Environmental Engineering (ENVE)
ENVE 1000E. Environmental Sustainability. (3 Credits)
Detailed examination of anthropogenic impacts on the environment, resulting from the need for energy, food and shelter. Subtopics in the broad areas of energy, food, shelter, waste, water, sustainable development will be grounded with case studies of UConn activities/programs in sustainability. Overarching and linking each topic is the impact of population and water resources with a focus on environmental literacy. Resolution of scientific/technological, public policy and economic aspects of environmental sustainability issues will be explored, including strategies for success, and possible pitfalls, in achieving environmental sustainability in the subtopic areas. CA 2.
Skill Codes: COMP: Environmental Literacy
Content Areas: CA2: Social Science
Topics of Inquiry: TOI4: Environmental Literacy, TOI5: Indiv Values Soc Inst
ENVE 2193. International Study. (1-6 Credits)
Special environmental engineering topics taken in a foreign study program.
ENVE 2251. Probability and Statistics in Civil and Environmental Engineering. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 2251.) Fundamentals of probability theory and statistics. Hypothesis testing, linear and multiple regression.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: MATH 1131Q or 1151Q. May not be taken out of sequence after passing CE 3220 or 4210.
ENVE 2310E. Environmental Engineering Fundamentals. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 2310E.) Concepts from aqueous chemistry, biology, and physics applied in a quantitative manner to environmental problems and solutions. Mass and energy balances, chemical reaction engineering. Quantitative and fundamental description of water and air pollution problems. Environmental regulations and policy, pollution prevention, risk assessment. Written and oral reports.
Enrollment Requirements: CHEM 1125Q or CHEM 1128Q or CHEM 1148Q; CHEM 1128Q or CHEM 1148Q may be taken concurrently.
Skill Codes: COMP: Environmental Literacy
ENVE 2411. Introduction to Computer Aided Design. (1 Credit)
(Also offered as CE 2411.) Introduction to computer-aided design and drawing, emphasizing applications in civil and environmental engineering and landscape design. Introduction to fundamental CAD concepts and techniques, such as drawing commands, dimensioning, layers, editing techniques, and plotting, and additional software packages to create planimetric and topographic maps. Related topics include scale, coordinate geometry, and terrain representation.
Enrollment Requirements: Enrollment in the School of Engineering; this course and CE 2410 may not both be taken for credit.
ENVE 3100. Climate Resilience and Adaptation: Municipal Policy and Planning. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENVS 3100.) An interdisciplinary study of climate change focusing on the local, municipal scale: impacts, policy, vulnerability and adaptation with emphasis on tools such as vulnerability assessments that help local communities determine priorities for adaptation efforts.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher; instructor consent required. Recommended preparation: ENVE 1000, EVST 1000, or NRE 1000.
ENVE 3110E. Brownfield Redevelopment. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENVS 3110E.) Interdisciplinary study of the process of investigating, cleaning up and putting back into use abandoned sites with suspected contamination, also known as brownfields. Legal, environmental, financial and social aspects are discussed. Service learning component working with communities on local brownfield sites.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open for credit to students who have passed ENVE 3995 when offered as Brownfield Redevelopment.
Skill Codes: COMP: Environmental Literacy
ENVE 3111. Brownfield Practicum. (3 Credits)
This is a service learning course in which students will work with Connecticut communities to assist them with the process of investigating, cleaning up and putting back into use abandoned sites with suspected contamination, also known as brownfields.
Enrollment Requirements: ENVE 3110E or ENVS 3110E or EVST 3110E.
ENVE 3120. Fluid Mechanics. (4 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 3120.) Statics of fluids, analysis of fluid flow using principles of mass, momentum and energy conservation from a differential and control volume approach. Dimensional analysis. Application to pipe flow and open channel flow. Laboratory activities and written lab reports.
Enrollment Requirements: CE 2110; MATH 2110Q and 2410Q; open only to students in the School of Engineering. Recommended preparation: CE 2120. Not open for credit to students who have passed ME 3250.
