Academic Catalog

Business Law (BLAW)

BLAW 2238.  Legal Aspects of Personal Brand Management.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 2238.) Legal issues related to personal brand management. The role of contract law, data privacy and integrity, trademark and intellectual property law, rights of publicity, ethical issues, the principal-agent relationship, and related topics. Experience in identifying and critically assessing legal challenges that arise from personal brand management and understanding how to reach concrete solutions to legal problems. BADM 2238.
Open only to business majors.  
BLAW 3175.  The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3720.) This course provides an introduction to law, ethics, and social responsibility, and the foundation for advanced business law electives. Students learn to evaluate the impact of the legal and regulatory system on business operations, consider the role and functioning of legal institutions, and apply legal rules such as the Uniform Commercial Code to anticipate and avoid liability. Students gain experience identifying and solving legal and ethical problems using analytical tools.
Open only to business majors of sophomore or higher status. May not be taken out of sequence after passing BLAW 3274, 3277 or 3660.  
BLAW 3252.  Business and Human Rights.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3252.) This course examines the human rights implications of multinational enterprises’ global operations. Students learn how to assess corporate social impact through a human rights framework, consider the challenges of regulating the human rights impacts of global business, analyze international policy responses, and evaluate the effectiveness of different approaches to enforcing human rights standards for corporations.
Open only to business students of junior or higher status. Not open to students who have passed or are taking HRTS 3252.  
BLAW 3253.  Sustainability, Markets, and Society.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3253.) This course examines sustainability in the context of the natural and social ecosystems in which business operates. Students learn how the environmental and social impacts of business are affected by the interactions of firms with laws and legal institutions, markets, and society globally. Students gain experience assessing firm policies and practices and developing legally-astute and ethically-aware policies to achieve sustainability and to generate positive environmental and social outcomes.
Open only to business students of junior or higher status. Not open to students who have passed or are taking BLAW 5253.  
BLAW 3254.  Social Responsibility and Accountability in Business.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3254.) This course examines corporate social responsibility (CSR), accountability, and related concepts. Students learn about the actors, processes, legal and social norms that shape firm’s management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues from a global and human rights perspective. Students gain experience in identifying and critically assessing market-based solutions to societal challenges.
Open only to Business students of junior or higher status. Not open to students who have passed or are taking HRTS 3254.  
BLAW 3274.  Real Estate Law.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3274.) This course provides an introduction to the legal and ethical aspects of real estate law. Students learn to explain and distinguish basic legal concepts related to ownership, real estate interests, real estate closings, brokerage, property management, financing methods, and taxation. Students gain practical experience navigating legal documents and performing a limited title search.
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
BLAW 3277.  Law and Ethics for Professional Accountants.  (3 Credits)  
This course provides an introduction to the legal and professional liability of accountants, ethical reasoning, integrity, and other core values of accounting institutions. Students learn to understand and apply the legal rules governing contract formation, contract performance, breach, bankruptcy, and the Uniform Commercial Code. Students gain experience in legal and ethical decision making in commercial transactions
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
BLAW 3660.  International Business Law.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3660.) This course provides an introduction to the legal and ethical environment of international business. Students learn the foundations of the international legal system, contrast laws and values of selected regions and countries, examine international treaties and entities, identify the law applicable to international trade and business transactions, distinguish rules and procedures governing international dispute resolution, and evaluate the impact of these factors on global business operations. Students gain experience negotiating and drafting international contracts.
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
BLAW 3673.  Corporate Governance and Business Organizations.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3673.) This course provides an advanced understanding of the legal, ethical, and public policy aspects of managing business organizations. Students learn how legal rules are used to establish a business organization; facilitate corporate decision making; manage the rights and duties of officers, directors, and shareholders; address financial, operational, and enterprise risks; execute corporate transactions; and ensure corporate integrity and responsibility. Students gain experience advising and assessing companies from the perspective of a manager, auditor, and investor.
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
BLAW 3677.  The Law of Business Transactions.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3677.) This course provides an introduction to the law that shapes and guides commercial transactions. Students learn to understand and apply the legal rules governing contract formation, contract performance and breach, bankruptcy, and personal property, among other areas.
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720; open only to Business majors of junior or higher status. Not open to students who have passed or are taking BLAW 3277.  
BLAW 3678.  Intellectual Property Law and Ethics in the Digital Age.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3678.) This course provides an introduction to the legal and ethical environment of digital media. Students learn to apply intellectual property law and other legal concepts as they pertain to contemporary media and communication. Students gain experience identifying and solving legal and ethical dilemmas encountered by digital media and technology firms and to evaluate the global legal implications of digital media use.
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
BLAW 3681.  Legal Aspects of Entrepreneurship.  (3 Credits)  
(Also offered as BADM 3681.) This course provides an introduction to legal and ethical issues affecting new and growing businesses. Students learn to distinguish and choose between legal forms for the business, identify, evaluate, and protect against legal risk inherent in starting, running, expanding and liquidating a business. Students gain experience protecting valuable assets by legal means.
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
BLAW 4881.  Internship in Business Law.  (3 Credits)  
Internship with a host organization in the field of law, ethics, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, or public policy. Student performance will be evaluated on the basis of an appraisal by the host organization and a detailed written report submitted by the student. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
BLAW 3175 or BADM 3720 and consent of instructor; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
BLAW 4893.  Foreign Study.  (1-6 Credits)  
Special topics taken in a foreign study program.
Open to juniors or higher.  
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits  
BLAW 4895.  Special Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
Classroom course in special topics in law as announced in advance for each semester. With a change in content may be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary by section; open only to business majors of junior or higher status.  
May be repeated for credit  
BLAW 4899.  Independent Study.  (3 Credits)  
Individual study of special topics as mutually arranged between student and instructor.
Open only to business majors of junior or higher status.