European Studies (ES)

ES 3293.  Foreign Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
Consent of Director required, normally to be granted prior to the student's departure.
May be repeated for credit  
ES 3398.  Variable Topics.  (1-3 Credits)  
Intensive study of specialized topics relating to Europe not ordinarily covered in the curriculum.
May be repeated for credit  
ES 3995.  Special Topics in European Studies.  (3 Credits)  
Intensive study of specialized topics related to Europe, not ordinarily covered in the undergraduate curriculum; normally one-time offerings taught by distinguished visiting scholars and/or jointly appointed faculty.
May be repeated for credit  
ES 3999.  Independent Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
For thesis preparation or other intensive research project relating to Europe. Requires independent study authorization form.
May be repeated for credit