Academic Catalog

Academic and Scholarly Integrity

All members of the university community, including administrators, faculty, staff, and students, have a shared responsibility to uphold the highest ethical standards of academic, scholarly, and professional integrity and to report any violations of those standards of which they are aware.

Instructor Expectations

To foster a culture of academic integrity, instructors are responsible for communicating the expectations for academic and scholarly integrity to students and for engaging in practices that mitigate violations of this policy. Specifically, instructors are expected to:

  • include a link to the Academic, Scholarly, and Professional Integrity and Misconduct policy as part of course syllabi or documentation for any other academic/scholarly activity and include any additional unit-specific expectations.
  • review academic and scholarly integrity policy and any other disciplinary - or activity-specific expectations.
  • provide clear guidance for all assignments, activities, and assessments, including noting what resources can be used and whether collaboration is permitted.  
  • ensure individuals engaged in research, creative, or professional activities understand the standards, protocols, and guidelines to which they must adhere.
  • adhere to the University processes for reporting misconduct, engaging in the review process, and assigning consequences to address violations, which should include opportunities for education and remediation.

Student Expectations

To uphold the principle of academic and scholarly integrity in all aspects of their intellectual development and engagement at the University, students are expected to:

  • be responsible for their own work and their own actions related to all academic and scholarly endeavors.  
  • assume they are to do independent work and seek clarification prior to collaborating with others or using outside resources.
  • understand and abide by the standards, protocols, and guidelines to which they must adhere in research, creative, or professional activities.

If students witness or become aware of a violation of academic or scholarly integrity, they are encouraged to communicate this to the appropriate university representative (e.g., faculty, staff, advisor).   

A cumulative record is maintained of all academic or scholarly integrity violations and such record will be reviewed and considered as part of subsequent incidences. Individuals engaged in research are expected to follow all standards, rules and regulations that guide the proper conduct of research or creative activity.


Violations of this policy and its related procedures may result in appropriate disciplinary measures in accordance with University By-Laws, General Rules of Conduct for All University Employees, applicable collective bargaining agreements, and the University of Connecticut Student Code.

Student misconduct is governed by the University’s Student Code, which is administered under the direction of the Division of Student Affairs. Enforcement of its provisions is the responsibility of the Director of Community Standards (for undergraduate students), The Graduate School (for graduate students), and the Office of the Vice President for Research (for research misconduct). At the Health Center, student misconduct other than academic and scholarly misconduct is governed by the Health Center Code of Conduct. Identified misconduct will be routed to the appropriate unit.

Faculty misconduct is also governed by the State Code of Ethics and misconduct is addressed by the appropriate university administrative unit(s) (e.g., School/College, Provost Office, Office of the Vice President of Research, Human Resources).