Academic Catalog

Tuition and Fees

The schedule of tuition and fees contained on the Office of the Bursar website is comprehensive and expected to prevail during any given academic year. However, the Board of Trustees and the Board of Governors for Higher Education reserve the right, at any time, to authorize changes applicable to all currently enrolled students. Revisions in the State’s budget may force changes. Graduate students should refer to the Office of the Bursar website at: for current tuition and fee information, procedures, and policies pertaining to graduate students and graduate programs. Note that fees and credit costs can vary across different programs.

Bill Payments

Tuition and Fee Payments

Collection of all charges, including tuition and fees, is handled by the Office of the Bursar.  All payments should be made payable to the University of Connecticut and sent to the Office of the Bursar no later than the Friday before the start of the semester.

Payment in full is required and no exceptions to this policy are granted for partial payment, unless enrolled in one of the University’s offered payment plans. Failure to make payment on time will result in cancellation of the privileges accorded to a student such as, but not limited to, use of recreational facilities and other University services, and the ability to register for future semesters. Students who register for additional courses after the payment due date have ten days to make payment before they are considered late.

It is each student’s financial responsibility to make payments by the specified due dates. Failure to receive a bill does not relieve a student of payment responsibility. Students are required to agree to the Student Financial Responsibility Agreement once every academic year. This agreement is a statement of the financial obligations and responsibilities each student assumes while attending UConn. Please refer to the Office of the Bursar website for more information on the agreement and on failure to pay.

Late Payment Fee

A late payment fee is payable by all students whose tuition and fees are not paid in full on the published due date. Late payment fees may be assessed twice a semester. Checks returned by the bank for any reason are considered late payments and the student may be charged a returned check fee. Students may have services denied if all required payments have not been made by the due date. Please refer to the Bursar’s website for more information.

Tuition and Fee Adjustments and Cancellations of Charges

The following is general information regarding cancellations and adjustments of tuition and fees. If a student is a recipient of federal financial aid, it is critical that they also read the information under the “Return of Federal Financial Aid” section of the Office of Student Financial Aid Services website.

In order to be eligible for an adjustment of tuition and fees or cancellation of charges, a student must formally withdraw from the University by following the University’s official withdrawal process, which includes dropping all courses currently being taken for credit.

All graduate students who withdraw from the University for any reason must secure from The Graduate School acknowledgement of their withdrawal and arrange the details of their leaving by completing a Voluntary Separation Notification form (see No adjustments are made unless this procedure is followed. When notice of cancellation is received prior to the first day of classes of a semester, a full refund (less ineligible fees) is made if all charges have been paid in full.

If a student is dismissed after a semester but before the start of the next semester, payments (if any) for the next semester will be refunded with the exception of certain non-refundable deposits.

The University grants a full refund, if paid, to any student dismissed for academic deficiency or other cause, provided that the dismissal is effective prior to the start of classes.

Adjustments or cancellations of charges are available on the following schedule for students whose programs are interrupted or terminated prior to or during a regular academic semester. The tuition and fee adjustment schedule applies to students taking an approved leave of absence, which follows the University’s official withdrawal process. When notice is received prior to the first day of classes of a semester, a full refund (less ineligible fees) will be made if the charges have been paid in full. Thereafter, adjustments or cancellations of eligible charges will be made according to the following schedule:

Withdrawal Adjustment
1st day of classes 100%
Remainder of the 1st calendar week 90%
2nd week 60%
3rd and 4th week 50%
5th week through 8th week 25%

Reinstatement Fee

The Graduate School regulations require registration in each semester by all graduate degree and certificate students, with the exception of those students on an approved academic leave of absence. All graduate students who fail to complete initial course registration by the end of the tenth day of classes of any semester will be dropped from active status. A student who has been dropped from active status may request reinstatement within one year. If the student is approved for reinstatement, a reinstatement fee is added to a student’s bill along with any registration fee that has accrued.