Art (ART)
ART 1000. Art Appreciation. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the visual arts, past and present. The visual language of artists, historical and cultural significance of works of art. Intended primarily for students who are not art majors. CA 1.
Enrollment Requirements: Not open to ART majors.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities
Topics of Inquiry: TOI1:Creativity: Des,Expr,Innv, TOI2: Cultural Dimen Human Exp
ART 1010. Foundation: Studio Concepts. (3 Credits)
Introduction to key concepts and practices in art making.
ART 1020. Foundation: Criticism and Interpretation. (3 Credits)
An introduction to various current critical approaches to the producers, contexts, audiences, and histories of contemporary visual culture.
ART 1030. Drawing I. (3 Credits)
Fundamental principles of drawing based on observation.
Enrollment Requirements: May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 1040, 2011, 2110, 2310, 2410, 2510 or 2610.
ART 1040. Drawing II. (3 Credits)
Observational drawing; emphasis on spatial organization and structure.
ART 2010. Life Drawing I. (3 Credits)
Introduction to figure drawing.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1040. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 2210, 3010, or 3370.
ART 2011. Introduction to Digital Media. (3 Credits)
Introduction to digital media.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1010 and 1030. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 3130, 3132, or 3420.
ART 2110. Graphic Design: Process and Thinking. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the methods of design thinking and the process involved in translating that thinking into form. Content, meaning, form, typography, layout, structure, craft and process in graphic design, emphasizing conceptual analysis, visualization, and skillful making through the adept use of analog and digital tools.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1010 and 1030. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 3170.
ART 2210. Illustration. (3 Credits)
Introduction to principles of illustration, media, and techniques.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2010 and 2310. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 3210.
ART 2220. Animation Fundamentals. (3 Credits)
Fundamental skills required for animation.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1040.
ART 2310. Basic Studio, Painting. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the principles and techniques of painting media.
ART 2410. Basic Studio, Photography. (3 Credits)
Introduction to techniques and aesthetics of photography, with emphasis on the camera.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1010 and ART 1030. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 2420, 3410, 3420 or 3440.
ART 2420. Intermediate Photography. (3 Credits)
Principles and techniques of black-and-white photography in fine-art applications, with emphasis on darkroom work.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2410. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 3430, 3450, 3455, 3460, 3465, 3470, 4410.
ART 2510. Basic Studio, Printmaking. (3 Credits)
Introduction to practice and principles of printmaking, including intaglio, relief and lithographic processes.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1010 and 1030. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 3510 or 3520.
ART 2610. Basic Studio, Sculpture. (3 Credits)
Introduction to principles and techniques of sculpture.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1010 and 1030. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 3610, 3620, 3625, 3630, 3640, 3650, 3655, 3660, 3670.
ART 2993. Foreign Study. (1-6 Credits)
Special topics taken in a foreign study program. Consent of Department Head required, normally before the student's departure to study abroad.
Enrollment Requirements: Department consent.
May be repeated for credit
ART 2995. Special Topics Seminar. (1-6 Credits)
Credits and hours as determined by the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee. This course may or may not count for credit toward graduation. Students should consult the course syllabus and the Dean's Office of their School or College.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3010. Life Drawing II. (3 Credits)
Drawing from the figure.
ART 3030. Experimental Drawing. (3 Credits)
Advanced studio course designed to expand the practice of drawing. This may include collaboration, performance, animation, and/or the incorporation of new technologies. A wide range of drawing prompts will allow for personal interpretation and encourage experimentation. Research, reading, writing, discussions, critiques, instructor demonstrations, field trips, and lectures may supplement the course.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1040. Open only to Art majors; open to non-majors by instructor consent.
ART 3100. Graphic Design 1: Typography. (3 Credits)
Examination of typographic concepts and techniques, emphasizing typography as a powerful medium for complex visual communication and expression. exploring theory, technology, tools, and contemporary design philosophies to analyze and manipulate typographic systems across various print and digital media.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2110; portfolio review; consent of instructor.
ART 3110. Graphic Design 2: Visual Systems. (3 Credits)
Investigate creative and effective visual design systems through the use of visual structure, typography, image, grid, information hierarchy and architecture.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2120; open only to Art majors, others with instructor consent. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 4120.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
ART 3120. Graphic Design 3: Relational Design. (3 Credits)
Exploration of form, content, function, strategy; collaborative and integrative thinking in problem solving; using diverse communication design methodologies.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2120 and ART 3110; open only to Art majors, others with instructor consent. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 4110 or 4130.
ART 3125. Art Books, Book Arts, and Publishing as Radical Practice. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as WGSS 3125.) A hands-on studio exploration of book arts and independent publishing. Topics include various layout methods, printing technologies, bookbinding structures, and distribution channels, contextualized by an introduction to historical and contemporary artistic, literary, feminist, queer, and BIPOC radical publishing models that challenge conventions.
ART 3130. Fundamentals of Web Design. (3 Credits)
Introduction to basic HTML web page design using Cascading Style Sheets.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2011 and 2120 or instructor consent. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ART 3131.
ART 3131. Interactive Design. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the design of interactive screenbased experiences.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2120 and 3130 or instructor consent.
ART 3132. Graphic Design: Motion Graphics. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the multi-faceted diversity of motion design - including film and television title sequences, data visualizations, web-based animations, and sound branding with an emphasis on typography in motion. Students develop competency in producing Motion Graphics via ideation and conceptualization, sketching, storyboarding and animatics, using both analog and digital methods, leading to final animations.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2011 and 2110 or instructor consent; open only to majors, open to non-majors with instructor consent.
ART 3170. Graphic Design: Survey. (3 Credits)
Survey of contemporary graphic design practice as an artistic and professional discipline in visual media. In addition to critical readings, presentations, and discussions, field trips are planned to engage in dialogues with practicing professional designers and studios.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2110; open to sophomores or higher; open only to majors, open to non-majors with instructor consent.
ART 3210. Topics in Illustration. (3 Credits)
Continuing problems in illustration. Projects may include book, editorial, reportage, or self-promotion illustration.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3220. Experimental Animation: Studio Processes. (3 Credits)
Experimental approaches to the translation of still media into time-based form, informed by the student's prior studio art coursework and media approaches. Smart phone technology is employed to capture, organize, edit, and animate images.
Enrollment Requirements: Open only to Art majors, others by instructor consent; open to juniors and higher.
ART 3235. Scientific Visualization. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as DMD 3235.) Exploration of techniques for the development of still and animated graphics for use in science education and scientific publications and presentations. Project-based coursework with involvement from scientific experts and close collaboration between student illustrators and animators.
ART 3250. Stop and Go: Explorations in Stop-Motion Animation. (3 Credits)
A survey of stop-motion animation techniques.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2220.
ART 3270. Going Pro. (3 Credits)
Professional practices in illustration and animation, including market preparedness, portfolio development, branding, business communication and tools, networking, and promotion.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 3210; open only to juniors or higher studio art majors. Others by instructor consent.
ART 3310. Intermediate Painting. (3 Credits)
Conceptually-oriented painting projects.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2310.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
ART 3330. Advanced Painting. (3 Credits)
Individually determined painting projects.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
ART 3350. Aqua Media I. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the materials and methods of painting in aqua media.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 1030.
ART 3360. Aqua Media II. (3 Credits)
Continuing study in aqua media.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 3350.
ART 3375. Indian Art and Popular Culture: Independence to the Present. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as AAAS 3375.) An interdisciplinary lecture/studio art course introducing diverse forms of Indian Art from the traditional through the contemporary. Students complete either research or studio art assignments responding to the course content. CA 1. CA 4-INT.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
Content Areas: CA1: Arts & Humanities, CA4INT: Div & Multi - Intl
Topics of Inquiry: TOI1:Creativity: Des,Expr,Innv
ART 3410. Introduction to Video Art. (3 Credits)
Introduction to techniques and aesthetics of video art.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2410. Open to Art and Art History majors.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3420. Digital Imaging. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the use of the computer to digitize and manipulate photographic imagery.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2011 and ART 2410; open to juniors or higher Art and Art History majors.
ART 3430. Alternative Processes (Photography). (3 Credits)
Photographic printmaking systems outside conventional silver imaging processes.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2420; open to Art and Art History majors only; others by consent of instructor.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3440. Color Photography. (3 Credits)
The processes and aesthetics of color photography.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2410; open to Art and Art History majors only; others by consent of instructor.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3450. Documentary Photography and Video. (3 Credits)
Investigation of techniques and aesthetics of documentary photography and video.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2420; open to Art and Art History majors.
ART 3455. Portrait Photography. (3 Credits)
Studio practice in fine art portraiture with discussion of contemporary and historical approaches to the genre.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2420; open to Art and Art History majors.
ART 3460. Large Format Photography. (3 Credits)
Introduction to the use of the large format camera to create photographs.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2420; open to Art and Art History majors.
ART 3465. Landscape Photography. (3 Credits)
Studio practice in landscape photography with discussion of contemporary and historical approaches to the genre.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2420; open to Art and Art History majors.
ART 3470. Studio Photography. (3 Credits)
Techniques and aesthetics of studio photography.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2420; open to Art and Art History majors.
ART 3510. Intaglio Printmaking. (3 Credits)
Investigation of black-and-white and color intaglio techniques.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2510.
ART 3520. Lithography. (3 Credits)
Investigation of lithographic techniques.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2510.
ART 3530. Printmaking Workshop. (1-6 Credits)
Workshop for students to continue developing ideas in a print medium.
May be repeated for a total of 18 credits
ART 3605. Ceramic Art: Materials and Methods. (3 Credits)
Introduction to contemporary ceramic art materials, methods, and studio practices, including clay properties and preparation, ceramic surface treatment investigations, kiln function and firing. Studio assignments focus on enhancement of skill in design and fabrication of ceramic objects. Presentations, discussions and critiques explore ideas and issues in the field of ceramic art.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610 or instructor consent.
ART 3610. Ceramics: Vessel Constructions. (3 Credits)
Investigation of principles, techniques, and processes for design and expression in ceramic art, with focus on the vessel form as cultural, historical, and contemporary object and idea. This course extends research, development, and realization of artistic concept in clay and glaze. Projects explore a range of fabrication skills, including hand building and wheelwork, and encourage inventive approaches to material, form, and surface.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610; open only to Art majors, others by instructor consent.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3615. Ceramics: Wheel Work. (3 Credits)
Investigation of techniques and processes for wheel-based ceramic art and design. Extends student research, development, and realization of concept in clay and glaze. Projects explore a range of wheel-throwing skills, encouraging inventive approaches to material, form, and surface. May be repeated for credit with a change in course content to a maximum of nine credits.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610; open only to Art majors, others by instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
ART 3620. Ceramics: Sculptural Approaches. (3 Credits)
Investigation of principles, techniques, and processes for design and expression in ceramic sculpture and sculptural installation. This course extends research, development, and realization of artistic concept in clay and glaze. Projects explore a range of fabrication skills and encourage inventive approaches to material, form, surface, space, and context.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610; open only to Art majors, others by instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
ART 3625. Ceramics: Surface Engagement. (3 Credits)
Principles and techniques for surface design and expression in ceramic art. Projects based on a variety of clay forming techniques emphasize two- and three-dimensional ceramic surface mark, image, and color development. Class presentations, discussions and critiques explore ideas and issues in the field of ceramic art.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610; open only to Art and Art History majors, others by instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
ART 3630. Sculpture: Wood. (3 Credits)
Investigation of sculptural form, process, and environment, using wood.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3640. Sculpture: Metals. (3 Credits)
Investigation of sculptural form, process, and environment, using metal fabrication techniques such as welding, forging, and cold forming.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610; open only to Art majors, others by instructor consent.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3650. Sculpture: Mold Making and Casting. (3 Credits)
Investigation of sculptural mold making and casting principles, techniques, and processes. The course covers rigid and flexible mold making for casting in a variety of materials, emphasizing technical skill, formal design, and conceptual invention using cast forms for the creation of mixed media sculpture and installation art.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610; open only to Art majors, others by instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
ART 3655. Ceramics: Mold Making and Casting. (3 Credits)
Investigation of ceramic art mold making and casting principles, techniques, and processes. Covers plaster mold making for clay and slip casting, formal design and conceptual invention with cast forms, ceramic surface treatment, installation and display strategies.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610; open only to Art and Art History majors, others by instructor consent.
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
ART 3665. Ceramics: Clay and Glaze Composition. (3 Credits)
Advanced studio investigations exploring clay and glaze formulation and function, as means to technical control and creative discovery in ceramic art practice.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2610 and one 3000-level Ceramics course from ART 3605, 3610, 3615, 3620, 3625, or 3655. Open only to Art and Art History majors, others by instructor consent
May be repeated for a total of 9 credits
ART 3701. Industrial Design: Materials and Techniques. (3 Credits)
Introduction to a variety of processes used in prototyping, and fabrication for Industrial design. Coursework and instruction will focus on the development of skills required to design and engineer physical renderings of concepts with consideration for materials, methods and techniques, and sequence of operations.
ART 3705. Industrial Design: Form, Structure, and Space. (3 Credits)
Introduces spatial visualization through hands-on exercises that explore the dynamics of form, structure and space. Topics progress from elements of design to explorations of scale and formal and functional relationships. Coursework includes basic construction techniques with hand tools and emphasizes sensitivity to materials and appreciation for craft.
Enrollment Requirements: 1000 level course(s) in the major: ART 1010 or 1030; or DMD 1001 and 1102; or ENGR 1166; others by Instructor consent.
ART 3710. Industrial Design: Drawing and Modeling for Design. (3 Credits)
This course investigates drawing as a practice of exploration, ideation and visual communication essential to the industrial design process. Techniques include basic freehand perspective drawing, sketching for concept development, mechanical drafting, and digital modeling and rendering methods used to represent three-dimensional objects and environments in space.
Enrollment Requirements: 1000 level course(s) in the major: ART 1010 or 1030; or DMD 1001 and 1102; or ENGR 1166; others by Instructor consent.
ART 3720. Industrial Design: Process and Practice. (3 Credits)
Introduction to industrial design processes including research methods, ideation, form generation and visual communication, with a focus on the development of sustainable design practices. Coursework emphasizes strategies for creating products, environments and systems in the context of real-world challenges.
ART 3730. Industrial Design: Digital Fabrication. (3 Credits)
Introduces students to established and emerging technologies in the context of art and design practice, to expand their technical and creative capacities. Students will study and train on current industry standard software programs as well as learn to design for and with additive and subtractive manufacturing methods utilized extensively in the fields of art, design, and engineering. Enrollment is capped at 10 students per class, per semester to ensure adequate space for individual coursework, and manage workflow within the classroom based on current technology and equipment capabilities of the department.
Enrollment Requirements: 1000 level course(s) in the major: ART 1010 or 1030; DMD 1001 and 1102; ENGR 1166; others by instructor consent. Recommended preparation: basic proficiency in Illustrator, CAD, or similar computer modeling programs.
ART 3735. SolidWorks for Industrial Design. (3 Credits)
(Also offered as ENGR 3735.) Introduction to basic computer aided design, including isometric, orthogonal views, sections and parametric modeling strategies, including advanced modeling techniques. First and third angle projections. Notions of measuring, tolerances and manufacturing techniques associated by hand and CAD modeling. General manufacturing processes and their relation to modeling individual parts and assemblies. CNC principles, GCODE.
ART 3901. Advanced Studio Art Projects. (3 Credits)
Cross-media investigation of studio art ideas, processes and materials through both assigned and self-directed projects. Critical assessment occurs in discussion with faculty and peers.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
ART 3991. Studio Internship. (3 Credits)
Supervised practical experience in studio and studio related work. Section one: Communication Design Studio Internship. Supervised practical experience in a commercial design studio, agency, or related work. Prerequisite: B average in communication design classes, ART 3120 and consent of instructor. Section two: Photography Studio Internship. Supervised practical experience in a commercial photography studio, agency or in related work. Prerequisite: B average in photography classes, ART 4410 and consent of a photography instructor. Section three: Art Studio Internship. Supervised practical experience in an art studio. Prerequisite: B average in major Junior - Senior course work and consent of instructor from the major. Students taking this course will be assigned a final grade of S (satisfactory) or U (unsatisfactory).
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
ART 3993. Foreign Study. (1-6 Credits)
Special topics taken in a foreign study program.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3995. Investigation of Special Topics. (1-6 Credits)
Special topics. Field trips may be required.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.
May be repeated for credit
ART 3998. Variable Topics. (1-6 Credits)
Enrollment Requirements: Prerequisites and recommended preparation vary.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
ART 3999. Independent Study. (1-6 Credits)
For advanced students to develop a special project in advanced studio art.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher who have a GPA of 3.0, with no outstanding incompletes for any other 3999. Exception only by the approval of the department head.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
ART 4110. Graphic Design 4: Communication Dynamics. (3 Credits)
Team taught by professional guest designers, this course explores graphic design as a personal, social, political, and cultural activity and investigates modality of production in visual media.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 3120; open only to majors, open to non-majors with instructor consent.
ART 4120. Publication Design. (3 Credits)
Introduction to publication design.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 3110.
ART 4130. Graphic Design: Design Center Studio. (3 Credits)
Professional graphic design studio housed in its own independent design environment providing students with real world practical experience. Design students work on commissioned, client based, collaborative, commercial and cultural projects from concept to delivery across all media platforms.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 3120; open only to majors; open only with consent of instructor.
May be repeated for a total of 6 credits
ART 4410. Advanced Photography. (3 Credits)
Advanced problems in the use of photography as an art medium.
Enrollment Requirements: ART 2420; open to juniors or higher Art and Art History majors.
May be repeated for credit
ART 4901. Senior Project. (3 Credits)
Project developed in student's area of concentration, to be exhibited in the Annual Senior Show. A vigorous and consistent thematic body of work which articulates both technical and conceptual concerns required. To fulfill graduation requirement for B.F.A. students, must be passed with grade of C or better.
Enrollment Requirements: Open to juniors or higher.