Latino and Latin American Studies (LLAS)
LLAS 1000. Introduction to Latina/o Studies. (3 Credits)
Interdisciplinary examination of the Latina/o experience and impact across the United States. Consideration of behavioral, institutional, and societal perspectives; national and transnational identity; cultural, legal, and educational issues. CA 2. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
LLAS 1009. Latino Literature, Culture, and Society. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SPAN 1009.) Critical approaches to Latinos/as and cultural representation, production, and agency, as impacted by globalization and local dynamics. Will engage the value and function of race, gender and sexuality in popular culture, literature, film, music, digital culture, visual arts, and urban culture. Taught in English. Knowledge of Spanish is not required. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 1009W. Latino Literature, Culture, and Society. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SPAN 1009W.) Critical approaches to Latinos/as and cultural representation, production, and agency, as impacted by globalization and local dynamics. Will engage the value and function of race, gender and sexuality in popular culture, literature, film, music, digital culture, visual arts, and urban culture. Taught in English. Knowledge of Spanish is not required. CA 1. CA 4.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 1190. Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 1600.) Multidisciplinary exploration of the historical development of such aspects of Latin America and the Caribbean as colonization and nation formation; geography and the environment; immigration and migration; race, ethnicity, and gender in society, politics, economy, and culture. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
LLAS 1190W. Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 1600W.) Multidisciplinary exploration of the historical development of such aspects of Latin America and the Caribbean as colonization and nation formation; geography and the environment; immigration and migration; race, ethnicity, and gender in society, politics, economy, and culture. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
LLAS 1193. Foreign Study. (1-15 Credits)
Course work undertaken within approved Study Abroad programs, usually focusing on the history, culture, and society of a particular Latin American or Carribean country or countries. Consent of Director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies required before departure.
May be repeated for a total of 15 credits
LLAS 1570. Migrant Workers in Connecticut. (4 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 1570.) Interdisciplinary honors course on the life and work experiences of contemporary Latin American and Caribbean migrant workers with focus on Connecticut. Integrated service learning component. Field trips required. CA 1. CA 4.
Grading Basis: Honors Credit
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 2001. Latinos, Leadership and Mentoring. (3 Credits)
Introduces issues affecting Latinos in higher education. Leadership and mentoring training. Students analyze responsibilities and commitments in context of leadership for the common good and for purposeful change.
LLAS 2011W. Introduction to Latino-American Writing and Research. (3 Credits)
Students refine writing skills and learn how and where to conduct transnational academic research on the Latino-American experience. Interdisciplinary approaches, historical background of Latino American studies. CA 4.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or instructor consent; open to sophomores or higher. Recommended preparation: 1000-level introductory course on Latino or Latin American Studies.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
LLAS 2012. Latinos in Connecticut: Writing for the Community. (4 Credits)
Students partner with Latino agencies to apply research and writing skills to community needs. Community theory, digital literacy, historical background of CT Latinos, contemporary issues that impact the population. Service learning component.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher. Recommended preparation: LLAS 2011W.
LLAS 2293. Foreign Study. (1-12 Credits)
Course work undertaken within approved Education Abroad programs, usually focusing on the history, culture, and society of a particular Latin American or Caribbean country or countries.
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits
LLAS 2450. Human Rights in Latin America. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HRTS 2450.) Fundamental concepts and recurrent challenges of human rights in Latin America.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open for credit to students who have passed LLAS 3998 or HRTS 3298 when offered as "Human Rights in Latin America."
LLAS 2474. Economic Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ECON 2474.) Survey of the economic history of Latin America and the Caribbean. Analysis of present-day development issues in the region, including economic growth, poverty, education, and health.
LLAS 2507. New England and the Caribbean Plantation Complex, 1650-1900. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 2507.) New England’s role in the creation and expansion of the Caribbean plantation complex. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
LLAS 2621. Cuba in Local and Global Perspective. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 2621.) Major themes in Cuban politics and culture. Local and global perspective. Key topics include race, gender, class, cultural movements and practices, slavery, political economy and movements, nationalism. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
LLAS 2622. History of Gender and Sexuality in Latin America and the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 2622.) Topics may include: empire and colonialism/anti-colonialism; slavery, science, and the state; cultural practices and institutions; feminisms and masculinities; law and public policies; immigration; forms of labor and political mobilization; sex and reproduction; and human rights from historical perspective. Formerly offered as AFRA/HIST/LLAS/WGSS 3622.
LLAS 2995. Special Topics in Latino and Latin American Studies. (1-6 Credits)
May be repeated for credit
LLAS 3021. Contemporary Latin America. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ANTH 3021.) Survey of anthropological contributions to the study of contemporary Mexico, Central America, South America, and the Hispanic Caribbean. Special focus on the comparative analysis of recent ethnographic case studies and local/regional/national/international linkages.
LLAS 3029. The Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ANTH 3029.) Comparative perspectives on the cultural formation of Caribbean societies; the region's demographic, economic and political links with the wider world.
