Political Science (MA, PhD)

The Department of Political Science offers a graduate program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and the 5th Year Master of Arts (M.A.). Only UConn undergraduates are eligible to enter the Master’s program. The graduate curriculum is designed to serve the individual needs of students as they prepare for the variety of opportunities that the field offers for teaching, research and administrative positions in the public and private sectors. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of the dynamics and institutions of political life and learning the methods necessary for empirical and qualitative research and analysis. The Ph.D. program is designed to be completed in five years, with the first four-five semesters focused on coursework, the third year devoted to preparing for and passing qualifying examinations and preparing the dissertation prospectus, and the final one-two years on research and completion of the dissertation. In addition to the Graduate School requirements, the graduate programs in Political Science have the following requirements.