Academic Catalog

Philosophy (MA, PhD)

The graduate program in Philosophy at the University of Connecticut enables students to earn a Master of Arts (M.A.) in the process of obtaining the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). We also enable students to earn an M.A. without being enrolled in the Ph.D. program, but such cases are not common and we generally admit only those students intending to obtain the Ph.D. Most students enter the Ph.D. program with at least a B.A. in Philosophy (or related field) and obtain the M.A. in the first two years of the Ph.D. program, proceeding from that point to the Ph.D. Students who are admitted to the Ph.D. program with an M.A. in Philosophy from another program have the option of accelerating their progress toward the Ph.D.

The Ph.D. program emphasizes development of the ability to generate novel results in statistical methods, statistical theory, or probability. Individuals with a Bachelor’s degree in any major, with a background in mathematics and statistics are encouraged to apply. The course work typically consists of at least 16 graduate level courses that cover a wide range of topics, including mathematical statistics, linear models, statistical inference, applied statistics, real analysis, and probability. After completing the necessary course work and a sequence of examinations, a Ph.D. candidate must complete a dissertation that makes an original contribution to the field of statistics or probability. The dissertation may be predominantly development of novel statistical methodology for an area of application.

In addition to those imposed by the Graduate School, the graduate program in Philosophy has additional requirements listed under the Requirements Tab.