Directory of Courses

The following directory lists all active undergraduate courses which may be offered at the University. Schedules for current and upcoming academic terms are available via the Student Administration System or at

Numbering System

Courses numbered 0000-0999 are courses in the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture; baccalaureate students may not register for these courses. Courses numbered 1000-1999 are introductory courses, usually with no prerequisites, primarily for freshmen and sophomores; courses numbered 2000-2999 usually have no more than one prerequisite and are primarily intended for sophomores; courses numbered 3000-3999 are advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for juniors and seniors; courses numbered 4000-4999 are advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for seniors. Courses numbered 5000 and above are for graduate students and appear in the Graduate School Catalog or as School of Pharmacy courses that are available to Doctor of Pharmacy majors listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. University regulations allow undergraduates to take courses at the 5000 level only if they have a cumulative grade point average of 2.6 or above and if they are in the seventh or eighth semester of University standing; individual schools and colleges may have more stringent requirements which students must meet. Exceptions can be made only by the instructor and the dean of the school or college in which the student is registered.

Skill Codes

W and Q skill code designations and combinations of these have been added to courses where applicable. Students may find a comprehensive explanation of W and Q skill codes under “Competencies” in the General Education Requirements section of this publication. Note: The same 4-digit numerics are not repeatable, i.e. 1107, 1107W. Skill code versions of courses share the same attributes of the non-skill versions regarding credit restrictions.

Environmental Literacy

Courses that may be used to satisfy the Environmental Literacy general education requirement, which is described in the General Education Requirements section of this publication, are indicated by an E at the end of the catalog number.

Content Areas

Content area designations (CA 1-4) have been added to course descriptions to identify those that meet General Education content requirements. Content areas 1 through 4 are defined in the General Education Requirements section of this publication.

Refer to the Academic Regulations section of this Catalog for further information regarding registration for courses.