The Environmental Studies major is an interdisciplinary program designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives needed to understand the interactions between human society and the environment. Understanding the ethical and cultural dimensions of our relationship with the environment, as well as the challenges of protecting it, requires insights from multiple perspectives, including the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. Core courses in the major ensure familiarity with basic principles from these three areas. With this shared core of knowledge, majors will focus their studies on an area of special interest, taking electives and related courses that allow greater specialization. Among the many possibilities are environmental sustainability, issues concerning public policy and environmental justice, and the literary and philosophical legacy of human encounters with the non-human world. A capstone course will allow each student to research a distinct perspective on a contemporary environmental issue. A major in Environmental Studies might lead to a career in a variety of fields, including public policy, environmental education, eco-tourism, marketing or consulting, journalism, or advocacy.
The major leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) or the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR). The student’s choice of colleges should be made in consultation with faculty and advisors based upon the student’s interests and career goals.
Course List Course | Title | Credits |
| 4 |
| Foundations of Biology | |
| Principles of Biology II (for those seeking a more advanced background) | |
EVST 1000E | Introduction to Environmental Studies | 3 |
| 4 |
| Earth's Dynamic Environment | |
| Earth's Dynamic Environment (Lecture) | |
| Introduction to Physical Geography | |
| Environmental Science | |
| 4 |
| Introduction to Statistics I | |
| Elementary Concepts of Statistics | |
| |
| |
| 6 |
| Literature and the Environment | |
| American Nature Writing |
| Nature Writing Workshop |
| Environmental Journalism |
| The Environment in German Culture | |
| History of the Ocean | |
| Global Environmental History |
| Environmental History of the Americas |
| New England Environmental History |
| Philosophy and Global Climate Change | |
| Environmental Ethics |
| 6 |
| Environmental and Resource Policy | |
| Environmental and Resource Economics |
| Environmental Economics |
| Introduction to Sustainable Cities | |
| Global Change, Local Action: A Geography of Environmentalism |
| Human Dimensions of Natural Resources | |
| Environmental Law |
| Global Environmental Politics | |
| Sustainable Societies | |
| Society and Climate Change |
| Society and Climate Change |
| 6 |
| Environmental Health | |
| Global Change Ecology | |
| Introduction to Conservation Biology |
| Earth History and Global Change | |
| Climate and Weather | |
| Climate-Human-Ecosystem Interactions | |
| |
EVST 4000W | Environmental Studies Capstone Research Project | 3 |
Total Credits | 36 |
Additional Requirements for the Major
In addition, environmental studies majors in CLAS must take nine credits of electives at the 2000 level or above, plus an additional 12 credits of related courses, approved by the student’s advisor. These courses must be designed to form a coherent set of additional courses that will provide the student with a focus or additional depth in an area of interest related to the major. They must be chosen in consultation with the student’s faculty advisor and be approved by the advisor. Courses listed above that are not used to meet the core requirements may be used to meet this requirement. Total credits (2000 level or above): 30, plus 12 credits of related courses.
Other Areas of Recommended Preparation
Course List Course | Title | Credits |
CHEM 1122 | Chemical Principles and Applications | 4 |
CHEM 1127Q | General Chemistry I | 4 |
PHYS 1030Q/1035Q | Physics of the Environment | 3 |
ERTH/GEOG 1070 | | 3 |
MARN 1002E | Introduction to Oceanography | 3 |
or MARN 1003E | Introduction to Oceanography with Laboratory |
ARE 1110E | Population, Food, and the Environment | 3 |
ARE 1150 | Principles of Applied and Resource Economics | 3 |
ECON 1179 | | 3 |
ECON 1200 | Principles of Economics (Intensive) | 4 |
ECON 1201 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
Note: A B.A. in Environmental Studies can also be earned through the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. For a complete description of the major in that college, refer to the Environmental Studies description in the “College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources” section of this Catalog.
University General Education Requirements
Every student must meet a set of core requirements to earn a baccalaureate degree, in addition to those required by the student's major course of study and other requirements set by the student's school or college. For more information about these requirements, please see General Education Requirements.
College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Degree Requirements
Students must meet a set of requirements established by the college in addition to the University's General Education requirements. For more information, see the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources section of this catalog.