Korean (KORE)

KORE 1101.  Elementary Korean I.  (4 Credits)  
Development of ability to communicate in Korean, orally and in writing, to satisfy basic communicative needs within a cultural setting.
Enrollment Requirements: May not be taken out of sequence after passing KORE 1102, 1103, or 1104.  
KORE 1102.  Elementary Korean II.  (4 Credits)  
Development of ability to communicate in Korean, orally and in writing, to satisfy basic communicative needs within a cultural setting.
Enrollment Requirements: KORE 1101 or equivalent. May not be taken out of sequence after passing KORE 1103 or 1104.  
KORE 1103.  Intermediate Korean I.  (4 Credits)  
Further development of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Korean within a cultural setting. Readings to enhance cultural awareness of the Korean-speaking world.
Enrollment Requirements: KORE 1102 or equivalent. May not be taken out of sequence after passing KORE 1104.  
KORE 1104.  Intermediate Korean II.  (4 Credits)  
Further development of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Korean within a cultural setting. Readings to enhance cultural awareness of the Korean-speaking world.
Enrollment Requirements: KORE 1103 or equivalent.  
KORE 1193.  Foreign Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
May be repeated for credit  
KORE 3293.  Foreign Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
May be repeated for credit  
KORE 3295.  Special Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.  
May be repeated for credit  
KORE 3298.  Variable Topics.  (3 Credits)  
May be repeated for credit  
KORE 3299.  Independent Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.  
May be repeated for credit