Academic Catalog

Education (EGEN)

EGEN 3092.  Peer Facilitation Practicum.  (3 Credits)  
Integration of the topics of mentoring, leadership and pedagogy with classroom experiences for students serving as facilitators for the Honors First Year Experience course.
EGEN 3200; open to Honors students and other qualified students with consent of instructor. Not open for credit to students who have passed INTD 3995 if taught as topic "Honors Facilitator's Seminar."  
Grading Basis: Honors Credit  
EGEN 3100.  Seminar/Clinic: Teaching and Learning.  (3 Credits)  
Integration of the concepts of learning, special needs, and technology with clinical experiences.
Open only to students in the Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program. May not be taken out of sequence after passing EGEN 3110 or 3120.  
EGEN 3110.  Seminar/Clinic: The Student in the School Context.  (3 Credits)  
Integration of concepts of social and community issues, and exceptionality with clinical experiences.
EGEN 3100; open only to students in the Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program. Not open to students who have passed EGEN 3120.  
EGEN 3110W.  Seminar/Clinic: The Student in the School Context.  (3 Credits)  
Integration of concepts of social and community issues, and exceptionality with clinical experiences.
EGEN 3100; ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011. open only to students in the Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program. Not open for credit to students who have passed EGEN 3120.  
Skill Codes: COMP: Writing Competency  
EGEN 3120.  Teaching and Learning in School Contexts.  (1 Credit)  
Integration of concepts of designing and planning instructional activities to support diverse student learning with clinical experiences.
EGEN 3100; open only to students in the Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Elementary Teacher Preparation Program. Not open for credit to students who have passed EGEN 3110. May not be taken out of sequence after passing EGEN 4200.  
EGEN 3200.  Peer Mentoring and Leadership.  (3 Credits)  
Review of literature on college student development, gifted student development, leadership, mentoring, and pedagogy with the goal of preparing students to become Honors First Year Experience Seminar Facilitators.
Open to Honors students and other qualified students with consent of instructor. May not be taken out of sequence after passing EGEN 3092.  
Grading Basis: Honors Credit  
EGEN 4100.  Seminar/Clinic: Methods of Teaching.  (3 Credits)  
Integration of concepts of learning assessment and exceptionality with area specific methods.
Open only to students in the Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program.  
EGEN 4110.  Seminar/Clinic: Analysis of Teaching.  (3 Credits)  
Analysis of instructional concepts and implementation in the clinical setting. Relationship of instruction to theory and implications for instructional evaluation are stressed.
Open only to students in the Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program.  
EGEN 4194.  Honors Seminar.  (3 Credits)  
Students must be accepted by the School of Education Honors Committee as candidates for Degrees with Distinction, Honors Scholars, or University Scholars.
Students must be accepted by the School of Education Honors Committee as candidates for Honors Scholars or University Scholars.  
May be repeated for credit  
Grading Basis: Honors Credit  
EGEN 4197.  Independent Study: Honors Thesis Preparation.  (3 Credits)  
Students must be accepted by the School of Education Honors Committee as candidates for Honors Scholars or University Scholars.  
May be repeated for credit  
Grading Basis: Honors Credit  
EGEN 4200.  Seminar/Clinic: Methods of Teaching.  (4 Credits)  
Integration of concepts of teaching, learning, and assessment with area specific methods.
EGEN 3120; open only to students in the Integrated Bachelor's/Master's Teacher Preparation Program; open only to seniors.