Operations and Information Management (OPIM)
OPIM 3103. Business Information Systems. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3103.) An introduction to key information management principles and the foundation for advanced operations and information management electives. Students learn to manage, organize, and analyze information across a variety of programs and systems. Students gain experience manipulating data, creating and modifying databases, and working within information systems that are essential to business operations.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Business majors of sophomore or higher status, others with consent of OPIM Department Head. May not be taken out of sequence after passing OPIM 3207, 3211, 3301, 3302, 3505, or 3506.
OPIM 3104. Operations Management. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3104.) Introduction to concepts, models, and information systems applicable to the planning, design, operation and control of systems which produce goods and services. Topics include process design, facility locations, aggregate planning, inventory control, and scheduling.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3203. Analytics for Business Intelligence. (3 Credits)
The course introduces students to the field of analytics and business intelligence. It positions them to structure and successfully complete analytics projects. The course exemplifies and explores how businesses gather and use data as well as set up and execute business problems. Students will make use of programming tools to build predictive models.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103 or BADM 3103; open only to Analytics and Information Management majors of junior or higher status. May not be taken out of sequence after passing OPIM 3211. Not open for credit to students who have passed OPIM 5604.
OPIM 3204. Database Design and Management. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3204.) This course introduces market-leading techniques for transaction processes as well as decision making and business intelligence, that help to identify and manage key data from business processes. Provides the essential tools required for further data mining applications. Combines lecture, class discussion and hands-on computer work in a business-oriented environment.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103 or BADM 3103; open only to Analytics and Information Management majors of junior or higher status. May not be taken out of sequence after passing OPIM 3211.
OPIM 3207. Information Security. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3207.) Introduces the basic principles of information security, its role in reducing information risk exposure, and tools and solutions that can be used to prevent information loss and business interruption. Discusses appropriate laws and industry standards for IT Governance. Presents the process of information systems audit, discusses tools of IT audit and its role in detection and prevention of fraud and other data anomalies. An introduction to risk management software and methodologies will also be covered.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM or BADM 3103, which may be taken concurrently; open only to Analytics and Information Management majors of junior or higher status. May not be taken out of sequence after passing OPIM 3211.
OPIM 3211. Systems Analysis and Design. (3 Credits)
System development methodologies for business information systems. Project management concepts, hardware and software technology, and organizational considerations are explored. Students participate in a system development project.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103, 3203, 3204 and 3207; Open only to Analytics and Information Management majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3301. Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Analysis. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3301.) This course provides an introduction to business decision and data analysis with electronic spreadsheets in Excel, the primary quantitative analysis software in business environments. Modeling and decision techniques are covered in combination with Excel functions and tools. Applications in different business functional areas are also covered. Each student is required to bring a laptop installed with Microsoft Excel that can connect to the internet. Formerly offered as BADM/OPIM 3803.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM or BADM 3103; Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3302. Data Visualization. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3302.) Introduces the techniques and best practices in visualizing data. Examines cognitive function and its role in data visualization designs; showing that data visualization can reveal answers and questions alike. Utilizing state of the art software, the use of parameters, filters, calculated variables, color, space and motion to visually articulate the data are surveyed. The use of dashboards to quickly reveal data-driven information that has daily relevance to executives, managers, supervisors and line personnel are investigated. Each student is required to bring a laptop (with Windows or Mac OS) that can connect to the Internet and handle required software (see School of Business specifications). Formerly offered as BADM/OPIM 3804.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM or BADM 3103; Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3401. Business Software Development. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3401.) This course introduces students to the development of computer software for business information processing. Topics include flowcharting, pseudocode, programming with a business-oriented computer language, file processing concepts, and on-line and batch processing. Formerly offered as OPIM 3220.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3402. Mobile Application Development. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3402.) This course will show students how to develop cross-platform mobile applications for both iOS and Android systems. Students will learn how to plan and create their own mobile applications. Graphical User Interface (GUI) design skills as well as programming logics will be taught and emphasized throughout the course. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to use the programming skills they learn to develop user-friendly mobile apps for both iPhones and Android devices. Formerly offered as OPIM 3224.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3403. UX / UI Design. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3403.) This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design principles, methodologies, and practices. The course will cover the structure of design thinking and guide students through the iterative design process, from initial concept development to final UI implementation.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3505. Business Database Management. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the development and implementation of database applications. Topics covered include costs and benefits of database approach, database design lifecycle, the relational data model, Structured Query Language, database applications development and data warehousing. Students will learn the relational database concept and participate in the hands-on design and implementation of a database using the relational architecture and a database management system. Cannot be used to fulfill Analytics and Information Management (AIM) major requirements. Offered only at regional campus locations.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103 or equivalent; open only to business majors of junior or higher status, others with consent of Operations and Information Management Department Head.
OPIM 3506. Business Application Programming. (3 Credits)
Development of business application software using structured and object-oriented programming techniques. The emphasis is on programming logic, rapid application development techniques and personal productivity tools. Topics include program design techniques, programming constructs, interface development techniques, event driven programming, file and database processing, and object linking and embedding. Cannot be used to fulfill Analytics and Information Management (AIM) major requirements. Offered only at regional campus locations.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103 or equivalent; open only to business majors of junior or higher status, others with consent of OPIM Department Head.
OPIM 3510. Business Data Analytics I. (3 Credits)
Presents essential data analytics topics. Covers basic programming logic and techniques necessary for developing business data applications. The course will also cover topics related to data preprocessing and data cleaning with a light introduction to data mining and visualization techniques. Cannot be used to fulfill Analytics and Information Management (AIM) major requirements. Offered only at regional campus locations.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103 or equivalent; open only to business majors of junior or higher status, others with the consent of the OPIM Department Head. Cannot be used to fulfill Analytics and Information Management (AIM) major requirements.