LLAS 3107. Latinx Psychology. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as PSYC 3107.) Empirical and theoretical literature on psychological experiences of Latino Americans. Impact of race, culture, and ethnicity on psychological development.
Enrollment Requirements: PSYC 1100.
LLAS 3208. Making the Black Atlantic. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as AFRA 3208.) Recent scholarship on the central role played by African-descended communities in shaping the early history of the Americas and their interconnection beyond geopolitical boundaries; race, gender, sexuality, class, religion, cultural movements and practices; slavery, political economy, and political movements.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: AFRA/HIST/HRTS 3563 or AFRA/HIST 3564 or 3620; or HIST/LLAS 3609.
LLAS 3210. Contemporary Issues in Latino Studies. (3 Credits)
Topics in socio-demographic patterns, cultural identity claims, community organization, migration and citizenship issues of Latino groups in post-WWII United States. Emphasis on comparative analysis and on policy implications. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
LLAS 3211. Puerto Rican/Latino Studies Research. (3 Credits)
Students design, execute and write original, library or archival-based research on Latino/a experience using documents, films, literary works, surveys, photographic and newspaper materials.
LLAS 3220. History of Latinos/as in the United States. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3674.) Settlement and growth of Hispanic-origin populations in the United States today, from Spanish and Mexican settlement of the western United States to the growth of Latino communities. Student oral history project. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3221. Latinos/as and Human Rights. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3575.) Latino/a issues related to human, civil and cultural rights, and gender differences.
LLAS 3230. Latina Narrative. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as WGSS 3258.) Feminist topics in contemporary Latina literature and cultural studies.
LLAS 3232. Latina/o Literature. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENGL 3605.) Extensive readings in Latina/o literature from the late nineteenth century to the present. CA 4.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011, or instructor consent; open to juniors or higher.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
LLAS 3233. Studies in Latina/o Literature. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENGL 3607.) Advanced study of a theme, form, author, or movement in contemporary Latina/o literature.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011, or instructor consent; open to juniors or higher.
May be repeated for credit
LLAS 3241. Latin American Minorities in the United States. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ANTH 3041.) Emphasis on groups of Mexican, Puerto Rican and Cuban origin, including treatment and historical background, social stratification, informal social relations, ethnic perceptions, relations and the concept of Latino identity.
LLAS 3250. Latino Health and Health Care. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HDFS 3442.) Overview of health and health care issues among Latinos in the United States. Particular attention is paid to cultural and social factors associated with health and well being (e.g. migration, acculturation, SES).
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
LLAS 3265. Literature of Puerto Rico and the Spanish Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SPAN 3265.) Readings and discussions of major authors and works of the Spanish Caribbean with special emphasis on Puerto Rico.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: SPAN 3178 or instructor consent.
LLAS 3270. Latino Political Behavior. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3662.) Latino politics in the United States. Political histories of four different Latino populations: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban and Central American. Different forms of political expressions, ranging from electoral behavior to political art. CA 4.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3271. Immigration and Transborder Politics. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3834.) U.S. immigration policy, trans-border politics, and the impact diasporas and ethnic lobbies have on U.S. foreign policy, with emphasis on Latino diasporas.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
LLAS 3293. Foreign Study. (1-17 Credits)
Special topics taken in a foreign study program. Consent of Director of Latin American and Caribbean Studies required before departure. May count toward the major with consent of advisor.
May be repeated for a total of 17 credits
LLAS 3294. Topics in Human Rights in Central America. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HRTS 3294.) This winter session course in Costa Rica considers a contemporary topic of interest in human rights in the Central American region. Topics may include migration, indigenous rights, women's rights, economic development, environmental rights, and more. Offered as part of the Experiential Global Learning program. With a change in topic may be repeated for credit for a maximum of six credits.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
LLAS 3320. Media and Diverse Audiences. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as COMM 3320.) Issues of race, ethnicity, culture, class, gender, and sexuality in mainstream and alternative media. Analysis of how diverse groups use the media, are represented in, and interpret media content.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher. Recommended preparation: COMM 1000, 2300 or 2600.
LLAS 3321. Latinas and Media. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as WGSS 3321.) The role of ethnicity and race in women's lives. Special attention to communication research on ethnic and racial minority women. CA 4. Formerly offered as LLAS 3264/ WGSS 3260.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
Content Areas: CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
LLAS 3322. Soap Opera/Telenovela. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as COMM 3322.) Socio-cultural functions of soap operas/telenovelas as mediated serials constructed by commercial organizations and consumed by United States and global audiences.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher. Recommended preparation: COMM 1000, 2300 or 2600.
LLAS 3327. Power and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ANTH 3327.) History, theories, and concepts about the human right to health and structural inequalities in the region.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher.
LLAS 3470. The Latinx Family. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HDFS 3470.) Current issues in the study of Latinx youth and families from a social and developmental psychological perspective. Topics include parenting, youth development and adjustment, risky and healthy behaviors, cultural values, and immigration.
