics, chemistry of nucleic acids, replication, transcription, translation and regulation of genes, population and quantitative genetics, and modern molecular genetics approaches as tools for breeding, and improving livestock production.
SAAS 202. Behavior and Training of Domestic Animals. (3 Credits)
Application of behavior of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine, companion animals and poultry to their management, training and welfare. Basic principles of genetics and physiology of behavior, perception, training, learning, motivation, and stress with consideration of integrated behavioral management and animal welfare. Students must have access to an animal that they can train throughout the semester. Taught concurrently with ANSC 1602.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: SAAS 101.
SAAS 243. Animal Products. (3 Credits)
An introduction to meat, dairy and poultry products. Issues concerning regulatory standards, nutritive value, safety and quality assessment will be emphasized. Laboratories will emphasize the production and processing of these animal food products. Taught with ANSC 3343.
SAAS 251. Horse Science. (3 Credits)
Includes horse types and breeds and their nutrition, breeding, evaluation, behavior, care and management with attention given to detailed studies of the problems and practices of horse production and use. Taught with ANSC 2251.
SAAS 252. Management of the Horse Breeding Farm. (3 Credits)
Designed to develop technical and managerial skills necessary for operating horse farms. Programs for herd health, hoof care, nutrition, breeding, foaling and record keeping will be included.
Enrollment Requirements: SAAS 251.
SAAS 255. Foundations of Training. (2 Credits)
Fundamental ground work and training techniques used when working with young horses. Prior working experience with horses is highly recommended.
SAAS 257. Methods of Equitation Instruction. (2 Credits)
The techniques and procedures of teaching equitation including the theories of riding and teaching methods. Practice teaching will be required under the supervision of the instructor. Taught with ANSC 4457.
SAAS 261. Dairy Herd Management. (3 Credits)
Management of dairy cattle including milking procedures, sanitation, selection, nutrition, reproduction, physiology and anatomy of milk secretion and record keeping. Field trip required. Taught with ANSC 3261.
SAAS 262. Applied Dairy Herd Management. (3 Credits)
The organization and management of dairy farms with emphasis upon business and economic decision making. Management programs in the areas of nutrition, disease control, waste management, selection, reproduction and milking will be evaluated. Field trips are required.
SAAS 271. Introduction to Poultry Industry. (3 Credits)
A practical application of scientific principles in the poultry industry. It will include classification, selection methods, breeding, incubation and chick development, brooding, nutrient requirements, processing and management practices.
SAAS 272. Sustainable Animal Management. (3 Credits)
An introduction to sustainable agriculture, as related to alternative farm animal production. Basic economics will be discussed in preparation for the creation of a farm business plan. Laboratory/discussion periods will include student presentations and hands-on activities. Field trips required.
SAAS 273. Livestock Production. (4 Credits)
Biological and economic aspects of beef, sheep, and swine production. Field trips required. Taught with ANSC 3273.
SAAS 274. Livestock and Carcass Evaluation. (2 Credits)
Classification, form to function relationships, grades and value differences of livestock are included. Objective and subjective methods of appraisal are used to evaluate beef cattle, sheep and swine. Taught with ANSC 3674.
SAAS 275. Advanced Animal and Product Evaluation. (1 Credit)
Intensive training in the evaluation of selected species of farm animals or their products. Type standards and the relation of anatomical features to physiological function are emphasized. Evaluation skills including justification of decisions will be developed. Students enrolled in this course will have the option to participate on intercollegiate animal and product evaluation teams. Field trips are required, some of which may occur prior to the start of the semester. Taught with ANSC 3675.
May be repeated for a total of 2 credits
SAAS 276. Introduction to Companion Animals. (3 Credits)
Basic concepts of nutrition, physiology, health, genetics, and management of companion animals emphasizing cats and dogs, but less common ones will also be discussed. Management will encompass keeping companion animals, and behavioral, and mental health management concerns. Taught with ANSC 2276.
SAAS 290. Animal Science Field Excursions. (1 Credit)
A multiple day field trip format. Students in this course will travel with the instructor to visit and tour agri-businesses that represent commercial aspects of different animal science activities. Students will interview agri-business personnel and gain an understanding of how agricultural principles are applied in the field. Each student must submit a formal written report for evaluation and meet all other course requirements as specified by the instructor. Field trip is required. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for a total of 1 credits
SAAS 291. Professional Internship. (1-6 Credits)
Total credits allowed toward graduation requirements are restricted as outlined in Ratcliffe Hicks section.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher; open only with consent of instructor.
SAAS 294. Career Paths in the Animal Sciences. (1 Credit)
A discussion of current employment opportunities in animal agriculture. In addition, students will prepare resumes and give oral presentations.
SAAS 295. Special Topics. (1-6 Credits)
Total credits allowed toward graduation requirements are restricted as outlined in Ratcliffe Hicks section. Contact Department Main Office for list of current topics and instructors.
May be repeated for credit
SAAS 298. Variable Topics. (1-6 Credits)
Contact Department Main Office for list of current topics and instructors.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent.
May be repeated for credit
SAAS 299. Independent Study. (1-6 Credits)
An independent study project is mutually arranged between a student and an instructor. Students are advised to read the Ratcliffe Hicks regulation limiting the number of credits which may be applied to the minimum graduation requirements. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory.)
May be repeated for credit
SAAS 358. Management Skills and Practices - Horses. (1 Credit)
Practical experience in common management practices is offered by working in the University facilities under supervision. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for a total of 2 credits
SAAS 363. Management Skills and Practices - Dairy Cattle I. (1 Credit)
Practical experience in common management practices is offered by working in the University facilities under supervision. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
Enrollment Requirements: May not be taken out of sequence after passing SAAS 364.
SAAS 364. Management Skills and Practices - Dairy Cattle II. (1 Credit)
Continued practical experience in common management practices is offered by working in the University facilities under supervision. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
Enrollment Requirements: SAAS 363.
SAAS 373. Management Skills and Practices - Livestock. (1 Credit)
Practical experience in common management practices is offered by working with livestock species in the University facilities under supervisor. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
May be repeated for a total of 2 credits
SAAS 375. Management Skills and Practices - Poultry. (1 Credit)
Practical experience in common management practices is offered by working in the University facilities under supervision. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to students in the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture. Instructor consent required.
May be repeated for credit
SAAS 420. Training Assistant. (1 Credit)
Livestock animal handling, training, fitting, and showing techniques for Introduction to Animal Science students at weekly practices.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent.