Biological Sciences (BIOL)

BIOL 1102.  Foundations of Biology.  (4 Credits)  
Major biological principles with emphasis on their importance to humans and modern society; designed for non-science majors. CA 3-LAB.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to students who have passed BIOL 1107, 1108 or 1110. Students may not receive more than 12 credits for courses in Biology at the 1000 level.  
Content Areas: CA3LAB: Science & Tech Lab  
Topics of Inquiry: TOI6L: Science Emp Inq (Lab)  
BIOL 1103.  The Biology of Human Health and Disease.  (4 Credits)  
A laboratory course designed for non-science majors to introduce the concepts of biology and their application to the individual, society and humankind by focusing on health and disease issues. CA 3-LAB.
Enrollment Requirements: Students may not receive more than 12 credits in Biology at the 1000 level.  
Content Areas: CA3LAB: Science & Tech Lab  
Topics of Inquiry: TOI6L: Science Emp Inq (Lab)  
BIOL 1107.  Principles of Biology I.  (4 Credits)  
Designed to provide a foundation for more advanced courses in Biology and related sciences. Topics covered include molecular and cell biology, animal anatomy and physiology. Lab exercises include dissection of preserved animals. CA 3-LAB.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: A course in high school level chemistry or concurrent enrollment in CHEM 1127Q. Students may not receive more than 12 credits in Biology at the 1000 level.  
Content Areas: CA3LAB: Science & Tech Lab  
Topics of Inquiry: TOI6L: Science Emp Inq (Lab)  
BIOL 1108.  Principles of Biology II.  (4 Credits)  
Designed to provide a foundation for more advanced courses in biology and related sciences. Topics covered include evolution and population genetics, plant physiology and diversity, animal diversity and behavior, and ecology. CA 3-LAB.
Enrollment Requirements: Students may not receive more than 12 credits for courses in BIOL at the 1000 level.  
Content Areas: CA3LAB: Science & Tech Lab  
Topics of Inquiry: TOI6L: Science Emp Inq (Lab)  
BIOL 1109.  Topics in Modern Biology.  (1 Credit)  
Readings, lectures, seminars, films and field trips exploring current developments in biology and their social and scientific implications. May be repeated with a change of content.
Enrollment Requirements: Concurrent enrollment in BIOL 1107 or 1108 required. Students cannot earn more than 12 credits of 1000 level BIOL.  
May be repeated for credit  
BIOL 1110.  Introduction to Botany.  (4 Credits)  
Designed to provide a foundation for more advanced courses in biology and related sciences. Structure, physiology, reproduction, diversity, evolution and ecology of plants as a basis for understanding the broader principles of biology. Surveys important groups of plants, fungi and algae. CA 3-LAB.
Enrollment Requirements: Students may not receive more than 12 credits for courses in BIOL at the 1000 level.  
Content Areas: CA3LAB: Science & Tech Lab  
Topics of Inquiry: TOI6L: Science Emp Inq (Lab)  
BIOL 1195.  Special Topics.  (1-6 Credits)  
Credits, prerequisites and hours as determined by the Senate Curricula and Course Committee. May be repeated for credit with a change in topic.
Enrollment Requirements: Credits, prerequisites, and hours as determined by the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee.  
BIOL 1199.  Introduction to Biological Research.  (1-3 Credits)  
Internship in Biology research. May be repeated for credit with a change in content.
Enrollment Requirements: BIOL 1107 or 1108 and consent of instructor.  
May be repeated for credit  
BIOL 2289.  Introduction to Undergraduate Research.  (1 Credit)  
Introduction to the variety of research programs in the Life Sciences on the Storrs campus. Required of Sophomore Biology Honor students; also open to students interested in undergraduate research. With a change of content, this course may be repeated for credit.
Enrollment Requirements: Recommended preparation: BIOL 1107 and 1108 or equivalent.  
May be repeated for credit