Academic Catalog

Persian (PERS)

PERS 1101.  Elementary Persian I.  (4 Credits)  
Introductory reading, writing, speaking, listening and cultural context. Development of linguistic skills required to interact in everyday contexts. Intended for students with no previous knowledge of Persian.
PERS 1102.  Elementary Persian II.  (4 Credits)  
Continuation of PERS 1101. Development of oral and written skills. Deepening of cultural competence. Taught in English and Persian.
PERS 1101 or comparable proficiency; instructor consent required.  
PERS 1103.  Intermediate Persian I.  (4 Credits)  
Further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Persian within a cultural setting. Readings to enhance cultural awareness of the Persian-speaking world.
PERS 1102 or equivalent.  
PERS 1104.  Intermediate Persian II.  (4 Credits)  
Further development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Persian within a cultural setting. Readings to enhance cultural awareness of the Persian-speaking world.
PERS 1103 or equivalent.