Academic Catalog

Oceanography (MS, PhD)

The Department of Marine Sciences offers graduate studies in the field of oceanography, leading to the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science. The Master’s degree is offered as a research-oriented Plan A (thesis) program, and as a course-based Plan B program. The Plan B program includes an accelerated (4+1) program for UConn undergraduates majoring in Marine Sciences. Entry into the Ph.D. program usually requires a Master’s degree, but particularly well-prepared students may enter directly from a Bachelor of Science program.

The curriculum for the Plan B master’s degree includes coursework in biological, chemical, physical and geological oceanography and an examination in the final year. Potential employers include non-governmental organizations, state and federal agencies, secondary and postsecondary educational institutions, and environmental consulting firms. This program may also provide preparation for more advanced graduate studies, although students interested in research are encouraged to apply for the Plan A (thesis-based) M.S.