The Department of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages offers two programs at the graduate level. The Master of Arts (M.A.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs. Both the M.A. and the Ph.D. programs offer seven areas of concentration:
- Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies
- Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies
- French and Francophone Studies
- German Studies
- Hebrew and Judaic Studies
- Italian Literary and Cultural Studies
- Spanish Studies
The M.A. program prepares students for doctoral work in Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and equips them to teach a range of languages and cultures in private and public schools. The Ph.D. program prepares students for college-level teaching and academic work in a number of fields within Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, as well as for a wide array of professional careers beyond the traditional academic pathway.
Master of Arts Requirements
Students must complete CLCS 5302 Introduction to Literary Theory and LCL 5030 Methods and Approaches to Second Language Acquisition, and earn a minimum of 30 credits above the B.A. Additionally, students should pass an M.A. examination or write a Master’s thesis depending on the requirements of each specific area of concentration and whether the student is applying to continue in the Ph.D. program or receiving the M.A. as a terminal degree.
Doctor of Philosophy
First-year students in the Ph.D. program will have an assigned temporary advisor in their specific area of concentration. A definitive major advisor according to the student’s area of specialization has to be chosen by the end of the first year in the Ph.D. program. The major advisor and the student will choose two associate members for the dissertation committee. Every plan of study is individually structured by a committee chosen by the student in consultation with their main advisor.
Doctor of Philosophy Requirements
At least 24 credits in coursework and a minimum of 12 credits in the chosen area of concentration; second language teaching methods course (not necessary if taken at the M.A. level); literary theory course (not necessary if taken at the M.A. level); research methodologies and professionalization course LCL 6030 Scholarship and the Profession; successful completion of the Ph.D. comprehensive examinations; successful completion and approval of a dissertation prospectus; successful defense of a dissertation; and competence in reading scholarly material in one language besides English and the language connected to the area of concentration.
Students who are accepted in the Ph.D. program with an M.A. from another university will need advisory committee approval of satisfaction of equivalents for CLCS 5302 Introduction to Literary Theory and LCL 5030 Methods and Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. If Ph.D. students with external M.A. degrees receive a grade of “B+” or lower during their first semester, they are required to take a Qualifying Examination (QE), which will be administered by a committee chosen by the Ph.D. and M.A. advisors during the second semester. The QE will test aptitude for literary and cultural criticism and general knowledge in the chosen field of concentration. Students who do not pass the QE on their first attempt will not be allowed to continue in the program beyond the first year.