OPIM 3511. Business Data Analytics II. (3 Credits)
Presents data analytics principles and state-of-the-art data mining software, with an emphasis placed on applications in business. The course provides an introduction to a variety of statistical techniques and algorithmic principles used in data mining. Various data mining procedures will be discussed and subsequently implemented using state-of-the-art analytics toolsets. Cannot be used to fulfill Analytics and Information Management (AIM) major requirements. Offered only at regional campus locations.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3510 or equivalent; open to business majors of junior or higher status, others with department head consent.
OPIM 3512. Project Management for Business Data Analytics. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the concepts necessary for both project managers and project team members to deliver successful data analytics projects on time, on budget and in scope. The phases and knowledge areas of project management, as defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI), are covered as well as the tools and techniques in each area for successful project management. An introduction to appropriate project management software will also be covered. As part of the course, students will be divided into teams, with each team responsible for the satisfactory management and completion of a data analytics report. Cannot be used to fulfill Analytics and Information Management (AIM) major requirements. Offered only at regional campus locations.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to business majors of junior or higher status, others with consent of OPIM Department Head. Credit will not be given if OPIM 5270 has been taken to fulfill undergrad degree requirements.
OPIM 3601. Managerial Supply Chain Management. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3601.) This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of supply chain management. It will discuss the parts of a supply chain and how they relate to each other. Techniques to manage supply chain related interactions and relationships will also be taught. Topics will be presented with a focus on preparing students to make decisions relating to supply chain management. Specific skills that will be taught are business analysis, sourcing, quality, global impacts, financial considerations, contracting, negotiation, and other skills for managing a supply chain.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3602. Supply Chain Logistics. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3602.) This course will introduce students to supply chain logistics that manages movement and storage of goods, services, and related information from source to destination along the supply chain. Topics include distribution network design, supply/demand planning, inventory management, transportation planning, warehouse operations. Students will learn quantitative methods and analytics tools and apply them to various decisions in supply chain logistics.
Enrollment Requirements: STAT 1000Q or STAT 1100Q or equivalent; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3603. Project Management and Planning. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3603.) Provides an introduction to the concepts necessary for both project managers and project team members to deliver successful projects on time, on budget and in scope. The phases and knowledge areas of project management, as defined by the Project Management Institute (PMI), are covered as well as the tools and techniques in each area for successful project management. An introduction to Microsoft Project software will also be covered. Formerly offered as BADM/OPIM 3801.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to business majors of junior or higher status. Credit will not be given if OPIM 5270 has been taken to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements.
OPIM 3701. Network Design and Applications. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3701.) Principles and applications of business telecommunications emphasized. Course covers important network systems as well as crucial techniques in building these systems. Students participate in network design and implementation project.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Analytics and Information Management majors of junior or higher status. May not be taken out of sequence after passing OPIM 3211.
OPIM 3702. Risk, Trust, and Modern Security. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as BADM 3702.) This course explores systems of trust and the technologies used to support them. Students will take an interdisciplinary look at the assessment of risk and explore modern methods used to cover various types of risks.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3207 or BADM 3207. Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 3806. Introduction to Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology. (3 Credits)
This course explores the fundamental knowledge of blockchain technology, its practical applications and impact in industries. The course discusses the popular cryptocurrencies on the market, their operating mechanisms, and related decentralized applications including Defi, NFTs, DAOs, and Web 3.0. The course will also evaluate the ethical, legal, social, and environmental impacts of Blockchain technology.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
OPIM 4881. Internship in Operations and Information Management. (1-6 Credits)
Designed to provide students with an opportunity for a supervised internship relevant to one or more major areas within the Department. Students will work under the supervision of one or more professionals in the specialty in question. Student performance will be evaluated on the basis of an appraisal by the field supervisor and a detailed written report submitted by the student. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
Enrollment Requirements: Completion of first-year - sophomore School of Business Requirements and consent of instructor and Department Head; open only to Business majors of junior or higher status.
May be repeated for credit
OPIM 4893. Foreign Study. (1-6 Credits)
Special topics taken in a foreign study program. Consent of Department Head required, prior to the student's departure. These credits must be awarded for regularly scheduled course work at a recognized foreign university in the field of information systems or in the student's Applications Area; if in the Applications Area the consent of both the Department Head and the Head of the Applications Area is required. Prior to taking the course the student must sign up for the course in advance as a course in that Applications Area. No credits can be counted toward required courses in the Analytics and Information Management (AIM) major.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher; consent of Department Head required, prior to the student's departure.
May be repeated for credit
OPIM 4895. Special Topics. (1-3 Credits)
Classroom course in special topics in operations management, operations research and information management as announced in advance for each semester.
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 3103 and others as announced separately for each offering; open to juniors or higher.
May be repeated for credit
OPIM 4899. Independent Study. (1-6 Credits)
Individual study of special topics in operations management, operations research and information management as mutually arranged between a student and an instructor.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.
May be repeated for credit
OPIM 4996. Independent Honors Research in OPIM. (3 Credits)
Students are expected to develop their own plan for a research project, conduct the research, and write-up this research, consulting periodically with a faculty member.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher; open only to OPIM Department Honors Students with consent of the instructor.
Grading Basis: Honors Credit
OPIM 4997. Senior Thesis in Operations and Information Management. (3 Credits)
Enrollment Requirements: OPIM 4996; open only to OPIM Department Honors Students with consent of instructor and Department Head; open to juniors or higher.
Grading Basis: Honors Credit