LLAS 3525. Latino Sociology. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SOCI 3525.) The economic, social, political, and cultural experiences of Latinos in the United States. CA 2. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
LLAS 3525W. Latino Sociology. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as SOCI 3525W.) The economic, social, political, and cultural experiences of Latinos in the United States. CA 2. CA 4.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
LLAS 3602. Human Rights on the U.S./Mexican Border: Narratives of the Immigrant Experience. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HRTS 3602.) A view of the U.S./Mexican border from the perspective of immigrants and border residents. Course considers autobiography, film and documentary, poetry, fiction and non-fiction in the context of human and civil rights concerns on both sides of the border. Students analyze the effectiveness of narrative and representational strategies, activist interventions, and national and international responses to the needs of migrants and border dwellers. Through border, narrative and human rights theories, students piece together a global conversation on migrant rights.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011. Recommended preparation: 1000-level course in LLAS.
LLAS 3607. Latin America in the Colonial Period. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3607.) Pre-Columbian Civilization in America, the epoch of conquest and settlement, together with a study of the Ibero-Indian cultural synthesis which forms the basis of modern Latin American civilization. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
LLAS 3608W. The Hispanic World in the Ages of Reason and Revolution. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3608W.) The transformation of Spanish America from the Bourbons in 1700, through the wars of independence and the struggle to build stable national states in the Nineteenth Century.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open to juniors or higher. Recommended preparation: HIST 3607.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
LLAS 3609. Latin America in the National Period. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3609.) Representative countries in North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean together with the historic development of inter-American relations and contemporary Latin American problems. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to sophomores or higher.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3618. Comparative Slavery in the Americas. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as AFRA 3618.) The rise and fall of trans-Atlantic slavery. Topics include resistance, migration, antislavery mobilization, abolitionism, empire, revolution, cultural production, political economy, labor, gender, race and identity formation.
LLAS 3619. History of the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3619.) Encounter experience; slavery, antislavery mobilization, and abolitionism; colonialism; citizenship and nation building; race and gender; political cultures and movements; migration/immigration; cultural production; and political economy; topics will be examined from a historical perspective. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3619W. History of the Caribbean. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as AFRA 3619W.) Encounter experience; slavery, antislavery mobilization, and abolitionism; colonialism; citizenship and nation building; race and gender; political cultures and movements; migration/immigration; cultural production; and political economy; topics will be examined from a historical perspective. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3635. History of Modern Mexico. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3635.) The emergence of modern Mexico from independence to the present with emphasis on the Revolution of 1910. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: HIST 3607.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3660W. History of Migration in Las Americas. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3660W.) Applies broad chronological and spatial analyses of origins of migration in the Americas to the experiences of people of Latin American origin in Connecticut. Addresses a range of topics from the initial settlement of the Americas to 21st century migrations. CA 1. CA 4.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open to juniors or higher. Recommended preparation: LLAS 1190, ANTH 3042, HIST 3635, HIST 3609 or HIST 2674/LLAS 3220; LLAS 3210. Spanish useful but not required.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3662. Borderlands of the Americas. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3662.) A consideration of the importance of borderlands in the expansion and consolidation of European empires in the American continent, and later, in the shaping of newly independent republics. Contemporary issues related to Latin American borders, including migration, smuggling, violence, and the role of the state in shaping the borders of national cultures and societies.
LLAS 3667. Puerto Rican Politics and Culture. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as POLS 3667.) Legal and political history of the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States with an emphasis on the question of United States empire and the politics of cultural resistance.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
LLAS 3675. Latina History and Biography. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as HIST 3675.) Examination of the history of Latinas in the US with a focus on women, gender, and sexuality. Students will consider how historians use oral histories, life histories, memoirs, biographies, and testimonials as sources to restore Latinas to histories from which they were previously omitted. CA 1. CA 4.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4: Diversity & Multicultural
Topics of Inquiry: TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp, TOI3: Div, Equity, Soc Just
LLAS 3990. Field Study. (1-6 Credits)
Work in cultural community-oriented setting(s).
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
LLAS 3998. Variable Topics in Latino and Latin American Studies. (3 Credits)
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary.
May be repeated for credit
LLAS 3999. Independent Study in Latino and Latin American Studies. (1-6 Credits)
May be repeated for credit
LLAS 4100. Experiential/Service Learning Seminar. (4 Credits)
(Also offered as AAAS 4100.) Interdisciplinary examination of the history of social justice organizing in the U.S.; theories, strategies, and practice of community organizing movements such as those for immigration, environmental, reproductive, and racial justice. Includes practice in community organizing and political advocacy.
LLAS 4212. Field Internship in Latino Studies. (1-3 Credits)
Work in cultural community-oriented setting(s).
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
LLAS 4994W. Latin American Studies Research Seminar. (3 Credits)
Capstone course in which majors and minors in Latin American Studies design, execute and write up original, library-based research on Latin America. Some readings may be in Spanish or Portuguese.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency