Academic Regulations

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University Requirements

By accepting admission, the student assumes responsibility for knowing and complying with the regulations and procedures set forth by the University.

The Board of Trustees awards the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Engineering, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of General Studies, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Social Work to students who have completed the degree requirements of a school or college. Students can find their degree requirements in the section of the Undergraduate Catalog devoted to their school or college.

Required Credits

The University requires all students to complete at least 120 credits toward the degree. Some schools require more than 120 degree credits for graduation.

Required GPA

The University requires that all students have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 at the time of graduation. However, some of the schools and colleges require higher averages. Students should refer to their school or college requirements to determine the minimum cumulative GPA required.

University-Wide Residence Requirement

It is expected that advanced course work in the major will be completed in residence. Students must earn a minimum of thirty credits in residence toward a degree at the University, though particular schools and colleges may require more. Courses taken at the University and through the University’s Education Abroad and Early College Experience programs are all deemed in-residence. Students desiring to transfer credits should be aware of residence requirements in the individual schools and colleges, and should request necessary permissions in advance. Students seeking exceptions to any additional residence requirements of a school or college must petition the dean or director of the appropriate program from which they will earn their degree.

Immunization Requirements

The University has immunization requirements that apply to most students. Please see the Student Health and Wellness website for more information:

Time Limit

All students wishing to apply toward a degree the credits earned more than eight years before graduation must have permission from the dean of the school or college concerned. The permission, if granted, applies only to the current school or college.

Applicability of Requirements

Students graduating from a school or college must meet the requirements as they were at the time the student entered, or as they were at any subsequent time. Candidates who transfer from a school or college and then return must meet the requirements as they were at the time the student returned, or as they were at any subsequent time. Students who withdraw (except those on official leave of absence) or are dismissed from the University and later return must meet the requirements as they were at the time the student returned, or as they were at any subsequent time.

Exemptions from, and Substitutions for, University Requirements

Students seeking an exemption from a University requirement, or wishing to substitute another course for the course prescribed, should consult their academic dean. To effect a change, the dean must recommend the change, and the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs must approve it. Transfer students wanting exemptions or substitutions should request them of their academic dean as they enroll.

Course and Credit Information

Course Numbers

Course numbers show the level of the material presented. The numbers and the academic levels follow:

Number Academic Levels
0000-0999 Courses in the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture, may not be taken for degree credit by Baccalaureate students.
1000-1999 Introductory courses, usually with no prerequisites, primarily intended for First-Year Students and Sophomores.
2000-2999 Courses, usually with no more than one prerequisite, primarily intended for Sophomores.
3000-3999 Advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for Juniors and Seniors.
4000-4999 Advanced undergraduate courses primarily intended for Seniors.
5000-5999 Entry-level and intermediate Graduate courses.
6000-6999 Advanced Graduate courses.
7000-7999 Law School courses.
8000-8999 Medical School courses.
9000-9999 School of Dental Medicine courses.

Unless their school or college has more stringent requirements, undergraduate seniors with a cumulative grade point average of 2.6 or above may take 5000-level courses. Other undergraduates must have the permission of the instructor and the student’s academic dean to enroll in a 5000-level course.

Consent Courses

Many University courses require consent of the instructor for enrollment. The course directory section of this Catalog specifies the required signatures.

Enrollment Requirements

Prerequisites and Corequisites

The term prerequisite implies a progression from less advanced to more advanced study in a field. Students must satisfy the prerequisite(s) before registering for the course, unless exempted by the instructor. Corequisite courses must be taken concurrently. When a course is listed as both a prerequisite and a corequisite, it may be taken prior to or concurrently with the other course.

Prerequisites taken out of sequence within a single department shall not count towards degree credit unless the head of the department offering the course grants an exception. For example, assume that courses A and B are in the same department and A is prerequisite to B. If the instructor permits the student to take B without having taken A, and the student passes B, the student may not take A for credit without permission. The student seeking credit for A must have the permission of the head of the department offering the course. The department head must notify the Registrar in writing.

Restricted Credits

Students should read carefully the course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog before they register because some of the course credits may not count toward graduation.

Students who have had three or more years of a foreign language in high school cannot receive credit for the elementary language courses in that same language. However, transfer students who were placed in an elementary language course through a proficiency exam at another institution of higher learning may contact the Literatures, Cultures and Languages Department Head about permission to receive credit for the elementary language courses.

Course restrictions also apply to independent study courses (see Independent Study, Special Topics, and Variable Topics courses), repeated courses (see Repeating courses), and prerequisites taken out of sequence (see Prerequisites).

In credit-restricted courses, the earned credits are reduced on the transcript. However, full credit will be used in the determination of full-time status and in the calculation of grade point averages.

Recommended Preparation

Denotes that the instructor will assume that students know material covered in the course(s) listed. Students who register for a course without the recommended background may experience difficulties and are encouraged to consult with the instructor prior to registration.

Satisfying Course Requirements by Examination

A student may, with the permission of their academic dean, meet school or college course requirements by examination. The student earns no credit. The department offering the course gives the examination.

Independent Study, Special Topics and Variable Topics Courses

Students wishing to study a subject independently, for credit, must find an instructor to supervise the project. The instructor and the student then agree on the number of credits the student may earn. Without special permission, students may not register for or earn toward the degree more than six credits each semester in any one or combination of independent study, special topics, and variable topics courses. To increase this limit, students must consult with their advisor and get the permission of their academic dean. Please see for the appropriate forms.

Repeating Courses

Any student who is regularly registered for courses and who satisfies the requirements shall receive credit except that no student shall receive credit for the same course twice, unless it is specifically stated, as in a variable content course. Courses with the same number that cover the same course content cannot be counted more than once for credit. The parenthetical phrases (Formerly offered as...) and (Also offered as...) that follow a course title as a cross reference indicate that a student may not take both the course and the cross-referenced course. A student is regularly registered for a course only if he or she has conformed to all university or college regulations or requirements applying to registration for the course.

A student may repeat a course previously taken one time without seeking permission in order to earn a higher grade. The student may take the course a third time with the permission of the dean of the school or college in which the student is enrolled and the instructor of the course. Under no circumstances may a student take a course more than three times.

When a student repeats a course, credit shall be allowed only once. Furthermore, in the computation of the grade point average, the registered credit and grade points for the most recent taking of the course shall be included in the GPA calculation and the registered credit and grade for the prior taking of the course shall remain on the transcript, but shall be removed from the GPA calculation.

The student should note that repeating a course that was previously passed can have negative consequences. For example, if a student fails a course previously passed, the student would lose credit for the first, passed, attempt and not earn credit for the second, failed, attempt. Repeating a previously passed course may also have an effect on financial aid. Students considering repeating previously passed courses should consult their advisors and Student Financial Aid Services staff.

When a student repeats a course after receiving a degree, the student’s transcript will indicate a grade, but no registered credit, for the repeated course. The grade and registered credit recorded for the course prior to receipt of the degree shall continue to be included in the GPA and credit calculations.

A student must have department head permission to repeat a course that is listed as a prerequisite or corequisite for any course that the student has passed. For example, a student who received a “D” in CHEM 1127Q General Chemistry I and subsequently passed CHEM 1128Q General Chemistry II may not retake CHEM 1127Q General Chemistry I without permission.

Earning Course Credits by Examination

The student should obtain a Petition for Course Credit by Examination from the Office of the Registrar or, pay the Credit by Examination fee at the Bursar’s Office, and take the form to the instructor of the course and the department head for review of the student’s academic qualifications and approval to take the exam. The student must then take the form to the student’s academic dean for final approval. When all approvals have been obtained, the student must take the form to the academic department to arrange for the examination.

When acceptable candidates apply, departments arrange examinations once a semester, as shown in the University calendar. The course instructor prepares and grades the examination. The student writes the answers unless the material makes an oral or performance examination more appropriate. Examinations in laboratory courses test the student’s mastery of laboratory techniques. Students may not elect the Pass/Fail option when taking an examination for course credit. Posted grades are from “A” to “D-” with the corresponding grade points, and if the student fails the examination, the Registrar does not record a grade. If the department permits, students may review past examinations.

Students may not:

  • take an examination for credit if they previously covered a substantial portion of the material in a high-school or college course for which the University granted credit.
  • earn credits by examination for any course they have failed, by examination or otherwise.
  • earn credits by examination for ENGL 1003 Academic Literacies for Multilingual Students, ENGL 1004 Introduction to Academic Writing, or for 1000-level foreign language courses. Schools and Colleges may exclude other courses from course credit by examination.
  • earn by examination more than one-fourth of the credits required for the degree.

Advanced Placement

Various academic deans have approved Advanced Placement Examinations as a basis for granting advanced standing to students at the time of admission. The department teaching the subject matter covered by the test determines whether the student:

  1. receives full credit for a specific course, or
  2. may use a specific course in meeting prerequisite requirements for more advanced courses or in fulfilling course requirements for graduation, or
  3. neither of the preceding alternatives. See the College Board AP Examination Transfer Guidelines chart for more information.

College Board AP Examination Transfer Guidelines

For information on the College Board AP Examination Transfer Guidelines please refer to the Office of Admission website at 

Earning Course Credits through Concurrent Enrollment Programs

Students who have earned college credits while in high school through a concurrent enrollment program, also known as dual enrollment, should request an official transcript from the issuing institution and meet with their academic advisor regarding the transferability of the credits.

UConn Early College Experience (ECE)

UConn ECE Students coming to any UConn campus for their undergraduate career will automatically have all non-degree work (Pending Classes) from UConn ECE noted on the non-degree portion of an official UConn transcript.

Students, need to meet with an academic advisor to decide one of two options:

  1. elect to move UConn ECE credit to the degree portion of the official undergraduate transcript (accept the credit) or
  2. leave the credit on the non-degree portion (reject the credit)

Refer to the Pending Class Rules section of and the department specific deadline before making a decision about moving credits.

The deadline to accept or reject UConn ECE credits is typically at the end of the first semester on campus, depending on the college or program. In most cases, if a decision is not selected, the credit is automatically moved to the official undergraduate transcript. Once a decision has been made to accept or reject credits, or they are automatically accepted, the decision/action is irreversible.

Note: Credits on the degree portion of an official undergraduate transcript are counted towards GPA calculation and credit total towards graduating. Credits on the non-degree portion are not included in GPA calculation or credit total towards graduating, but they will appear on the official UConn transcript under the Non-degree Career section.

Visit for additional information and deadlines.

Transfer Credits for Continuing Students

Students who wish to take courses elsewhere and apply the credits toward their degrees should consult their advisor, their academic dean and the Transfer Admissions Office beforehand. Otherwise, the credits may not apply toward the student’s degree. The student must complete the Prior Approval Process and submit an official transcript as soon as coursework is completed to the Transfer Admissions Office. Students must meet the University-wide residence requirements, as well as the residence requirements of their individual school or college.

Transfer courses must have a grade of “C” (2.0 on 4.0 scale) or above in order to transfer. Grades and grade points do not transfer. If the student earns grades of “P,” “CR,” or the like, for work completed elsewhere, the student must provide the Transfer Admissions Office with official letter grade equivalents to have the work evaluated.


All students must register on the dates announced and pay the succeeding semester fee bills as due. Failure to pay by the payment deadlines may result in sanctions, including, but not limited to cancellation of courses and removal from residence halls. Before registering, students must consult their academic advisors.

Students may take courses at any campus: Avery Point, Hartford, Stamford, Storrs, and Waterbury. However, students must be registered for the majority of their credits at their home campus. The home campus is the campus to which the student was admitted unless an authorized campus change has taken place.

Placement Testing

Depending on the student’s preparation and course of study, some schools and colleges require entering students to take tests in mathematics, foreign languages and English.

Full-Time and Part-Time Registration

Full-time students register for at least 12 credits and continue to carry at least 12 credits through the end of the semester or the summer term.

Courses with restricted credits (see Credit Restrictions) have all credits counted in computing the Semester Credit Load, but only unrestricted credits count toward the degree. Unresolved marks from a previous semester and/or courses currently being audited are not counted in computing the Semester Credit Load.

Part-time students are those enrolled for fewer than 12 credits. Enrolling for fewer than 12 credits requires the written approval of the student’s academic dean. Part-time students must obtain permission from the Dean of Students or designee to participate in any extra-curricular activity involving intercollegiate competition. Students considering taking fewer than 12 credits should consult their advisor and read carefully the rules governing academic notice and dismissal, financial aid and housing. They also should ask if their part-time status will affect their social security, their insurance and related matters.

Maximum Number of Credits Students May Take Per Semester

To register for more than the maximum credits listed below, the student must obtain permission from the student’s advisor and academic dean.

  • Engineering, Fine Arts, and Pharmacy: 19 (21 if fifth semester or above and earned 2.6 SGPA or above the previous semester)
  • All other schools and colleges: 17 (18 if earned 2.6 SGPA or above the previous semester or taking National Defense courses)

For various reasons, including academic standing, students’ allowed credit totals may be restricted to 13 or 14 credits.

In all schools and colleges, except Engineering, Fine Arts, and Pharmacy, a first-year student or sophomore in the Honors Program who has, or will have, earned a minimum of 18 credits at the time of enrollment and has met the minimum excess credit requirement for the University may register for or be enrolled in a maximum of 19 credits. Honors juniors and seniors who have earned a grade point average of at least 3.0 for the last semester for which grades are available, may enroll in up to 21 credits.

A form for obtaining permission to take more than the maximum number of credits is available from the Registrar at:

For five or six-week Summer Session, the maximum is eight credits. For three-week sessions, the maximum is four credits. For the Summer Divergent Early, Summer Divergent Late, and Summer Spanning sessions, the maximum is 12 credits.

Undergraduate Schedule Revision Regulations

Registration information can be found on the website of the Office of the Registrar at Within the following regulations, students may revise their course schedules on days and at hours specified by the Office of the Registrar. Though classes may be scheduled on weekends, these are not factored into the following regulations.

Students must consult with their academic advisor prior to adding or dropping courses. After the second week of classes, any and all adjustments to the student’s schedule must be filed with the Registrar. See tables about adding and dropping courses for further clarification.

If a particular course requires consent, a student must obtain that consent before adding the course.

Students may add courses during the first 10 days of classes without special permissions. In exceptional cases only, a student may add courses after the tenth day of classes with the consent of the student’s advisor, the course instructor, and the head of the department or program offering the course. After the fourth week, the permission of the student’s academic dean or dean’s designee is also required for adding classes.

Students may drop courses before the end of the tenth day of classes. When a student drops a course during the first two weeks of classes, the Registrar does not place the course on the student’s record. After the tenth day of classes and through the eleventh week, a student may drop one course for any reason with permission from the student’s advisor. When a student drops a course after the second week, the Registrar places the course on the student’s record with a ‘W’ (for withdrawal). No student is permitted to drop a course after the eleventh week of classes or to drop more than one course after the first 10 days of classes unless, on the recommendation of the advisor, an exception is made by the dean or designee of the school or college in which the student is enrolled. Exceptions are made only for extenuating circumstances beyond the student's control. Poor academic performance is not considered a sufficient reason for dropping a course after the eleventh week. Exceptions to transcript notations can be made only by the Provost or designee.

A student who withdraws from a full-year course at the close of the first semester shall receive credit for the work of the first semester if the student has passed the course, unless it is announced in the catalog that the course must be taken in its entirety, in which case the credit shall be withheld until the course is completed.

Students at the University's regional campuses are subject to all regulations governing adding and dropping courses except that course instructors act for the department heads and the regional campus director or designee acts for the dean.

For courses of fewer than 14 weeks duration, the add/drop periods will be adjusted and determined by the Registrar.

Course seats are non-transferable. Students cannot transfer/sell their course seat(s) to any other student.

Adding Courses

Semester Period Add
First and second weeks of classes Registration
Third and fourth weeks of classes Advisor, Instructor, and Department Head offering the course
After the fourth week All of the above and the Dean

Dropping Courses

Semester Period Single Drop Two or More Days
First and second weeks of classes Registration with No “W” grade 1 Registration with No “W” grade 1
Third through eleventh weeks of classes Advisor with “W” grade Advisor and Dean with “W” grade
After the eleventh week Exceptions made only for extenuating circumstances

Students should be made aware of the rules of their individual schools and colleges for using the Registration System.

Section Changes

Section changes require the same authorization as other add/drop transactions.

Registration in Courses Labeled “Credits and Hours by Arrangement”

The student and the instructor agree on the number of credits the student expects to earn and the student enters the number of credits when registering. If the number of credits a student expects to earn changes during the semester, the instructor must report the change to the Office of the Registrar as soon as possible, by email or memo.

Auditing Courses Without Credit

Students wanting to have the fact that they were exposed to the material in a course recorded on their academic record, but not receive either credit or a grade, may choose to audit a course. The student may participate in the course as the instructor permits. In place of a grade, the record will show “AU.”

All students planning to audit a course must get a Course Audit Form from the Office of the Registrar or, complete it, and file it with the Registrar. To complete the card, they must consult their advisor and get the instructor’s consent. Students changing a course from credit to audit after the second week of classes receive both “W” (for Withdrawal) and “AU” marks on their academic records. No student is permitted to change a course from credit to audit after the eleventh week of classes unless the dean makes an exception. Exceptions are made only for extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control. The instructor may disenroll a student not meeting the auditing criteria set forth by the instructor.

Part-time students must pay the same fee to audit a course as they would pay if they took the course for credit.

Failure to Register

All undergraduate students who fail to complete initial course registration by the end of the tenth day of classes of any semester will be dropped from active status. To enroll at a future date, individuals dropped from active status must apply for readmission. Students must enroll in a course to attend the class. Instructors with unenrolled students in a class should tell the students they should add the course to attend. Unenrolled students will earn no credit for courses or parts of courses completed. Students who have paid their fees may register late with the permission of the student’s advisor, instructors, department heads of the departments offering the courses and the student’s academic dean.

Improper Registration

Students who discover they are not eligible for a course in which they have enrolled, should consult their advisor and drop the course as soon as possible. Upon recommendation of an advisor, instructor, department head or dean, the Registrar may remove students from courses for which students are not eligible to enroll.

Denial of Space for Non-Attendance

A student who is enrolled in, but does not attend any classes or laboratory meetings during the first ten days of classes may be denied a place in the course. Such non-attendance, or non-attendance later in the semester, does not constitute withdrawal; the student must officially drop the course by regular procedures or risk being assigned a failing grade.

Grade Information

Class Attendance

The instructor describes the computation of the grades and the relation between grades and attendance at the beginning of the semester. Where grades depend on classroom participation, absences may affect the student’s grade. However, if a student were absent and the instructor reduced the grade, the reduction would be due to lack of class participation, not the student’s absence. Except for final examinations, instructors have final authority in permitting students to submit assignments late or make up examinations.

Final Examinations

Instructors of undergraduate courses shall provide a clear form of assessment of student work that shall be consistent with and sufficient for the learning goals of the course.

During the semester or term, assessments shall be held only during regularly scheduled class periods. If instructors, due to exceptional circumstances, believe they need to hold assessments outside of regularly scheduled class periods, they must seek approval from the Vice-Provost for Academic Affairs prior to the start of registration. Sections of courses for which such exception has been granted shall carry a footnote to that effect in the published Schedule of Classes which clearly states the date and time of the assessment on the syllabus. In the event of student absences from assessments given during the semester, decisions regarding possible make-up assessments shall be the prerogative of the instructor.

Final in-class examinations may not be given during the last week of classes. Other types of assessments (for example, but not only, portfolios, performances, projects, presentations, etc.) may be due in the last week of classes, but should be clearly delineated on the syllabus from the first week of classes.

The format of assessments during finals week remains at the discretion of the instructor, including whether to assign a final assessment or not. In the event an instructor chooses not to schedule a final assessment, they must notify the Registrar to allow rescheduling of the classroom. During the final assessment period, instructors may have other types of assessments due, but only if they are clearly delineated on the syllabus from the first week of classes.

Instructors are required to administer final course assessments in the places and at the days and times scheduled by the Registrar; these will not necessarily be identical to those at which the class normally meets. Instructors seeking a final assessment period greater than two hours must seek approval from their department head and dean or designee prior to the start of registration; sections of courses for which such exception has been granted shall carry a footnote that specifies the time-extension for the final assessments in the published Schedule of Classes, and be clearly stated clearly states the date and time on the syllabus. For online final assessments, although faculty may choose to make assessments available for an extended period of time, students must be allowed the opportunity to take the assessments during the time scheduled by the University.

Each instructor shall determine for his or her own courses the weight to be assigned to the final assessment in computing the semester grade of a student. Each instructor in charge of a course will assume responsibility for proctoring in-class assessments, including those during finals week.

Absences from Final Examinations

A student who is prevented by extenuating circumstances from completing a scheduled final assessment must apply to the Dean of Students Office for validation that will authorize the student’s instructor to give a substitute assessment. A student whose absence is excused by the Dean of Students Office shall have an opportunity to complete a substitute assessment without penalty. A student whose absence from a scheduled final assessment is not excused in this way shall receive a failure for this assessment.

Rescheduling Final Examinations

A student whose final assessment schedule includes four assessments in two consecutive calendar days, three assessments in one calendar day, or three assessments in consecutive time blocks spanning parts of two consecutive days may request a note of permission from the Dean of Students Office to reschedule one exam. The Dean of Students Office will determine which of the bunched assessments may be rescheduled. The student must present the Dean of Students Office note of permission to reschedule the final assessment to the instructor of the course.

Grades, Grade Points, Credits, and Skills

Instructors grade undergraduate courses based on the following letter and point system. These grades are used to calculate students’ Grade Point Averages.

Explanation Final Grades Grade Points Course Credits Skills
Excellent A 4.0 yes yes
A- 3.7 yes yes
Very Good B+ 3.3 yes yes
Good B 3.0 yes yes
B- 2.7 yes yes
C+ 2.3 yes yes
Average C 2.0 yes yes
Fair C- 1.7 yes yes
Poor D+ 1.3 yes yes
D 1.0 yes yes
Merely Passing D- 0.7 yes yes
Failure F 0 no no
Pass/Fail Pass P@ N/A yes no
Pass/Fail Failure F@ N/A no no
Satisfactory S N/A yes no
Unsatisfactory U N/A no no
Audit Au N/A no no
Withdrawal W N/A no no
Continuing Registration N/A N/A N/A N/A

Grade Point Formulas

Grade points for courses graded “A”-“F” are the product of the course credits and the points per credit for the grade earned. For example, given a “B-” for a 3-credit course, points earned for the course are 8.1 (2.7 x 3). For any period, the total grade points for the courses graded “A”-“F” divided by the total credits give the grade point average. The term GPA includes all courses graded “A”-“F” in a semester or summer session. The cumulative GPA averages all courses graded “A”-“F.”

If a student repeats a course that may not be repeated for credit, the Registrar records the grades for both attempts. If the repeat occurred prior to Summer Session 2002, both attempts are included in the GPA calculations. If the repeat occurred after Spring 2002, only the second attempt is included in the GPA calculations although both grades appear on the transcript. The student should note that when a lower grade is earned on the second attempt, the lower grade is the one that is used in the calculations.

Students withdrawing from a full-year course at the close of the first semester will, if they have passed the first part of the course, receive credit for the work of the first semester, unless the course description states otherwise.

The Dean’s List

At the end of each semester the Dean of each school and college names to the Dean’s List those students who:

  1. were registered for at least 12 credits calculable for grade points,
  2. received no grade below “C,” including the actual letter grade awarded in any course under the Pass/Fail option,
  3. earned at least 3.0 times as many grade points as the number of calculable credits recorded by the Registrar, and
  4. were in at least the upper quartile of their school or college.

Undergraduate students whose disabilities warrant the adjustment of carrying less than a full-time course load per semester can be determined eligible for Dean’s List status. The Center for Students with Disabilities will notify the Registrar each semester regarding students who are eligible.

Annually, at the conclusion of the Spring semester, the deans of the various schools and colleges shall issue a list of those degree-seeking students who did not attain full-time status at any time during the previous 12 months, but who, during this 12 month period (including summer and intersession sessions):

  1. were registered for a total of at least twelve calculable credits,
  2. received no mark below “C” nor received a “U” in any course,
  3. earned at least a 3.0 grade point average, and
  4. were in the upper quartile of their respective school or college based on the Spring data.

These students will receive the distinction: “Dean’s List (Part-time).”

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)

The S/U grade option is determined by the faculty; it is not a student-driven option. This course designation is available only for courses that have been approved as such by the Senate Curricula and Courses Committee. Instructors assign a grade of “S” to represent satisfactory work or “U” to represent unsatisfactory work. These courses may or may not award credit, but in neither case will grade points be awarded. No course used to fulfill the General Education Requirements may be assigned an S/U grade.

Pass/Fail Option

The University Senate, the schools, the colleges and some programs have restricted the credits placed on Pass/Fail in various ways. Thus, students planning to place a course on Pass/Fail should consider the consequences carefully. The advantage to the student is that the grade for a course placed on Pass/Fail does not affect their grade point average. However, they should discuss with their advisor the immediate, the long-term, the direct, and the indirect effects.

A student who is not on academic notice may elect a maximum of 12 credits (not including credits on P/F recorded in spring 2020) to be distributed over not more than one course per semester and three courses total, to be recorded as “P” for Pass or “F” for Fail on his or her permanent record. Students who are selecting a course for the Pass/Fail option or want to convert a Pass/Fail back to a graded basis must do so by the eleventh week of the semester. Students seeking to put a course on Pass/Fail after the eleventh week of the semester must get approval from the student’s advisor and by the Dean or designee of the school or college in which the student is enrolled. Approvals are given only for extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control; poor academic performance is not an extenuating circumstance. For courses taught outside of the fall and spring semesters, these deadlines will be adjusted in a pro-rated fashion by the Registrar.

During the semester, the student completes the course and is graded in the usual way by the instructor; and the instructor submits a letter grade. This letter grade is translated into a “P” (“D-” or above) or remains an “F.” In neither event will a course taken under the Pass/Fail option be included in the computation of the semester or cumulative grade point average, but a grade below “C” makes the student ineligible for the Dean’s List. The individual schools and colleges have the privilege of adopting the Pass/Fail option with or without supplementary restrictions. Students are referred to the detailed statements of the various schools in the Undergraduate Catalog for such restrictions.

Restrictions on Pass/Fail Courses

Students who convert to a Pass/Fail and then revert the course back to a graded basis cannot again convert the course back to a Pass/Fail. Courses placed on Pass/Fail may only be used as electives; they may not be used to satisfy the General Education Requirement, the major or related requirements, the skill requirements, the minor requirements, or any school or college course requirement. Pass/Fail credits may not be acceptable when a student changes majors or schools within the University. Pass/Fail credits may not be transferable to another institution.

Students working on a degree at another institution need written approval from their dean, or other official, at the other institution to place a course on Pass/Fail.

The Registrar does not place a student on the Dean’s List if the instructor’s grade for a Pass/Fail course is less than “C.” Note that at least 12 credits must contribute to the semester grade point average placing a student on the Dean’s List. As the Pass/Fail marks have no grade points, the instructor’s grade does not contribute to the grade point averages. Note also that at least 54 credits must contribute to the grade point average for students to graduate cum laude or higher.

Restriction by School or College

Listed below are the Pass/Fail supplementary restrictions imposed by each school and college.

  1. In the School of Business, students may not elect the Pass/Fail option for any of the departments of the School.
  2. In the School of Education, students may not elect the Pass/Fail option for courses offered in the School of Education which are required for certification as a teacher.
  3. In the College of Engineering, no course taken on Pass/Fail may be counted for credit toward graduation.
  4. In the School of Pharmacy, no specifically required courses (all courses for which no alternate choice is given in the curricular listings) can be taken on Pass/Fail.
  5. In the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture students may only place one course on the Pass/Fail option.

Temporary Grades

Temporary grades signify that credit has not been earned in that course, and may subject the student to academic notice or dismissal. Temporary grades shall not prevent the calculation of either the semester or the cumulative grade point average.

Temporary Grades Related to Incomplete Work

An instructor may assign a temporary grade for a course when student work is not completed within the semester.

Temporary Grade Conditions for Assigning a Temporary Grade
N No basis for grade A student has completed few or no assessments and no make-up schedule has been agreed upon with the instructor; the instructor has no basis for a grade.
I Incomplete Grade A student has not completed all of the assessments but work completed is of passing quality and a make-up schedule has been agreed upon with the instructor.
X Final assessment absence A student did not submit a final assessment and might by means of a satisfactory performance on the assessment complete the course with a passing grade. If in the opinion of the instructor such a student would fail the course regardless of the result of the assessment, the student shall be given a grade of “F.”

The student must complete all outstanding work on a schedule determined by the instructor and by the end of the third week of the following semester. Exceptions to this deadline are made by the Dean of Students or designee with the consent of the instructor.

Once the student submits the outstanding work or completes the final assessment, the instructor must submit a change of grade within 10 working days.

If the student does not submit outstanding work by the agreed upon deadline and has not been granted an exception, the instructor will calculate the student’s grade based on work completed for the course.

Passing grades will replace temporary grades on the transcript. For students who do not complete the missing work and therefore fail the course, the temporary grade will be retained on the transcript and followed by “F.”

Temporary Grades Related to Course Scheduling

An instructor should assign a temporary grade of “Y” to students enrolled in a course that extends beyond the standard semester schedule. The “Y” is intended as a placeholder until the course is complete, at which time the instructor will replace the “Y” grade with a permanent grade. If a student has work outstanding, the “Y” grade should be changed to a temporary grade that reflects the type of work outstanding.

Extensions for I and X Grades

In exceptional instances, after consulting the instructor, the Dean of Students or designee may extend the time for completing courses marked “I” or “X.”

Academic Assessment of Students

The authority to determine a student’s grade in a course lies with the instructor of record. In order to minimize student misunderstandings, course requirements must be stated in the syllabus for the course. Instructors shall provide, in writing on the first day of class, syllabi and schedules if not included in syllabi, to students in their courses, including internships and independent studies. Instructors shall specify what will be taught; when and how it will be taught; when and how learning will be assessed; if, when, and how missed assessments (for which medical documentation cannot be required) will be handled; how grades will be assigned, and (for distance education courses) how student identity will be authenticated.

Mid-Semester and Semester Grade Reports

Instructors of 1000 and 2000-level courses must submit mid-semester grades for all enrolled students through the Student Administration System during the mid-semester grading period which spans the sixth through eighth week of the semester. The Registrar alerts the students, their advisors, and others, such as the First Year Programs Office, as appropriate, via the University’s e-mail system. They are designed to be of diagnostic aid to the student. If a student is doing unsatisfactory work, the full responsibility for improvement is left to the student. The student is strongly advised, however, to confer with his or her advisor, with the instructors concerned, and with others qualified to assist him or her in improving his or her standing in the University. The mid-semester report grade information is not part of the student’s permanent file.

Students have access to semester grade reports in the Student Administration System. These include all courses for which the student is registered, the credit value of each course, and the student’s grade in each course.

Changes of Course Grades

Grades are part of the student's permanent record; they should never be changed for reasons unrelated to course requirements or quality of work. Once the grade in the course has been submitted, an instructor may neither accept additional work nor give additional examinations.

Instructors should change grades for the following reasons: a computational error, clerical error, and the discovery of overlooked components in a student's body of work. In cases when the instructor concludes that a course grade ought to be changed, the instructor determines a corrected grade and initiates the grade change process. The head of the department or program offering the course and the dean of the school or college in which the course is taught will be notified of a grade change to ensure consistency.

Appeals of Assigned Course Grades

If a student believes that an assigned course grade is in error, the student has 10 working days from the posting of the grade or the last day grades are to be posted, whichever is later, to ask the instructor to review the grade. Allowable reasons for a grade change request comprise computational errors, clerical errors, and the discovery of overlooked components in a student’s body of work.

If the instructor does not respond to the student within five working days (or sooner if extenuating circumstances merit a more expedited review), the student should contact the department head in which the course is offered.

If the instructor agrees that a grade change is justified, the instructor will initiate the grade change using procedures described by the Registrar.

If the instructor notifies the student that the original grade is correct, the student has 10 working days to appeal the decision to the head of the department in which the course is offered. The department head will seek input from the instructor and the student to determine the merits of the grade appeal and provide a decision within 10 working days from date of the appeal.

If, after this review, the instructor and the department head agree that a grade change is justified, the instructor will initiate the grade change according to the procedures described by the registrar.

If the instructor and the department agree that a grade change is not justified, the department head shall notify the student in writing with a copy to the instructor. If the student is dissatisfied with the appeal decision, the student has 10 working days to request, through the dean of the school or college in which the course is taught, a review by the Faculty Grade Change Review Committee Panel (see below).

If the department head thinks that a grade change is justified but the instructor does not agree, the department head shall request, within 10 working days, through the dean of the school or college in which the course is taught, a review by the Faculty Grade Change Review Committee.

Faculty Grade Change Review Committee

Each school or college shall appoint a standing Faculty Grade Change Review Committee (FGCRC) composed of a minimum of three full-time faculty members or assign the responsibilities of grade appeals to a standing committee within the school or college. If, due to exigency, a grade appeal must be resolved and the standing committee is not available, the dean or the dean’s designee of the school or college will convene an ad hoc FGCRC of three full-time faculty members to hear the appeal.

The FGCRC should perform an administrative review to determine if there are sufficient grounds to proceed with an appeal hearing. If so, the FGCRC shall schedule a hearing within 10 working days of notification of a case. Both the student appealing the grade and the course instructor must be present, either in person or via electronic communication, at the hearing. The student will speak first and state the grounds for the grade appeal, followed by the instructor’s response. Both parties must present supporting evidence related to the grade appeal and may request testimony of others. The FGCRC may request input from the department head.

If the FGCRC agrees (by a majority vote) that a grade change is warranted, the FGCRC chair will send a grade change notification to the registrar. If, however, the FGCRC does not agree that a grade change is warranted, the instructor’s grade stands. The FGCRC’s decision shall be considered final. The FGCRC will send a written report of the decision to the instructor, the student, the department head, and the dean of the school or college offering the course within 10 days of the decision.

Program and Campus Changes

Change of School

Students wishing to change from one school or college to another should consult their advisor and the dean of the school or college the student wishes to enter. Students may get a School Change Petition from the office of a dean or from the Office of the Registrar or The applicant should give the completed Petition to the dean of the school or college the applicant wishes to enter.

Students who transfer out of a school or college may no longer continue under the requirements of that school or college. If they transfer back into that school or college they may no longer continue under earlier requirements. When students change schools their catalog year for the second school is the year of the change, unless the dean of the school to which they transfer makes an exception.

Change of Major within a School or College

The policies and procedures for major changes within a school or college are determined by each school or college. Students should consult with their academic advisor to learn about the changes available to them.

Change of Campus

Most University programs require completion of 54 earned credits in order to change from a regional campus to the Storrs campus. Rare exceptions to the campus change requirements are made for extenuating circumstances only and require approval from the Student Services Center at the student’s regional campus. Storrs students who wish to change to a regional campus should contact the Office of the Registrar. The Campus Change form is available at


Application for Degrees

To graduate, candidates must apply to graduate by the due dates specified by the Office of the Registrar. Candidates apply through the Student Administration System. This application is essential for graduation. Candidates failing to file the application on time may not:

  1. be granted a degree on the date expected even though they fulfilled all other requirements for the degree;
  2. have their names printed in the Commencement Program;
  3. have their names listed in hometown newspapers as graduating; or
  4. receive information about and tickets for the Commencement ceremony.

Additional information pertinent to graduation is available through the Steps to a Successful Graduation website:

Tentative and Final Plans of Study

Except for students in the Schools of Nursing and Pharmacy, all students must consult with their advisors in completing a tentative Plan of Study form. The Plan of Study describes how the student intends to satisfy the requirements for the degree. Students should get the form from the dean of their school or college, consult with their advisor and file the completed form with their major department.

Students must submit a final Plan of Study during the first four weeks of the semester in which the student expects to graduate. The major advisor and the department head must approve the Plan of Study before the Registrar receives it. The approval(s) indicate the advisor and department head believe the student meets degree requirements. The student’s record is still subject to audit by Degree Audit to ensure the student has met all requirements. Degree Audit will notify the student if a problem is discovered with the final Plan of Study and once the review has been completed.


A minor is available only to a matriculated student currently pursuing a baccalaureate degree. While not required for graduation, a minor provides an option for the student who wants an academic focus in addition to a major. Unless a higher standard is noted in the description of a specific minor program, completion of a minor requires that a student earn a “C” (2.0) grade or better in each of the required courses for that minor. The same course may be used to meet both major and minor course requirements unless prohibited by the department or program offering the minor as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog. Substitutions to minor requirements require the approval of the head or designee of the department or program offering the minor. All substitutions for minors in the College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources must be approved at the dean’s level. Substitutions for minors in the College of Engineering must be approved at the Dean’s level. Substitutions for minors in the School of Fine Arts must be approved by the Director of Advising. Substitutions to minor requirements offered by departments or programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences require approval by the department or program and the dean or dean’s designee. A plan of study for the minor must be approved by the department or program head, director, or faculty designee. Students must submit a plan of study for the minor to the Office of the Registrar during the first four weeks of the semester in which the student expects to graduate. All available minors are listed in the “Academic Degree Programs” section and described in the “Minors” section of this Catalog.

General Graduation Honors

Graduating seniors are eligible for cum laude designations on diplomas and transcripts if their complete academic records show at least 54 calculable credits at the University and meet the following criteria:

  • cum laude: at least a 3.0 total GPA (grade point average) and a class rank in the 75th percentile or above in the student’s school or college.
  • magna cum laude: at least a 3.4 total GPA (grade point average) and a class rank in the 85th percentile or above in the student’s school or college.
  • summa cum laude: at least a 3.7 total GPA (grade point average) and a class rank in the 95th percentile or above in the student’s school or college.

General graduation honors for students meeting requirements at the conclusion of the summer sessions or the fall semester will be based on the grade point average cut-off points used for the previous spring semester to establish class rank in each school or college.

Conferring of Degrees

The Board of Trustees awards degrees only to students in good standing who have met their obligations to the University. Students who do not complete requirements for the degree by one conferral date may qualify for the next conferral date by satisfactorily completing all graduation requirements.

The Board of Trustees confers degrees three times annually: Commencement Day in May, August 24 and the Sunday following the end of final exams in December. Candidates meeting the requirements before the conferral date and needing verification may ask for a “Completion Letter” from the Office of the Registrar.


The University has one Commencement ceremony in May each year, following the Spring semester. Students who received degrees at the end of the previous summer or fall semester and students who anticipate completing degree requirements by the May Commencement or the following August may participate.


Students do not receive their diplomas at Commencement. The Registrar mails them to graduates by the third month after conferral. Diplomas may be withheld if financial or other obligations to the University remain unmet. Graduates who have not received their diploma by the end of the periods noted above should inform the Office of the Registrar.

Double Majors

A student may concurrently complete majors in a single school or college. To do so, a student must meet all requirements for each major as stipulated by the relevant school and college. One major must be designated as the primary major. If the majors normally result in different degrees (e.g., Bachelor of Arts vs. Bachelor of Science), the primary major will determine the single degree awarded.

Additional Degree

A student may earn an additional baccalaureate degree either concurrently or after receiving another baccalaureate degree. To do so, all requirements for each degree must be met and at least 18 credits more than the highest minimum requirement of any of the degrees must be presented for each additional degree. One degree must be designated as the primary degree if the degrees are being pursued concurrently. These additional credits must be 2000-level, or above, courses in the additional degree major or closely related fields and must be completed with at least a 2.0 grade point average. The requirement of 18 additional credits is waived for students who complete the requirements of both a teacher preparation degree in the Neag School of Education and a bachelor’s degree in another school or college.

Scholastic Standards

Undergraduate Earned Credit Semester Standing

The University of Connecticut charts a student’s educational progress by semester standing based on earned credits rather than the traditional designations of first-year student, sophomore, junior, and senior. However, semester standing may be related to these traditional terms. Standing is based on earned credits, not on numbers of semesters attended. Courses in progress are not counted. Standing is advanced after minimum credits indicated on the Semester Standing chart have been earned.

Traditional Semester Standing Earned Credits
First-Year 1 0 - 11
2 12 - 23
Sophomore 3 24 - 39
4 40 - 53
Junior 5 54 - 69
6 70 - 85
Senior 7 86 - 99
8 100+
9 117 - 133 (Pharmacy)
10 134+ (Pharmacy)

Academic Notice and Dismissal

Academic notice and dismissal from the University for academic reasons will be administered by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, at the recommendation of the schools and colleges or regional campuses, in accordance with the regulations that follow:

Academic notice serves as an identification of students whose academic performance is below University standards. The student and their academic advisor are informed that a marked academic improvement in future semesters is necessary to meet the university’s minimum academic standards.

Students are placed on academic notice for the next semester in which they are enrolled if they have earned less than a 2.0 semester grade point average (GPA) or cumulative GPA.

The following conditions apply to any student placed on academic notice:

  • Any student placed on academic notice because of a semester or cumulative GPA less than 2.0 is removed from academic notice when both the semester and cumulative GPA reaches 2.0 or above, and academic standing is updated (fall or spring semesters only).
  • A student who fails to meet these minimum academic standards for two consecutively registered academic semesters (fall and spring semesters only) is subject to dismissal.
    • However, no student with at least a 2.3 semester GPA after completing all courses for which they are registered at the end of a semester is subject to dismissal; the student will be continued on academic notice if such status is warranted, until both the semester and cumulative GPAs are at least 2.0.
    • Students who are subject to dismissal but who, for extraordinary reasons, are permitted to continue by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, may be subjected to other mandatory academic conditions for their continuance.

Incomplete and Absent grades (‘I’, ‘X’, and ‘N’) do not represent earned credit. A student in the academic standing process with unresolved grades is returned to good standing if completion of the work places their academic performance above the University's minimum standards.

Academic standing is calculated only for fall and spring semesters; no student is assigned an academic standing for summer or winter sessions.

  • Summer and winter courses can impact a student’s prior semester GPA when a course is taken for repeat forgiveness and the new course grade replaces a previous grade for the same course.
  • Summer and winter coursework can impact a student’s cumulative GPA.

When a student is dismissed from the University for academic reasons only, any certificate or transcript issued must contain the statement “Dismissed for academic deficiency but otherwise entitled to honorable dismissal.”

Dismissal involves non-residence on the University campus and loss of status as a candidate for a degree effective immediately upon dismissal.

Students who have been dismissed may request an evaluation for readmission during a later semester to the University. Students wishing to return to UConn, whether at Storrs or a regional campus, must apply for readmission through the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office, in consultation with deans’ designees, will conduct a holistic review of each application. Readmission will be considered favorably only when the evaluation indicates a strong probability for academic success. In their first regular semester after readmission, dismissed students will be continued on an academic standing of “academic dismissal” and will be subjected by the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs to other conditions for their continuance. Students who have left the University for a reason other than academic dismissal are readmitted under the same academic standing status as designated at the time of their separation from the University.

Students who are dismissed from the University for the first time may, upon approval, matriculate no sooner than one academic semester (fall or spring) following dismissal, in accordance with the University’s readmission process and deadlines. Students who are dismissed from the University for the second time may, upon approval, matriculate no sooner than four semesters following dismissal. No student will be readmitted to the University after a third dismissal. All readmitted students remain on academic notice with their respective academic standings (notice, subject to dismissal, dismissed) until both their semester and cumulative GPA are 2.0 or above. Students must follow the catalog requirements for the semester of their readmission.

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence is a special status assigned to students who have been granted permission by the Dean of Students Office or designee to interrupt their studies and resume them in a subsequent semester specified by mutual agreement. A leave of absence is granted in conjunction with a Voluntary Separation (usually a cancellation). Leaves are not granted for more than three full semesters or to students who wish to interrupt their studies for less than one full semester.

Requests for leaves are considered only after the student has personally consulted a representative of the Dean of Students Office or designee and frequently a representative of the student’s school or college. Leaves are granted only to students in good academic standing and who know the specific semester in which they plan to return. Students on academic notice or who have outstanding incomplete work are seldom granted a leave of absence.

Cancellation and Withdrawal

Students may voluntarily leave the University through one of two possible actions - cancellation of registration or withdrawal. Both actions are finalized in the Dean of Students Office. A personal interview with a staff member in the Dean of Students Office, would be appropriate for any student considering voluntary separation. The interview may help the student realize alternatives and/or options which would allow the student to continue at the University. If a personal interview is not desired, or not possible, written notice must be given to the Dean of Students Office. No student is considered officially separated and no refunds of fees or deposits can be made unless the student has contacted (interview or letter) the Dean of Students Office.


Students presently enrolled may cancel their registration for the subsequent semester, while planning to complete the current one. Students may also cancel their registration during the summer and midyear vacations if they do not intend to return for the following semester. Cancellations must take place prior to the first day of classes of a semester. The date of cancellation will not appear on the student’s official transcript.


To withdraw officially means to voluntarily terminate enrollment during a semester which is in progress. Students may withdraw between the first day of classes and the last day before finals week begins. (See the University Calendar for dates.) Students who officially withdraw will not receive credits, grades, or “W’s” for courses taken during the semester. Only the date of withdrawal will be entered on the student’s official transcript. Students who merely leave the University or stop attending classes, without officially withdrawing, should expect to receive Fail “F” grades in all courses in which they are registered at the close of the semester other than those for which grades have previously been submitted.

No student who withdraws after the end of the sixth week of a semester will be permitted to register for a subsequent semester without the permission of the Dean of Students Office or designee. It is understood that when such permission is sought the Dean or designee will ascertain the standing of the student at the time when he or she withdrew. For purposes of application for readmission such students shall be treated as a dismissed student if his or her standing at the time of withdrawal is such that if it were continued to the end of the semester he or she would then be subject to dismissal.

All students withdrawing from the University for any reason must complete the proper forms through the Dean of Students Office or designee. If the withdrawing student lives on campus s/he must also complete the proper forms through the Residential Life Office.

University Suspension or Expulsion

University suspension or expulsion may be incurred as a result of unsatisfactory conduct. Students who are suspended or expelled are not entitled to any refund of University fees including room and board fees.

University Suspension

Separation from the University for a designated period of time after which the student shall be eligible to apply for readmission to the University. Readmission to the University is not guaranteed. Conditions for consideration of readmission may be specified. A student’s reacceptance into his/her school or college is at the discretion of the school or college. A student who is on suspension is prohibited from participating in any University activity or program. The individual may not be in or on any University owned or leased property without securing prior approval from the Director of Community Standards or designee. A notation of “Suspension” shall be placed on the student’s official transcript until graduation. However, the student may petition the Director of Community Standards for earlier removal of the notation upon completion of the suspension. The University of Connecticut will not accept credits earned at another institution during a period of suspension.

University Expulsion

Permanent separation from the University. A student who has been expelled is prohibited from participating in any University activity or program. The individual may not be in or on any University owned or leased property. A permanent notation of “Expulsion” shall be placed on the student’s transcript.

For complete rules, regulations and procedure consult Responsibilities of Community Life: The Student Code.


All students seeking readmission to the University, including those seeking readmission to regional campuses must apply through the Dean of Students Office.

If a student is applying to be readmitted for a fall semester, it is strongly encouraged that the student submit a completed application between December 1st and January 15th. These applications will be given priority review in March. Applications that are received between January 15th and July 1st may not be reviewed until July.

If a student is applying to be readmitted for a spring semester, it is strongly encouraged that the student to submit a completed application between August 1st and September 15th. These applications will be given priority review in October. Applications that are received between September 15th and December 1st may not be reviewed until December.

The attention of such students is called to the following University regulations:

  1. A student who wishes to apply toward a degree credits earned more than eight years before graduation must obtain permission from the dean of the school or college concerned and the Office for Undergraduate Education.
  2. All readmitted students (except those who are on an official leave of absence returning to their previous school or college) must satisfy the academic requirements of the school or college to which readmitted as stated in the catalog effective at the time of readmission unless a subsequent catalog is elected.
  3. Undergraduate students who have been separated from the university for at least eight consecutive semesters may be eligible for academic renewal upon readmission. Questions about this should be directed to the Dean of Students Office.

A student in good standing who leaves the University at the end of a semester and is out of residence for one or more semesters may re-enter at the beginning of any later semester upon application to the Dean of Students Office or designee. The attention of such students is called to the fact that special permission is needed to count courses taken more than eight years before graduation.

Supplementary Scholastic Standards

In addition to the minimum scholastic standards described above and applicable to all University students, there may be additional requirements. Refer to specific information in the description of each College, School, and program.