Military Science (MISI)

MISI 1101.  General Military Science Ia.  (1 Credit)  
Effective leadership competencies, basic soldier and life skills; critical thinking; goal setting; physical fitness; time management; stress management.
MISI 1102.  General Military Science Ib.  (1 Credit)  
Leadership attributes and professional ethics; Army rank, structure, and military duties; professional communications; land navigation and small-unit tactics.
Enrollment Requirements: May not be taken out of sequence after passing MISI 2201.  
MISI 2201.  General Military Science IIa.  (1 Credit)  
Dimensions of tactical leadership; team dynamics and team building; historic leadership models; understanding personal motivations.
Enrollment Requirements: MISI 1102. May not be taken out of sequence after passing MISI 2202.  
MISI 2202.  General Military Science IIb.  (1 Credit)  
Leading teams in complex environments; terrain analysis, patrolling, and operations orders; theoretical study of Army Leadership Requirements model and adaptive leadership.
Enrollment Requirements: MISI 2201; open only to freshmen and sophomores.  
MISI 3301.  General Military Science III.  (3 Credits)  
Leadership principles, techniques, and the responsibilities of command. Military instruction techniques, to include student class presentations. 0ne weekend field training exercise.
Enrollment Requirements: Completion of the basic course in military science, basic training or a six week basic summer camp.  
MISI 3302.  General Military Science III.  (3 Credits)  
Dynamics of small unit tactics, and branches of the Army. One weekend field training exercise.
Enrollment Requirements: MISI 3301.  
MISI 4401.  General Military Science IV.  (3 Credits)  
Army staff organization, unit administration and management, logistics, military intelligence, leadership seminar, the international system, and strategic doctrine. One weekend field training exercise.
Enrollment Requirements: MISI 3302.  
MISI 4402.  General Military Science IV.  (3 Credits)  
Military law, obligations and responsibilities of an officer, contemporary human problems, and a leadership seminar. One weekend field training exercise.