ENVE 3121. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory. (1 Credit)
Experimental and computational work in fluid mechanics topics, such as measurement of viscosity and flow rate, impact of water jets on surfaces, water distribution network analysis with Hardy-Cross method, hydraulic jump, open channel flow. Written laboratory reports.
Enrollment Requirements: Instructor consent required. CE 2110; MATH 2110Q; 2410Q and a lecture course in fluid mechanics; open only to students in the College of Engineering. Recommended preparation: CE 2120. This course and ENVE 3120 may not both be taken for credit.
ENVE 3193. Foreign Study. (1-6 Credits)
Special advanced environmental engineering topics taken in a foreign study program.
ENVE 3200. Environmental Engineering Laboratory. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 3300.) Aqueous analytical chemical techniques, absorption, coagulation/flocculation, fluidization, gas stripping, biokinetics, interpretation of analytical results, bench-scale design projects, written and oral reports.
Enrollment Requirements: CE 2251, CE/ENVE 2310E; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
ENVE 3201. Environmental Engineering Laboratory I. (1 Credit)
Analytical chemistry techniques, adsorption, coagulation/flocculation, chemical and biological oxidation and kinetics. Interpretation of analytical results through written reports.
ENVE 3202. Environmental Engineering Laboratory II. (1 Credit)
Dispersion modeling, air pollution control sampling and design, air quality modeling, stormwater sampling, soil processes, environmental health assessment, BMP design and modeling. Interpretation of analytical results through written reports.
ENVE 3220. Water Quality Engineering. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 3320.) Biological unit processes in wastewater treatment systems, disinfection, and bioremediation scenarios. Applications to design of wastewater treatment systems.
Enrollment Requirements: ENVE 2310E; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
ENVE 3230. Air Pollution Control. (3 Credits)
Gaseous pollutants and their properties; basic analytical techniques for air pollutants; particulate pollutants and their properties; equipment design for removal of gaseous and particulate materials; economic and environmental impact of air pollutants; federal and state regulations.
Enrollment Requirements: ENVE 2310E or CHEG 2103; enrollment in the School of Engineering. Recommended preparation: CHEG 2111 or ME 2233.
ENVE 3240. Soil Chemistry Components. (4 Credits)
(Also offered as PLSC 3420.) Basic concepts of the physical chemistry of soil constituents. Topics include soil atmospheres, soil solutions, soil organic matter, soil mineralogy, and surface characteristics and analysis. Lab exercises on a personal computer are an integral part of the course. Formerly offered as SPSS 3420.
Enrollment Requirements: CHEM 1128Q. Recommended preparation: PLSC 2120 and 2125.
ENVE 3270. Environmental Microbiology. (3 Credits)
Content includes general microbiology, cell structure, cell growth kinetics, and genetics. In addition to the fundamental microbiological mechanisms, the application of microbial knowledge in natural environment and engineering systems (including water and wastewater treatment, soil and solid waste treatment) is also included. Will broaden the students' views of microbiological fundamentals and the applications to environmental systems.
Enrollment Requirements: Enrollment in the School of Engineering.
ENVE 3530. Engineering and Environmental Geology. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ERTH 3710.) Application of geological principles to engineering and environmental problems. Topics include site investigation, geologic hazards, slope processes, earthquakes, subsidence, and the engineering properties of geologic materials. Course intended for both geoscience and engineering majors.
ENVE 3995. Special Topics in Environmental Engineering. (1-6 Credits)
Classroom or laboratory course on specific topics as announced.
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary.
May be repeated for credit
ENVE 3996. Directed Research in Environmental Engineering. (1-3 Credits)
Individualized or group research conducted under the supervision of the instructor.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only with consent of supervising instructor; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
ENVE 4210. Environmental Engineering Chemistry. (3 Credits)
Quantitative analysis of chemical behavior in environmental systems. Thermodynamics and kinetics of acid/base, coordination, precipitation/dissolution, sorption, and redox reactions. Structures and reactions of organic pollutants. Applications to design of water treatment systems.
Enrollment Requirements: CHEM 1128Q or 1148Q and ENVE 2310E or CHEG 2103 and MATH 2410Q; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
ENVE 4310. Environmental Modeling. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 4310.) Systematic approach for analyzing contamination problems. Systems theory and modeling will be used to assess the predominant processes that control the fate and mobility of pollutants in the environment. Assessments of lake eutrophication, conventional pollutants in rivers and estuaries and toxic chemicals in groundwater.
ENVE 4320. Ecological Principles and Engineering. (3 Credits)
An introduction to ecology and natural treatment systems for managing waste and pollutants with a focus on aqueous contaminants. Topics will include stormwater management, treatment wetlands, and bioremediation.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to students in the College of Engineering. Recommended preparation: ENVE 4210.
ENVE 4530. Geoenvironmental Engineering. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 4530.) Subsurface contaminant fate and transport, site characterization, overview of soil remediation techniques.
Enrollment Requirements: ENVE 2310E; open to juniors or higher in the School of Engineering. Recommended preparation: CE 3510.
ENVE 4540. Design of Groundwater Systems. (3 Credits)
Design of groundwater engineering systems used for water supply and/or preservation/improvement of water quality. Steady and transient flow, pumping tests, well hydraulics, and well-field design. Unsaturated zone hydrology, design and evaluation of landfills. Heterogeneity in natural systems, parameter estimation and inverse methods. Application of basic geostatistics in the design of groundwater systems.
ENVE 4810. Engineering Hydrology. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 4810.) Hydrologic cycle: precipitation, interception, depression storage, infiltration, evaportranspiration, overland flow, snow hydrology, groundwater and streamflow processes. Stream hydrographs and flood routing. Hydrologic modeling and design. Computer applications. Design project.
Enrollment Requirements: CE 3120 or ENVE 3120 or CHEG 3123; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
ENVE 4820. Hydraulic Engineering. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as CE 4820.) Design and analysis of water and wastewater transport systems, including pipelines, pumps, pipe networks, and open channel flow. Introduction to hydraulic structures and porous media hydraulics. Computer applications.
Enrollment Requirements: CE 3120 or ENVE 3120 or CHEG 3123; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
ENVE 4886. Thesis I. (1 Credit)
Introduction to research through literature review and preparation of a research proposal.
Enrollment Requirements: Enrollment in the School of Engineering.
ENVE 4897. Thesis in Environmental Engineering. (1-3 Credits)
Introduction to research through literature review and preparation of a research proposal, execution of the research proposal, preparation of written report and oral defense.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only with consent of supervising instructor; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
May be repeated for a total of 3 credits
ENVE 4910W. Environmental Engineering Design I. (2 Credits)
Students working individually or in groups produce solution to environmental engineering design projects from data acquisition through preliminary design, cost estimating and final specifications, oral presentation and written reports.
Enrollment Requirements: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; ENVE 3120; ENVE 3220, which may be taken concurrently; open to seniors.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
ENVE 4920W. Environmental Engineering Design II. (2 Credits)
Students working individually or in groups complete the implementations of protocols and techniques covered in ENVE 4910W, final cost of entire project, feasibility, oral presentation and written reports. Instructors will supply initial conditions and performance expectations.
Enrollment Requirements: ENVE 4910W; ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011; open to seniors.
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency
ENVE 4996. Independent Research in Environmental Engineering. (1-3 Credits)
Independent research conducted under the supervision of the instructor.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only with consent of supervising instructor; enrollment in the School of Engineering.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
ENVE 4999. Independent Study in Environmental Engineering. (1-6 Credits)
Individual study in specialized area of environmental engineering as mutually arranged between student and instructor.
Enrollment Requirements: Enrollment in the School of Engineering.
May be repeated for a total of 12 credits